The Spiritual Coming Of Jesus & the Gateway & the 100 day Periods

9 March 2014

By Mark Farquharson

Last year I got the revelation of these hundred day periods. These connected to a spiritual coming of Jesus and I believe to the Open Door, which is also the Gateway. At the time of the end point of the first cycle of hundred days Dr Jones was over in the Philippines to feed the hundred pastors. This was at the time that Super-Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines. This connected to the feeding of the 5000 and what occur after. For after the feeding of the 5000, Jesus withdrew to the mountain, while his disciples went across the Sea of Galilee. Then there was a contrary wind, and Jesus walks across the water toward the ship. Peter comes out to meet him on the water. When Jesus gets to the ship, it immediately comes to land, Matthew 14:22-34. Also covered in Mark 6:45-6:51 & John 6:15-6:21. I know that you may already be familiar with all that but it is important to what is I believe occurring now, for we await Jesus coming to the boat, and Peter, representing the overcomers going out to meet him.

Since the end of the hundred day cycles, I have been looking at dates. Then using the difference in the cycles to try to come up with something. However recently I thought about the possibility that the hundred day cycles repeat and I tried to workout when they could be repeating. Then on the 4 March I got my first sign, which was followed by signs on the next days. These signs confirm to me when the cycles are, if I am understanding them correctly.

To help to understand my reasoning you need to look back at the hundred day cycles that occurred last year. The first cycle started on the 7 August and went to the 14 Nov 2013, which was the hundredth day. Thus one should see that it connects to the time that Dr Stephen Jones was in the Philippines. The second cycle started 36 days after the start of the first cycle. That is the cycles do not follow each other, but actually overlap each other. The second cycle started on the 12 Sept and went to the 20 December 2013, which was the hundredth day. However things are not that simple, for the second cycle came with a three day adjustment, or what you could call the third cycle. This was revealed part way though the second cycle. This adjustment, or third cycle started on the 15 Sept and finished on the 23 Dec 2013.

This brings me to the signs this year. On the 4 March I got the sign 100 percent. I thought this could have something to do with the cycles. On the morning of the next day in two different programs there were marriage proposals, that is one in each program, two altogether. This pointed to the anniversary of the marriage proposal which occurred on the 19 June 2001. Then I went for a walk and passed someone who had the number 98 in larger print on their shirt. This then could link to the cycles, for at the time of the proposal, 19 June it could be day 98 in one of the cycles. Then on the 7 March I got to ring signs, one when a wedding ring was thrown on the ground in a program, and the other when I noticed a missing ring on a finger in a spot the difference. This could link to the sign of the ring which occurred on the 21 June 2001.

My thinking is that since I had the 100 sign, then the 98 sign the next day this would point to the second and third cycles. You would have then the second cycle finish on the 18 June, with the third cycle ending on the 21 June 2014. However lets not get ahead of ourselves, first things first, what of the first cycle. Going back to the beginning of the second cycle, and subtracting the difference between the cycles, you get the start of the first cycle as the 3 February 2014. As was the case before I am already in the cycle before it is revealed to me that there is a cycle.

Last time it was revealed to me that each period of hundred days, can be divided into three periods, 50 days, 30 days and the last twenty days. With that in mind lets look at the first period of hundred days.

First Period of 100 days:

3 February-13 May 2014, 100 days inclusive.

3 February-24 March 2014, 50 days

25 March-23 April 2014, 30 days

24 April-13 May 2014, 20 days.

Last time the end of this period connected to the feeding of the hundred and the Super-Typhoon. This connected to the time that the disciples were on a ship as mentioned above. The end point of the hundred days this time could also connect to what happened. Maybe this is the point that Peter goes out to meet Jesus on the water.

Second Passover this year falls on the 14 May, which means the hundred day cycle ends just before Passover. The week of Unleavened Bread goes from 15 May to 21 May. Then there is second Wave-sheaf on the 16 May or some say on the Sunday which would be the 18 May. Two years ago while out walking I got the sign of an out pouring on the 22 May.

At the same spot this year on the 26 February I got the sign “Come and eat at the Table of the Lord.” I was lead to pour water on the two boulders. Then I sat down and had something to eat. The time of the start of eating at the Table of the Lord could then be in May. I already have got signs to indicate getting the food from the counter on the 29 & 30 Nov 2013. However there is those preventing us from seating down at the Table and eating of the food, this will soon end.

This could also connect to the blooming of the Apple Tree and the producing of the fruit of righteousness that is to occur in May according to the prophecy of Bob Jones, not to be confused with Dr Stephen Jones, which I usually refer to as Dr Jones on this site.

Second Period of 100 days:

11 March-18 June 2014, 100 days inclusive.

11 March-29 April 2014, 50 days

30 April-29 May 2014, 30 days

30 May-18 June 2014, 20 days.

Last time during the second cycle this man came at 11 am on the 1 Nov, the eleventh month. He purchased a TV for $30, and left at 11:30 am. This indicated a thirty day period from 1 Nov to 30 Nov. This could connect to the Stone of Destiny that was returned to Scotland 14-30 Nov 1996. This time the thirty day period ends on the 29 May 2014. This was also the time indicated at a counter in a library when the woman behind the counter said that he watch stopped at eleven thirty last night, or 11:30 p.m.

This also could connect to the sign of the large steel gate opening that I observed on the 27 Sept 2011. This was after a meet in which one company was going to split into two, with the process ending on the 30 November. Interestingly enough one of those companies is now laying cable in my street. While they will be finished by 15 April, that does not mean I will be able to use the cable at that time as it all needs to be tested and connect to the rest of the network.

My point is that this Steel Gate connects to the 11:30 and the counter, which could point to the 29 May 2014. However this is not necessarily the timing of the Gate, that is say the actual opening of the Gate, although it connects.

A recent dream indicate that I was at the wrong counter which was the second counter, at least that is the way it seemed, at which point I was lead to the first counter. Then the person behind the counter lead me to the travel section, at which point the dream ended.

I do think 11:30 is the first counter as it is the first counter as you enter the library where I got the sign. However after the counter then I go to the travel section. Which reminds me of the time in the same library I ask a librarian where the travel section was, at which point she lead me to the travel section, mentioning that it is the 900 section, note she was not behind a counter. However I had gone past the travel section and was lead back to it. Anyway the point is that there is a window or period of time between arriving at the counter and getting to the travel section.

When you go to the airport you go to the check in counter first, then you proceed to the gate, which is the exit leading to the aircraft or airfield.

I do think this connects to the start time of the Effective Apostleship, and the timing of the sending out of the Apostles. For Dr Stephen Jones went to the Apostle Islands on the 19-21 June back in 2011, where a delay was indicated, by gale-force winds, rain and the cancelling of the tour on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Thus the timing of the opening of the gate could be 19-21 June.

Third Period of 100 days:

14 March-21 June 2014, 100 days inclusive.

14 March-2 May 2014, 50 days

3 May- 1 June 2014, 30 days

2-June-21 June 2014, 20 days.

This connects to the second period and you can see that between the end of the second period and the end of the third period is the days of the marriage proposal and the timing of the wedding ring. Which is also the period that Dr Jones went on his trip to the Apostle Islands. Here is the Weblog Dr Stephen Jones write after his trip back in 2011: A Delay in sending out the Apostles

There was also a sign indicating that the Gate is also a Gateway. Interestingly enough a Gateway in science fiction and fantasy is a technological or magical doorway that connects two locations. That is you can travel between the two locations instantaneously. This may seem like I am going of track here, but if you go back to the bible, and the time that the disciples were on the boat during the contrary wind it does connect. For Peter meets Jesus on the water and they go to the boat, where the storm is claim, at which point the ship immediately comes to be on land. Which sounds like instantaneous travel to me. I am not saying the overcomes will travel that way, I am saying the gateway could connect to what occurred with the travel of the boat.

For those reading Dr Stephen Jones latest Weblogs you will note that he mentions 13 years, and events that occurred back in 2001, well if you did not notice the Marriage proposal and the ring were 13 years ago.

This entry is already long enough, and I am running out of time today, I could I suppose continue typing this tomorrow, but this next part could be lengthy depending on how much I say, thus I just say that this could connect to the Steel Great Judgement, that the person at the five doves website got on the 13 Sept 2006.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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