The Judgement, the Funeral service, and Thomas

23 February 2013

By Mark Farquharson

For sometime now I have been covering the coming Second Judgment, as I have been calling it. This being after the first judgement or outcome of the first judgement which was the Christchurch Earthquake back in 22 February 2011. As covered before there are two chapels, the first chapel being the first judgement and the second being the second judgment from my understanding.

Now I refer you to a quote from Dr Jones weblog:

“On another note, I should also provide an early warning that we may see a major natural disaster occur during this prayer campaign. This is still unclear, but if it happens, I would expect it to happen on February 28 (as with the Rose Earthquake) or on other watch dates that we have yet to discuss. It may happen at the end of the prayer campaign (March 18) or shortly afterward. Or it may occur later on a time cycle that links it to this prayer campaign.

Right now, the discernment is dim, but real. I can only tell you to be watchful and to be led by the Spirit. If you are led by the Spirit, you will be protected in Christ, even if you were to find yourself in the middle of the disaster. If you are not led by the Spirit, you could be in danger no matter how far away you were. All who are part of this prayer campaign are protected as a group, wherever you are, even if you have little confidence in your ability to hear God’s voice and be led by the Spirit.”

From Dr Jones weblog: Update on the prayer campaign

Is this then the Second Judgment that I have been covering for sometime now. This seems a real possibility. The symbol of the rose can relate to England which has the Tudor rose as it’s heraldic emblem which relates to Henry Tudor who took the crown from Richard III. Interestingly the grave of Richard III, was find just recently underneath a car park on 12 September 2012, later confirmed to be him by DNA testing on the 4 February 2013.

There is the sign of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. This may connect to the work done in the downtown area of St Paul’s in Minnesota. St. Paul's Cathedral in St Paul’s is a smaller scale model of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and therefore one could link it to Rome. There is also the fact that both St Paul and Rome have seven hills. That work is covered here: Separating Land and Sea

There are a number of other England signs that I have already covered these can be find in these entries: England Signs

One of the signs is Thomas which connects to the Ciborium and prince Albert. Recently for the first time I sat in the Thomas chapel in St Matthew’s in Auckland. Then on Wednesday the 20 February I again went to St Matthew’s and into the chapel. I did not sit in the pew, but I did touch the Thomas flag and the table. The 19 February was a watch date, for arrive at the front of the chapel. On the 19 February I was in Our Lady of Lourdes and I sat on the chair on the stage.

This brings me to the church sequence, which I have covered before. In the sequence I arrived at the chair on the stage 6 November. This was before entering the chapel. Not all churches have chapels, I have to connect the different signs together into the pattern. The pattern that involves a chapel, in a church or cathedral. In the sequence the arrive at the front of the chapel was 4 December about a month after the chair on the stage. The sign of the chair this time is indicating something else. After the chair last time it took about a week to get to the lectern which occurred on the 14 November. Then proceed into the chapel and to the front of the chapel. Once at the front of the chapel it took about a week to get to the Ciborium on the 11 December 2012.

If you look at the pattern it is about a week between the chair and the lectern, and about a week between the front of the chapel and the Ciborium. The sign of the chair is indicating this week, the sign of the chapel is indicating the front of the chapel. Thus about a week to get to the Ciborium.

The two counts however are a day different which one to go by. Not sure at this stage, lets do the counts. Starting on the 19 February the date range you get is 26-27 February 2013. Of course it could start on the 28 February.

I have mentioned before the signs of a funeral service. Recently I said that it would be at least two weeks as indicated by the signs. The first two weeks would be the list of names which was long. In New Zealand recently Sir Paul Holmes, died, he was well known in New Zealand hosting his own TV current affairs show for many years each week night. My mother missed the first half hour of the funeral that was broadcast live. This first half hour she watched later on the internet. How does this connect, he was called Paul, therefore this can be a sign connected to the St Paul signs. There has been this dating I have been using in which a minute represents a day. Thus this first half hour could represent 30 days, thus the upcoming service could go for 30 days. At a funeral service you do not just read out the person’s name. Therefore other stuff about London, and or the reason for the judgement could be covered.

A thirty day service would bring you to the 27-28 March 2013. Usually you have the service after the person is dead, however in this case the service could occur first with the judgement at the end.

Another possible start date is the 24 February as it is the 14 of the 12 Hebrew month. If it start then it could end at first Passover on the 25 March. Hence the watch period for the start of

24 February-28 February and end period of 24 March-28 March 2013.

Of course there is the possibility that it could start at some other time.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013