Delays to End, Outpouring, Opening of Gate, November 30

8 November 2015

By Mark Farquharson

Instead of starting with with one of my own signs lets start with the dinar prophecy. At the end of January 2011, two men were having a meeting at Carls Jr. There they talked to a man who give them a prophecy about the Revalue of the Iraq Dinar:

"Good, it's going to revalue soon and when it does you need to buy silver and gold because once it does everything is going to change". My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".

From God‘s Kingdom Ministries: A strange Dinar story

There is what I call the Hebrew festive year and the civil year. The festive year starts with the first month of Nisan. The civil year starts at the beginning of the seventh month of the festive year. Thus 3.18 could be the 18th of the third civil month, which would be the 18th of the ninth festive month. This falls on the 30 November this year. Of course 3.18 could mean something different altogether.

Back in 2011 on the night of the 27 September I got the sign of the gate, when I observed this large gate opening. I had just been to a meeting to do with a phone company and the date mentioned at the meeting was 30 November. Thus the timing of the gate could be 30 November this year.

In 2013 two televisions were sold both for $30. The first one was sold for thirty dollars on the 26 September, being sold on the the eighth day of tabernacles for that year. That made me think correctly or incorrectly that the number thirty was connected to tabernacles. However the first thirty could be to show it was connected to the gate as it was one day short of being two years after the sign of the gate back in 2011. The second TV was sold on the 1 November, the person actually came at 11 a.m. There was a bit of a hold up with trying to get a video recorder to work. In the end he only brought the TV for thirty dollars, leaving at 11:30 a.m. when I looked at the time. Thus he came on the 1st November, the eleventh month at eleven o'clock. This could then indicate a period of thirty days from 1-30 November.

On the 22 May 2012 I got the outpouring sign, to do with the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Earlier this year on the 8 May 2015 I got the sign "Just the 15 to go." Two days later the sign was "13 days to go my son." Thus there was just 15 days to go to something. Starting on the 8 May, 15 days would be 8-22 May. Also on the 8 May I looked up an old email that had a subscription going to the 16 Nov 2015. I was later told that it now went to the 30 November. Thus the period had been extended 14 Days. Note 16-30 Nov inclusive is 15 days. This shows that the 22 May and the 30 Nov are connected somehow.

There was this phone account credit of $100 that my mum got towards the end of 2014. However there was a delay in getting it. When it was applied on the 8 December it was 115, that is it had increased $15. Note this is the same company that I got the gate sign from. A 115 period would be 8 August-30 November 2015.

This could be the meaning of the sign from the barber, that he opened at 8 o'clock, no waiting, no delays. The eight could mean any number of things, but it could mean 8 August, the start of the 115 count.

On the 27 July 2015 I went to the Pharmacy after seeing the doctor. The person behind the counter said that one of the things needed authorization. I could wait for that to come through, which meant going back or I could pay hundred dollars. My next appoint for the doctor is the 16 November. Hundred days in the count is 8 August-15 November inclusive.

Reported in the paper on the 27 July, was the story of a man who on the 28 March, tried to use a fake 50 note at a museum in Wellington N.Z, however this did not work. later on the same day he used the fake $50 note at a KFC to get a meal and was give change. Then he went back to KFC and used another $50 of fake money to get another meal, totaling $100.

Recall that the Stone of Destiny was returned to Scotland during the period 14-30 Nov 1996.

Other events to do with the 30 November:

In 1993 was the Jubilee Prayer Campaign from Nov. 21-29.

Dr Jones builds scale model of the Great Pyramid on the 29 Nov 2011 and places the capstone on the 30 Nov 2011.

Dr Jones moves to Memphis on November 29, 1987, and gets a job offer two years later.

“Then in 1987, we moved to Memphis, TN on November 29, 1987, setting the pattern for “going to Egypt.” The next two years are what I called “my Egyptian bondage experience.” Then on November 29, 1989 I received a telephone call from a friend from the past, who tracked me down and offered me a job back in Arkansas. The date then proved to be the start of our move out of prophetic “Egypt,” culminating on January 27, 1990, when we physically moved from Memphis to Leachville, AR.”

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Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

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