Ascending & Gaining of Authority

9 December 2011

By Mark Farquharson

The other night I looked back at some of the signs and revelations I have got this year.

On the 27 July this year I got the revelation about the sign being there 6 months, since the summer and something to do with motorway. I thought at the time of some sign in January, that was six months ago and in the summer in New Zealand. However there is another possibility, since February is still summer in NZ. Thus a sign in February, and 6 months would take you to August.

Well the sign I got in February was the passover sign, it being in the second month, an indication of second Passover, which was actually in May. However you can have types of Passover at over times. Six months from this sign takes you to mid August.

The other sign that came in February was the Christchurch earthquake, which was on the 22 February. This was a sign of the Saul church losing it’s authority. Six months from this sign takes you to the 22 August.

Well on the 17 August I went passed Liberty Church and a Hindu Temple. On that same day I walk to an intersection and on the other side down the road a bit was the motorway. Thus it was over there from were I was standing, which is what the woman said back on 27 July, that the motorway was over there.

A motorway bridge was being built which would be finished 21 August, which I have take to mean a reference to the 21 of the eighth Hebrew month, which was the 18 Nov. On the 19 Nov I remember about the extended feast and the provision coming in the third month.

Back to the motorway, what is it about motorway? Well I have said that you can do a 100 on motorway, that then is 100 days. I had thought I would be at 100 days when I got to motorway, that is 100 days from some other sign. However there is another way to look at it, that is an additional 100 days. Thus over there is the motorway, the start of a 100 day count. Starting the count on the 18 August, the day after I was at motorway 100 days gets you 26 Nov. The 27 Nov was the start of the ninth Hebrew month.

However there is another point you could start the 100 day count. A motorway bridge was being built which would be finished on the 21 August, and open to traffic on the 22 August. The motorway was not assessable at that point, thus start the count on the 22 August. Counting 100 days gets you the 30 Nov which was the official ceremony for the coronation. The 22 August is six months after the Saul church lost their authority.

On the 5 October I walked past the Moses statue and picked up the pamphlet on the Israelites leaving Egypt. A reference to us leaving Egypt. On that same day I walked Inside St Joseph & St Patrick’s Cathedral, one cathedral with the name of two saints. From this Cathedral I walked along and find myself next to a motorway bridge, which I crossed over. On the other side I entered St Benedict’s Church. The Cathedral and the church are connected as they where both I a Pamphlet I picked up. Inside the church I walked around to the front, and back down to the entrance. I had this thought of walking past the box at the front. I walked down the middle, to the front, where I walked across in front of the box.

What then is the meaning of this? Well it is a journey, going form one building to the other. There is a connection to leaving Egypt since on the walk between the buildings I pasted the Moses statue, and at one of the buildings I picked up the pamphlet. Walking passed the box at the front could indicating obtaining Authority. In the cathedral I walked amongst the pews, that is I did not have authority as I never went to the front where the priest would be. Then I walked to the church, that is the journey. At the church I went to where the priest would be at the front and even walked past this box on a shelve. Thus indicating that I had obtained authority.

The Church was just on the other side of the motorway, I did not have to go very far to get to the church. Indicating possibly that the obtaining of the authority is not that far past the 100 days.

In the last entry I covered the placing of the capstone. This placing of the Capstone occurred on the 30 Nov. I wrote:

Jesus is the stone which the builders rejected, which has become the chief stone.

Psalms 118:22-25 The stone which the builders rejected, It came to be for the head of the corner." From Yahweh came this; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day Yahweh has made; Let us exult and rejoice in it. Oh Yahweh, do save us! Oh Yahweh, do prosper us!"{CLV}

When Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem {Matthew 21:9} the next verse in Psalms 118 was shouted:

Psalms 118:26 Blessed in the Name of Yahweh is he who is coming; We bless you from the House of Yahweh. {CLV}

From: Up the Mount, the Knowledge and Glory

After Jesus’ rode the donkey, there was his death and resurrection. Jesus ascend to Heaven on the 16 of the first Hebrew month. At this point he obtained authority. Jesus was place at the right hand of the Father {Mark 16:19}. He was placed up over everyone else in the Heavens and the earth {1 Peter 3:22, Ephesians 1:20-21}. The 16 of this ninth Hebrew month is the 12 Dec.

The obtaining of the gold of Egypt should not then be to far away as well, for the Israelites obtained it on the night of the 14 of the first month.

I did mention the 13 Dec in the last entry, for this is when Labor party in NZ will elect the new leader who will be called David. NZ is a head of the rest of the world time wise, therefore it could be the 13 in NZ if the authority comes on the 12. The two go for the job are both called David, and we are the Davidic company. One of them is called “David Shearer.” A shearer is someone that cuts wool of sheep. Jesus is the lamb, is this then a reference to Jesus? David Shearer has spent time in the east, another reference to Jesus?

The cartoon in the NZ Herald on the 9 Dec had the two David’s in the wilderness with ladders climbing a mount. A reference to Moses climbing the mount in the wilderness? Remember Moses climb the mount in the third month.

Given the signs of the moon, which I have covered in previous entries, these indications are that this ninth Hebrew month which started on the 27 Nov is a type of the third Hebrew month. Last entry I covered Moses going up the mount, obtaining knowledge on the 15 and starting the 40 days on the 16 of the third month. These would be the 11 and 12 Dec. The Israelites obtained the Knowledge and glory on the 15 and 16 of the second month. However they never ascended.

But does not the capstone indicate we are in a type of the first month, how can we also be in the third? Are not all things possible with God? Jesus obtained authority on the 16 of the first month, and he also ascended to heaven, that is into the glory. My thinking is the knowledge and glory will come the same time as the authority.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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