One Evangel, Part 2

The Kingdom

The Bible mentions the gospel, or evangel of the kingdom, also known as the Kingdom Gospel or Evangel. It is view that the Jewish Believers, will get this Kingdom in the future and that the destiny for the believers from the nations is heaven. However the scriptures inform us this can not be the case.

Recall from Part 1, that there is “no distinction between Jew and Greek for the same One is Lord of all,” Romans 10:12-13. If there is no distinction, then there is no difference. By believing that one group, the Jews get the kingdom, then you are making a difference between Jews and non-Jewish believers when there is not a difference.

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision is availing anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith, operating through love." {CLV}

There is no advantage in being circumcised or an advantage in being uncircumcised. If the Jews get the kingdom, then they have an advantage, that being the kingdom. If those of the nations get the celestials, the heavens, before the Jewish believers, then do not they have an advantage? Yes they do. Since there is no advantage, then both Jewish and non-Jewish believers must get the same things in the future. Thus if there is a kingdom, then both must get the kingdom. If believers are to be in the celestials, then both, Jews believers and those of the nations get into the celestials.

There is no sense that this is somehow for a future generation, or a future time. He was writing to believers that were alive at that time. Thus it applied when it was written and still applies.

The Kingdom is taken Away:

In Matthew 21:33-45, Jesus tells a parable in the temple courts about a householder who has a vineyard, leased to farmers. The householder in the parable is God and the vineyard is the House of Israel, that has the kingdom. In the parable the vineyard owner dispatches his slaves to be getting his fruits from the farmers. However the farmers lash one, kill another, and pelt one with stones. When the owner sends more slaves the same thing occurs. The owner dispatches his son to get the fruit:

Matthew 21:37-39 Yet subsequently he dispatches to them his son, saying, 'They will be respecting my son.'" Yet the farmers, perceiving the son, said among themselves, 'This is the enjoyer of the allotment. Hither! We should be killing him and have the enjoyment of his allotment.'" And taking him they cast him out of the vineyard and kill him. {CLV}

Since the own is God, then the son is Jesus Christ who was dispatched to get the fruits. At this point Jesus is still alive, therefore he is prophesying his death at the hands of the farmers, who are Israel.

Matthew 21:42-43 Jesus is saying to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures, 'The stone which is rejected by the builders, This came to be for the head of the corner. From the Lord came this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? Therefore am I saying to you that the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you and shall be given to a nation producing its fruits. {CLV}

Jesus then informs them what will happen to the kingdom that they have. For Israel was not producing fruits, and it had rejected and even killed those who were sent by God. Further more they were going to kill the Son of God, Jesus himself. Thus God was going to take away their Kingdom and give it to another nation that was to produce the fruits of the kingdom.

Who is this nation then that will produce the fruits. Is it all believers in Christ, or is it only Jewish believers that will get this kingdom. In Ephesians, Paul is writing to all the saints, who are also believers in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 1:1. In Ephesians 2, Paul explains that the nations were “guests of the promise covenants, having no expectation,” Ephesians 2:11-12. By the blood of Christ they have become near. In fact Christ makes both one razing the central wall of the barrier.

Ephesians 2:13-2:16 Yet now, in Christ Jesus, you, who once are far off, are become near by the blood of Christ." For He is our Peace, Who makes both one, and razes the central wall of the barrier" (the enmity in His flesh), nullifying the law of precepts in decrees, that He should be creating the two, in Himself, into one new humanity, making peace;" and should be reconciling both in one body to God through the cross, killing the enmity in it." {CLV}

Who is Christ making one, those that were far off, the nations, and those that were close the Jews. Christ in Himself is making the two into one new humanity, reconciling both in one body to God through the cross. There is no sense here that this is still to happen in some distance future. If it was still to happen in the future then there would still be this enmity, hostility in it. That is if they were still separate this hostility would still exist.

Ephesians 2:19-22 Consequently, then, no longer are you guests and sojourners, but are fellow-citizens of the saints and belong to God's family, being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, the capstone of the corner being Christ Jesus Himself, in Whom the entire building, being connected together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord:" in Whom you, also, are being built together for God's dwelling place, in spirit." {CLV}

No longer are the nations, guests and sojourners, but are fellow-citizens of the saints and belong to God's family. This is not some future fulfillment that we are still waiting on. Those who believe of the nations are now part of God's family.

Jesus is the capstone of the corner and in him is the “entire building, being connected together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.”

Peter write to those of the dispersion 1 Peter 1:1. That is those scattered among the nations. It could be claim that what he write was only for Jewish believers for they are of the dispersion. However this is not an issue since all believers in Christ are one body, there is no difference.

1 Peter 2:4-8 Whom approaching, a living Stone, having been rejected indeed by men, yet chosen by God, held in honor, you, also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, into a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, most acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " Because of this it is included in the scripture: Lo! I am laying in Zion a corner capstone, chosen, held in honor, and he who is believing on it may by no means be disgraced." To you, then, who are believing, is the honor, yet to the unbelieving: "A Stone which is rejected by the builders, this came to be for the head of the corner, and a stumbling stone and a snare rock; who are stumbling also at the word, being stubborn, to which they were appointed also." {CLV}

This living Stone is Jesus and it is the same one mentioned in Ephesians 2:19-22, that is the capstone. The living stones are being built into a spiritual house, this is the same as the entire building, being connected together, that is growing into a holy temple in Ephesians 2:19-22. That is both are the same thing that is being up built with the living stones, that is being built up with fellow-citizens, that are the nations. Can we not see that these living stones, include the fellow-citizens. Thus both believing Jews and those believing of the nations are living stones that are being built into a spiritual house, a holy temple.

1 Peter 2:9 Yet you are a chosen race, a "royal priesthood, a "holy nation, a procured people, so that you should be recounting the virtues of Him Who calls you out of darkness into His marvelous light, {CLV}

Peter then calls these ones that are the living stones a "royal priesthood, a "holy nation.” That is they are the nation that has got the kingdom. Who got the kingdom, believers in Christ, that is all believers in Christ, not just Jewish believers, for there is no difference. We should stop call them Jewish believers, for then being Jewish makes no difference in the body of Christ.

In Revelation 5, the elders that are in heaven sing a new song:

Revelation 5:8-9 And when It took the scroll, the four animals and the twenty-four elders fall before the Lambkin, each having a lyre, and golden bowls brimming with incenses, which are the prayers of the saints." And they are singing a new song, saying, "Worthy art Thou to be taking the scroll and to open its seals, For Thou wast slain and dost buy us for God by Thy blood. Out of every tribe and language and people and nation." {CLV}

The elders were brought by the blood of Christ who is the lambkin. These elders were out of every tribe and language and people and nation.

Revelation 5:10 Thou dost also make them a kingdom and a priesthood for our God, And they shall be reigning on the earth."

These ones out of every tribe and language and people and nation are made into a kingdom and a priesthood for our God. Thus it was not just out of Israel, but out of every nation that these ones are made into a kingdom.

Thus there is no separate kingdom calling for the Jewish believers, for the kingdom is made up of believers from all nations, who are made into a new nation, that is given the kingdom and is the kingdom.

One Evangel to the Entire Creation

It is believed that the evangel that Paul got from Jesus Christ, was another evangel to the one that Jesus gave to the disciples, after his resurrection. Thus the one Paul got was another evangel, to the one Peter had. The one the disciples had was meant to go to those in Israel, those of the circumcision. The one Paul had was meant to go to the nations. This evangel or gospel that Jesus gave the apostles after his resurrection is sometimes called the Kingdom Evangel or Gospel.

After Christ’s resurrection, Christ was manifested to the eleven, remaining disciples, in Matthew 28 and Mark 16. It is at this time that he gives them what has become known as the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:15-18.

Mark 16:14 Now subsequently, at their lying back at table, He was manifested to the eleven, and He reproaches their unbelief and hardheartedness, seeing that they do not believe those who gaze on Him having been roused from among the dead." {CLV}

Jesus reproached their unbelief and hardheartedness, because they had not believed that He had been roused from the dead. He then told them to do something with the evangel, while He was gone.

Mark 16:15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation. {CLV}

Jesus told them to “herald the evangel to the entire creation.” That is the evangel that He give to them, was to go to the entire creation. Israel is not the entire creation, it is only a small part of it. Which means that it was not just to go to the Jews or those of the circumcision, it was to go to the entire world. This means it was to go to the nations as well as those in Israel. The entire creation, does not just mean the Jews, it means all mankind. If it was meant to just go to the Jews then Jesus should have said to them, to herald the evangel to Israel only. But he did not, Jesus said the entire creation. Jesus even instructed them to “Go into all the world.” That is they were to take the evangel to all the world, which clearly does not just mean the Jews. If this evangel that they got was just for Israel then Jesus should have instructed them to just go to Israel with it. If it was just for the Jews Jesus should have instructed them to taken it just to the Jews or just to those of the circumcision.

Peter being one of the eleven disciples was told by Christ to herald the evangel to the entire creation. This means that the one he had was for the nations as well. This means that there are not two evangels. Paul was for the nations, and the one he got from Christ was the same one Peter had, that was for the entire world.

Now if Paul’s evangel was another evangel to that which Peter had, then there would have been two evangels for the nations, not one. There would have been the one Peter had, that was for the entire creation, that is for Israel and the nations, and there would have been Paul’s evangel which was just for the nations. However those who teach that there are two evangels, have only one for the nations. Why would there need to be two evangels for the nations? Was one not enough? Clearly there did not need to be two evangels for the nations. Remember someone bringing a different evangel is anathema, which would mean one of them would have been anathema.

In fact there is no need for two evangels, one for Israel and one for the nations, because only one is needed for the entire world. The one Paul got from Jesus Christ was the same one that Peter had, that was for the entire creation. Which means the one Paul got, was the one that Peter had, it was the same evangel, the one that was to be heralded to the entire creation.

Those who teach that there are two evangels, seem to not know that the one Jesus gave to Peter was for the entire world. There was no need for another evangel to be given to Paul, because the one the disciples had was for the entire world.

There is the view that this fulfillment of the evangel going to the nations is yet future. That the Kingdom Evangel will not go to the nations until those of the nations in Christ are rapture away. At this point it will go to the nations, those that are left behind. This view is based on ones point of view of the future, but it is not backed up by the scriptures. For they are told to herald the evangel at that time to the entire creation. Why given them instruction to herald to the entire world if they were not to do just that. Why tell them to herald, if it was an instruction for a future generation that was to come after they have long died. Nowhere does it say that this instruction is for a future generation that comes along. Is it that they were not meant to follow the clear instruction of Christ? Why would Christ give them an instruction that they are not meant to follow? This just does not make sense.

It is view that this Great Commission is a kingdom commission and not a Christian Commission. This commission was for all those who are part of the body of Christ, both Jews and gentiles. For it was to go to both at that time the apostles were alive, not long after they were dead. As for it being a Christian Commission, it is not, for it is only for true believers in Christ, not all Christians.

Mathew 28:18-20 And, approaching, Jesus speaks to them saying, "Given to Me was all authority in heaven and on the earth." Going, then, disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to be keeping all, whatever I direct you. And lo! I am with you all the days till the conclusion of the eon! Amen!" {CLV}

Here Jesus instructions them to disciple all the nations. It not just the Jews that they are to disciple, but all the nations. It does not say this is for a future generation or someone else to do. They are to go and disciple all the nations, at that time, not some other time, for it does not mention a future time.

What of Jesus being a minister of the circumcision, I am not sure where in the scriptures it mentions the supposed fact that he was a minister of the circumcision. I am not sure why he would be a minister of the circumcision. Yes he was born in Israel, but that does not make him a minister of the circumcision. His death and resurrection was for all mankind not just those of Israel. He was not a minister for the circumcision, he was a minister for all mankind.

There is the view that the apostles chosen by the descended Christ had a different ministry to the apostles of the ascended Christ. For he first descended from Heaven, and was born on the earth. That is to say that the apostles that came after his ascension had a different ministry to the ones that were his apostles before his ascension. That there were these two groups of apostles, the ones that knew the descended Christ, and the ones that knew the ascended Christ.

Which brings up the point of when he actually first ascended into heaven after his resurrection. It is view that he ascended in to heaven just before Pentecost. This is correct but this is not the first time he ascended. He actually first ascended soon after his resurrection.

John 20:16-17 Jesus is saying to her, "Miriam! Now, being turned, she is saying to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni!" which is the term for "Teacher. Jesus is saying to her, "Do not touch Me, for not as yet have I ascended to My Father. Now go to My brethren, and say to them that I said, 'Lo! I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" {CLV}

Mary what to touch Jesus, but he would not allow her to touch him, for he had not ascended. He told her to tell them that he was going to ascend to His Father and her Father. This was not something he was going to do many days later, just before Pentecost, he was going to do it right at that point in time.

Soon after this on the same day he meets with Mary Magdalene again, along with the other Mary.

Matthew 28:9 Now, as they went to report to His disciples, lo! Jesus also meets them saying, "Rejoice!” Now they, approaching, hold His feet and worship Him. {CLV}

Jesus meets with them and at this time he allows them to touch his feet. Which means that Jesus had ascended to His Father, just as he said he would. Of course after ascending to the Father, he descended to meet up with them.

The point here is that when he gave the Great Commission, he was the ascended Christ, for he had already ascended into Heaven soon after his resurrection. Thus the great Commission was given by the ascended Christ. Thus it was the ascended Christ that told them to herald the evangel to the entire creation and to disciple all the nations. If indeed there had been these two ministries, then he should have told them the great commission before he had ascended. Since Jesus told them after his ascension, then this shows that there is not these two different ministries.

Jesus on the mount of Olives prophesied to his disciples. These prophesies are covered in much greater detail in the article: “Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord.” Just one part of the Discourse on the Mount of Olives is of interest here.

Matthew 24:14 And heralded shall be this evangel of the kingdom in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the consummation shall be arriving." {CLV}

The evangel of the kingdom, the evangel that the disciples had, was to be heralded to the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations. This happened before the destruction came to Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 AD. The consummation that arrived was the end of that eon in 70 AD. It went to all the nations in that area of the world. The whole inhabitant earth was the area of the earth covered by this prophecy. The point is that it was for the surrounding nations as well as the Jews. There were not two evangels, there was only one for both. Jesus himself said, after His resurrection, that they were to go into the entire world and herald it to the entire creation.

In Matthew 26:6-13, a woman came to Jesus just before his death and she poured a vase of oil on him. The disciples question this as it could have been sold and the money give to the poor. Jesus explained that they would always have the poor, but not have him always, and she did that for His burial.

Matthew 26:13 Verily, I am saying to you, Wheresoever this evangel may be heralded in the whole world, that also which she does shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." {CLV}

Wheresoever the evangel was herald in the whole world, also would be spoken of what she did, in memorial of her. Again the evangel that the disciples had was for heralding to the entire world.

Paul is a Dispenser of the Evangel Which is Being Herald to the Entire Creation:

Colossians 1:21-23 And you, being once estranged and enemies in comprehension, by wicked acts, yet now He reconciles" by His body of flesh, through His death, to present you holy and flawless and unimpeachable in His sight, since surely you are persisting in the faith, grounded and settled and are not being removed from the expectation of the evangel which you hear which is being heralded in the entire creation which is under heaven of which I, Paul, became the dispenser." {CLV}

Jesus Christ is the one who reconciles through His death, to present the chosen, the body of Christ, holy and flawless and unimpeachable in His sight. The Colossians were persisting in the faith, and were not being removed from the expectation of the evangel.

The evangel the Colossians heard is being heralded in the entire creation. Which is the one Jesus told the disciples to Herald to the entire creation, just before He left. Paul had become the dispenser of this evangel, not of some other evangel. That is Paul had become a dispenser of the evangel that the disciples had, which they had got form Jesus Christ, that was to go to the entire creation. Paul was dispensing the same evangel as the disciples were told to herald, that was to go to the entire creation.

Paul Delivers the Kingdom Evangel

It is view that this kingdom gospel is the circumcision gospel and that the one Paul give to the nations was the Uncircumcision gospel. The Circumcision Gospel and Uncircumcision Gospel, will be cover later in the article.

The view is that this Kingdom Gospel was just for the Jews, the circumcised, those of Israel and that this was different to Paul’s evangel which was for the nations, the uncircumcised. If that is the case then we should find no mention of Paul talking about the kingdom.

Acts 19:8 Now, entering the synagogue, he spoke boldly for three months, arguing and persuading as to that which concerns the kingdom of God." {CLV}

Here is Paul, in of all places a synagogue, teaching the Kingdom of God. If he had a evangel that was different to the kingdom gospel, then why was he teach the kingdom gospel? If the apostles got the kingdom gospel that was different to Paul‘s gospel, then why is Paul teaching the kingdom gospel. Not only was he teaching it, he spoke boldly of it for three months, that is it was not just in passing. Not only did Paul know about the kingdom, he taught about it.

Not only is Paul talking about the kingdom of God, he is doing it in a synagogue, a Jewish place of worship. This shows that Paul was not just for the nations, for he taught the Jews as well. More on this startling fact later.

One could say that since he was teaching Jews, for he was in a synagogue, that it was only going to Jews. That does not change the fact that it was Paul, not one of the apostles that was meant to have the kingdom gospel after Jesus’ resurrection. Why was Paul talking about it, if he hand his own evangel to get out to the nations?

Later Paul is in the province of Asia, that is among the nations, surely it is here that he should not mention the kingdom, for it was only for the Jews and he had his on gospel to get out anyway.

Acts 20:18 Now as they came along to him, he said to them, "You are versed in the facts, from the first day on which I stepped into the province of Asia, how I came to be with you all the time, {CLV}

Lets see if he mentions that gospel that was only for the Jews:

Acts 20:25 And now, lo! I am aware that you all, among whom I passed through heralding the kingdom, shall be seeing my face no longer." {CLV}

As he Passed though the province of Asia, what did he herald? the kingdom. If the kingdom was just for the Jews, then why was Paul heralding the kingdom in Asia? This shows that the kingdom was not just for the Jews, it was for the nations as well.

Later in Acts 28:16 Paul is a prisoner in Rome. Then he calls together those that are foremost of the Jews:

Acts 28:17 Now it occurred three days after, that he calls together those who are foremost of the Jews. Now, at their coming together, he said to them "I, men, brethren, doing nothing contrary to the people or to the hereditary customs, was given up a prisoner out of Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans, {CLV}

Why was Paul calling together those foremost or chief of the Jews, when he was for the nations? What was it that he taught them?

Acts 28:23 Now setting a day for him, more came to him in the lodging, to whom he expounded, certifying to the kingdom of God, besides persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning till dusk." {CLV}

He is Paul again teaching on the kingdom of God. Yes he was teaching Jews this time, but was he not for the nations, why call the Jews? He was in Rome, he could have called for those of Roman, to put across his gospel. Why teach on the Kingdom, if he hand his own gospel that was different?

At some point Paul was released for it tell us that he had his own hired house:

Acts 28:30-31 Now he remains two whole years in his own hired house, and he welcomed all those going in to him, heralding the kingdom of God, and teaching that which concerns the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, unforbidden." {CLV}

What did he teach those who came to his house? The kingdom of God. Why was he teaching on the kingdom of God in Rome, if he hand his own gospel to get out to these people? Why was he teaching the Romans about the kingdom, if it was just for the Jews?

These passages show that Paul not only knew of the Kingdom of God, but that he taught about the kingdom, to both Jews and non-Jews. Thus this shows that the kingdom of God is for both Jews and non-Jews.

What Was Paul’s Role?

It is thought that his role was to herald the evangel or gospel to the nations. However what do the scriptures actual say about this matter? In Acts 9, Saul, who is later known as Paul, is visited by the Lord Acts 9:3-9:6. This causes him to be blind, and he is lead to Damascus Acts 9:7-9:9. In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias, who received a vision Acts 9:10-9:16. He to told to go to Saul, and place hands on him so that he can receive sight. Ananias mentions to the Lord how much evil this man has done. Yet the Lord tells him to go.

Acts 9:15-16 Yet the Lord said to him "Go, for he is a choice instrument of Mine, to bear My name before both the nations and kings, besides the sons of Israel, for I shall be intimating to him how much he must be suffering for My name's sake." {CLV}

Saul who later is known as Paul, is the Lord’s instrument for the nations, but not just for them, for he is also the instrument for kings and the sons of Israel. Thus he was not just an instrument for the nations, but also for kings and for Israel, that is the Jews. Why was he an instrument to Israel if his message was just for the nations? Are we to assume that the Lord himself was incorrect on this matter? Clear the Lord was not mistaken on this very matter. Then surely one should see that his message, his evangel, which was the evangel, was for the nations and the Jews as well.

Acts 9:20-22 And immediately, in the synagogues, he heralded Jesus, that He is the Son of God." Now amazed are all who are hearing, and they said, "Is not this the one who, in Jerusalem, ravages those who are invoking this Name? And for this had he come here, that he may be leading them bound to the chief priests." Yet Saul was the more invigorated, and threw the Jews dwelling in Damascus into confusion, deducing that this One is the Christ." {CLV}

The first place he goes to teach is the synagogues, that is the first people he goes to is the Jews. These Jews were living in Damascus, which is in Syria. Thus he is teaching Jews that are living among the nations. If his gospel was just for the nations, then why was he heralding Jesus in the synagogues among the Jews? Should not they be hearing from a disciple that was teach the gospel that was for the Jews? This shows that his message was for the Jews and the gentiles.

In Acts 18, Paul is in Corinth, Greece and here he is teaching both Jews and Greeks.

Acts 18:4-5 Now he argued in the synagogue on every sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks. Now, as both Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the word, certifying to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ." {CLV}

If his message was just for the nations, why was he teaching Jews in their synagogues? Clearly it was for both Jews and Greeks. If it was not for the Jews, then he should not have been teaching in their synagogues.

Acts 19:10 Now this occurred for two years, so that all those dwelling in the province of Asia hear the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks."

This time he is in the province of Asia, and who heard the word, it was both Jews and Greeks, not just Greeks, but Jews and Greeks.

Paul’s roll was not to give out a different evangel {gospel} by which the nations could be saved, that was not it at all. Instead He, Paul was to teach the evangel to both the Jews and the nations. The same evangel was for the nations and for those of Israel. There was not two, there was only one, but it was for everybody.

In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas are in a synagogue in Antioch, Pisidia. At first Paul gives a brief history of the nation of Israel, up to David.

Acts 13:22-23 And, deposing him, He rouses David for their king, to whom He said also, in testifying, 'I found David, of Jesse, a man according to My heart, who will be doing all My will.'" From this one's seed, God, according to the promise, led to Israel a Saviour, Jesus. " {CLV}

From the seed of David, according to the promise, led to Israel a Saviour, Jesus. The promise was the Saviour Jesus.

Then he mentions the heralding of John the Baptised. At this point Paul covers the death and resurrection of the saviour Jesus Christ.

Acts 13:32 And we are bringing to you the evangel which comes to be a promise to the fathers, that God has fully fulfilled this for our children in raising Jesus, as it is written in the second psalm also, 'My Son art Thou; I, today, have begotten Thee.'" {CLV}

Paul and Barnabas here are bringing the evangel which was a promise to the fathers. The evangel itself is the promise, which is the Saviour Jesus. This Saviour is the saviour not just for Israel, but for the nations as well. The evangel Paul was bringing was a promise to the fathers of Israel. Paul was not bringing a different evangel, or gospel, for he was bring the one that was for Israel, for it was the promise to the fathers of Israel. That is the evangel that Paul was bringing was the one for Israel as well as for the nations.

Acts 13:44 Now on the coming sabbath almost the entire city was gathered to hear the word of the Lord. {CLV}

On the coming sabbath almost the entire city turned out to hear the word of the Lord, that is both Jews and non-Jews.

Acts 13:45 Yet the Jews, perceiving the throngs, are filled with jealousy, and they contradicted the things spoken by Paul, blaspheming." {CLV}

The Jews, perceived the throngs made up of gentiles, which made them jealous. The Jews contradicted the things spoken by Paul, and that contradiction was blasphemy.

Acts 13:46-48 Being bold, both Paul and Barnabas, say, "To you first was it necessary that the word of God be spoken. Yet, since, in fact, you are thrusting it away, and are judging yourselves not worthy of eonian life, lo! we are turning to the nations." For thus the Lord has directed us: I have appointed Thee for a light of the nations; for Thee to be for salvation as far as the limits of the earth.'" Now on hearing this, the nations rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord, and they believe, whoever were set for life eonian." {CLV}

It was necessary that the word be spoken to the Jews first. However the Jews thrust it away, judged themselves not worthy of eonian life. Paul and Barnabas are turning to the nations. Paul was appointed a light for the nations. Notice the word of God when first to the Jews, now when they turned to the nations, the word of God did not change it was still the same. This word that when to them first was the evangel, it was not same other word. If it had changed then it would not be what had been spoken to the Jews first, it would be something different that they had not heard. When the nations heard the word, the evangel, that had first gone to the Jews, they rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord. It was the Jews who had rejected the word, it was the nations that would now hear the word.

Romans 15:15-16 Yet more daringly do I write to you, in part, as prompting you, because of the grace being given to me from God, for me to be the minister of Christ Jesus for the nations, acting as a priest of the evangel of God, that the approach present of the nations may be becoming well received, having been hallowed by holy spirit." {CLV}

Paul was the minister of Christ Jesus for the nations, acting as a priest of the evangel of God. It was not that this evangel was a different evangel, it was that Paul was to take it to the nations. However that does not mean it had to change, to go out to the nations. There was no change, it was still the same evangel.

Romans 1:16-17 For not ashamed am I of the evangel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing - to the Jew first, and to the Greek as well." For in it God's righteousness is being revealed, out of faith for faith, according as it is written: "Now the just one by faith shall be living." {CLV}

Paul was not ashamed of the evangel, “for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing to the Jew first, and to the Greek as well." The evangel went to the Jews first, but it was also for the Greeks as well. That is the same evangel was both for the Jews and the Greeks. Paul’s evangel is said to be different to the one that went to the Jews, but here he is talking about an evangel that went to the Jews as well as the Greeks. Thus the evangel that Paul brought was the same evangel, that had gone to the Jews first.