Library Dream, Provision and Stairway to Heaven

2 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

You should have read yesterdays’ entry before reading this one, but if not you can click here: The Hill, the Passover, the World

In yesterday’s entry I mentioned the world records, which connects to the libraries in the other sequences. A library has a front door, therefore that is next, but we want the world or travel section in the library. Thus you have the front door, then the entranceway, and often another door into the library itself. You then go past reception, and on past the different sections until you get to the section you want. In sequences this all takes time. I am not saying it will take all that long, but for instance in the church I mentioned yesterday it was two days from the front pew to the stage.


I had a dream on the 29 August 2012. In the dream I had just entered the library building with a number of other people. But all the books and shelves were gone, it was empty. There was no notice, but a voice came over the loudspeaker, I can not remember what it said, but I got the idea that the library would be gone for sometime. The voice repeated, but it was harder to understand. Then we all walked to another building. There were two separate doors into the building, but they actually looked like gates, that were locked. The type of gate that you would have in a metal fence. After going though the one on the right, there was another two separate gates that were locked with padlocks. I again went though the one on the right. Inside I walked to a counter stacked high of sweet pastries and cakes. The woman behind the counter offer me a pastry, but I did not want it, she again offered me a pastry, but I did not want it. There were some people at another counter near the entrance, but I was not sure what they were doing. There was a door open to a room that had seating like a theatre, from what I could see. The woman offered me something and the dream ended.

I assume the empty library indicates a period of time. A period of waiting, I am not sure how long this wait is for. There are in built cycles of time that we go through. There is a fixed time for an event to occur. In cycles you can arrive at the event, but be there early, thus the event does not occur. You may have to then go on until the event time comes around again or it could be a brief period of waiting. Thus in the dream arriving at the library, but the library is not there, because I was too early. The time of the library is coming up. The question then is as we approach the time of the library, are we too early? This period of waiting could be a cycle that is near an end, or we could be in the middle of the cycle. Or is it a short waiting period?

Remember the church, I said that a sequence end when we arrive at the stage in St Benedict’s, that was the 30 March 2012. However we have just arrive at the front of a church again on the 1 September. Thus the time before was too earlier, and there was another cycle to go through. Similarly there was a different sequence that ended on the 30 December last year, and a repeat of that sequence finished on the 21 June. Thus the first time around was to early, but the second time around was not as I understand it.

This morning I was talking to my mother about something, she said that we should start earlier in the day, and I said it would be too early. The response was that the sun was up, and that it was good to start earlier before it got to hot. In New Zealand it is the start of Spring. Thus the sun is now coming up earlier and it is getting hotter. The sign here then would indicate that we are not to early, if this is a sign that refers to the library.

There is an old building in Glen Eden, Auckland, that is a theatre. On either side of the main doors to the theatre is a door. Above one of the doors it says “Public Library.” At one time the library was in the same building as the theatre.

Thus in the dream the other building could have been the library, at least I thought of it as the library, and there was a theatre in the building. It was in a different or new location, being then a different time. The lock doors or gates could then be indicating the time of the blocking, that I mentioned in the last entry, being the 21 Queen, or the 21 of the 12 civil month or 8 September. The way is blocked because the gates/doors are padlocked. However the gates were unlocked for the crowd, for the chosen, with the keys. Remember I mentioned the lost keys sign yesterday.

I assume that why I did not want any food was that it was not time to eat the food. Just like in the dream for the $12,000 table, I could not have the table, because I did not have the money. Thus it was not the time for the table. I did not take the food because it was not the right time, being the time I was having the dream.

What then does the food represent? At this time we are awaiting the ninth sign of Elijah, the first sign of Elisha. This sign is of provision, and in the scriptures it was bread, that is food. Thus the food can represent the provision which is inside the library. Thus the provision if I am understand this correctly will come at the time of being inside the library.

Note I am not saying it will come at the time of the blocking, for that is the doors, to get inside. Then there was the counter by the doors that I went past, to get to the counter with the food. It is once inside at the counter with food, that the provision will come, which was a short distance from the doors. In sequences you have to take these things into account, as I explained earlier. The library represents the world because I often look at travel books in the libraries.

Thus I would then dated it as the 12 September, the time the breach will be repaired. Note the thinking is the provision will be actually money, not food this time, more on that below.

The Stairs to Heaven:

153 is the number for the sons of God. This relates to the time when Jesus appear after his resurrection, when the disciples were fishing John 21. They had net nothing, but Jesus total them to cast the net, and they netted 153 fishes {John 21:11}. 8 is new beginnings, new creation. 153 X 8 = 1224. Gematria of 1224, “Surely, Yahweh was in this place, And I, knew it not,” Genesis 28:16. This was Jacob’s statement after awaking from a dream, in which he observed the angels ascending and descending the stairs to heaven.

Genesis 28:12 And dreaming is he, and behold! A stairway set up earthward, with its head touching the heavens. And behold! Messengers of the Elohim are ascending and descending on it. {CLV}

1224 = 12 24, being the 24 of the 12 month in the civil year or Elul 24, the 24 of the 6 festive month.

Yesterday I also mentioned 25 Elul {6 month}, which is also the 25 of the 12 civil month, being the 12 September. You know what I just remember, you know what else is on the 25 of the 12 month? Well in our calendar the 12 month is December, that should give you a clue, the 25 December is Christmas. The day for the celebration of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are 999 steps to a more than 400 foot tall hole in a mountain in Zhangjiajie City, China. The mountain is called “Heaven's Gate Mountain,” and the opening is considered to be the door to heaven. At the end of last year I got the sign “Opening the Door of Heaven.”

Earlier this year I quote from GKM about the time Vinnie talked to his kids about the number 999, he is the quote again:

"Then I'm telling my kids about the 999 safety deposit box, the 999-1 odds for the St. Louis Cards fan who won, the Herman Cain 999 plan. Then this past week I believe I told you both about a link I was sent that has an astrologer state that the stars are going to be aligned in 999 pattern between 3/14 and 3/15.

"When I finished talking, my 6-year-old son, Vincent prophesies this at the table (as best in his own words). 'We live in the earth and we're flesh. God lives in heaven. The planets are closer to heaven. So 999 means a staircase to heaven'.

"Tonight we were watching "One Night with the King," the story of Esther. We took a little ice cream break. I went to the computer. As soon as I put up the Yahoo page, I freaked out."

What he saw was the Chinese interpretation of the number 999 at the following link:

From God‘s Kingdom Ministries weblog: A Prophecy of the gate of heaven

If you go to the staircase link above and scroll down you will see a picture of the “Heaven's Gate Mountain.”

I also told you about “Vinnie's 999 dream,” he is what I said:

In a dream that Vinnie had, he and his wife run up to what looked like a pinball machine. He won, before he started playing. The words DINAR, DINAR, DINAR flashed up four times. He knew each Dinar represent 9, thus each set represent 999. Here is the dream at God‘s Kingdom Ministries: “Brother Vinnie's 999 dream

Thus the dinar, which is the provision is linked to the 999 steps and the Door of Heaven.

Other Things Occurring at this time:

The APEC {Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation} forum is on from the 2-9 September 2012 in Vladivostok, Russia.

The 31 August 2012 is the 15 anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. 15 is the number for rest.

The Rugby:

Recently I went to a different hairdresser, to the one I usually go to. I just walked in and asked how much, $13. He mentioned the Olympics, the All Blacks and dogs. They are the New Zealand rugby team and the game was on the 25 August against the Australian team the Wallabies for the Bledisole Cup. The score was All Blacks 22, Wallabies 0. It has been 50 years since the Wallabies scored zero at Eden Park. Of course 22 is the number for sons of light. For the game the fan trail was reinstated, which had been used for the Rugby World Cup last year, which The All Blacks won on the 23 October 2011, after defeating France 8-7.


Lastly this link was sent to me, it might be of interest to you.

In Isaac Your Seed Shall Be Called:

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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