London is Babylon

29 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

There is a type of Babylon that exists today. When I say type, I mean it is not actual Babylon, but is a type of Babylon. The question then is who is this Babylon that exists today.

There was the Babylonian Empire and there was the city of Babylon. In Revelation there is Mystery or Secret Babylon. It is not the old Babylon, it is a type of Babylon. There are a number of different views as to who Babylon represents. Some have the prophesises to do with Babylon having occurred already, others view them as still to be fulfilled in the future.

There is a key verse in identifying the Secret Babylon of Revelation:

Revelation 11:8 And their corpses will be at the square of the great city which, spiritually, is being called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord, also, was crucified." {CLV}

The great city of Babylon here in Revelation is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, thus it is not actually Sodom and Egypt, but is spiritually those places. The corpses of the two witness were in the square of the great city. This city is “where their Lord, also, was crucified.” Who was their Lord, Jesus Christ was their Lord, where was Jesus crucified, ancient Jerusalem. While people can point to the Roman Catholic Church, the popes and the Vatican for crucifying the Lord, in different ways, none of these were the actually place. Jerusalem was the actual place where the Lord was crucified, which was destroyed in the war in 66-70 AD. More on the Babylon of Revelation is covered in this article: Who is Secret Babylon

While actual Babylon and the Babylon of Revelation, are long gone, there is another Babylon that exists today. It is not present day Jerusalem or present day Israel, nor is it anywhere in the middle east.

There is a present day Babylon that has been raised up to deliver judgement for a time against a people. The original Babylon was raised up to deliver judgment against Judah, but only for a time.

Jeremiah 50:33 Thus said Yahweh of Hosts: Oppressed are the sons of Israel, And the sons of Judah together, And all their captors have kept hold on them, They have refused to send them away." {CLV}

Once that allotted time of judgement was at an end, Babylon refused to let the captives, Judah go free.

Jeremiah 50:34 Their Redeemer [is] strong, Yahweh of Hosts [is] His name, He does thoroughly plead their cause, So as to cause the land to rest, And He has given trouble to the inhabitants of Babylon."

Yahweh became their redeemer, plead their cause, and give “trouble to the inhabitants of Babylon.” This is what will happen to the inhabitants of present day Babylon.

The captives today are different from those of Judah. The reason why they are different, is because while they are a nation, they do not know they are captive. The captives have been allowed to stay in their nation. It does not appear that they are captive. Who are these captives, they are the people of the United States of America. Some know that they are captive, however views very as to what is holding the people captive.

What was ancient Babylon, it was a city in the Babylon empire. Then what was the Babylon of the book of Revelation?

Revelation 18:10 standing afar off because of the fear of her torment, saying, 'Woe! Woe! that great city! Babylon, the strong city! for in one hour your judging came.'" {CLV}

The Babylon of Revelation was also a city. Thus the Babylon of today is also a city, it is not some piece of legislation that you do not like. It is not the Federal Reserve, or any other organisation that has oppressed people. What city is this that has held the people of the USA captive?

That great city is London, it is London that is present day Babylon. It is has held the people captive because England never give the USA independence. I have covered this before, here I briefly cover it again, with shorter quote from “Three City States of Global Government” article.

Quote: …The fact is that the United States corporation is controlled from the City of London, by the Crown, which is not the British Monarchy as many believe, but rather the private corporation that is the inner 'City of London' itself, also commonly known as "The City" or "The Square Mile." This square mile that makes up the center of Greater London has its own mayor, laws, courts, flag, police force and newspaper. It is the heart of the global financial system….

…In England, the Templars established their headquarters at a London temple, which still exists today and is called Temple Bar. This is located in the City of London, between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment. The Aforementioned "Crown," to be exact, is the Knights Templar church, also known as the Crown Temple. It is the Crown Temple that controls the legal/court system of the US, Canada and many other countries…..

…Most Americans (and people in general) believe the US declared independence from Britain when this is simply not the case. Of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence, at least five of them were Temple Bar attorneys, all of whom had sworn allegiance to the Crown. Alexander Hamilton was one of the Middle Crown agents during the formation of the US and was assigned to set up the American banking system on orders from the Crown, to control the United States….

Quote from “Three City States of Global Government” article, there is more there on these states: Three City States Of Global Government

For more you can also read this series:

Empire States: Geostrategic Power centers, Part 1

Empire States: Geostrategic Power centers, Part 2

Note as far as I know there is no third part to the series.

Yahweh is again the redeemer. Jerusalem was invaded by the Romans and brought to ruins. What will happen to present day London?

London like the Babylon of old has a golden cup:

Jeremiah 51:7-8 A golden cup [is] Babylon in the hand of Yahweh, Making drunk all the earth, Of its wine drunk have nations, Therefore boast themselves do nations." Suddenly has Babylon fallen, Yea, it is broken, howl you for it, Take balm for her pain, if so be it may be healed." {CLV}

It will fall like the Babylon of Revelation:

Revelation 14:8 And another, a second messenger, follows, saying, "It falls! It falls! Babylon the great has made all nations drink of the wine of the fury of her prostitution!" {CLV}

Revelation 18:2 And he cries with a strong voice, saying, "It falls! It falls! Babylon the great! And it became the dwelling place of demons and the jail of every unclean spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird,

That is not to say it will be invaded by an foreign army. I have no sign or revelation or prophecy to indicate that London will be invaded by a foreign army. There is an army in London right now for the 2012 Olympics. This army is of course their own army. The security problems course by the company G4S has actually increased the presence of the army in London. I wonder if these security problems were planned in advance to increase the army’s presence in London. G4S is reported to have links to Israeli intelligence.

There are many ways that Yahweh can bring about the fall of a city, including natural disasters and manmade disasters.

Egyptian Signs:

To advertise O2 Dome’s first exhibition, “Tutankhamun And The Golden Age of The Pharaohs,” the 5 tonne, 25 foot replica, golden Anubis was floated up the Thames from the O2 Dome and positioned in Trafalgar Square on the 1 October, 2007. Late it was placed outside the Dome for the duration of the exhibition, 15 November 2007 to 30 August 2008. Anubis was known as the God of the dead in ancient Egypt. A sign of death coming to London.

Trafalgar Square is a sign I have got, it is where Nelson’s Column is located. Nelson's Column, has four lion statues at its base. The lion is was the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. Jesus and David were both from this tribe.

Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders is saying to me, "Do not lament! Lo! He conquers! The Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David…” {CLV}

I have also got the lion sign connected to garden.

John 19:41-42 Now there was in the place where He was crucified, a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one has been placed as yet." There, then, because of the preparation of the Jews, seeing that the tomb was near, they place Jesus." {CLV}

Jesus after his crucifixion was placed in a tomb that was in a garden. After his resurrection Miriam at first thought that Jesus was the gardener {John 20:11-18}. Thus this can be a sign of a Passover and firstfruit.

The Pharaoh in the days of Moses would not let the people, the Israelites go. There is an up coming exodus, as the chosen are go to depart from spiritual Egypt. The gold will be taken form Egypt.

There is an Olympus street in Mt Albert, Auckland. Mt Albert is named after Prince Albert who was married to Queen Victoria. During her reign the Obelisk, Cleopatra’s Needle came over from the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis {City of Sun}. I do know that there are other non-Egyptian cities that have Egyptian obelisks, but the sign I have got is to do with the city of On. I also have got the sign Scarab, meaning the scarab beetle which is sacred to ancient Egyptians and is used as a symbol for the solar deity in hieroglyphics and on amulets etc.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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