The Feasts Related to Periods of Time

Version 4

By Mark Farquharson

Each of the seven feasts in Leviticus 23 relates to a period of time. I am not talking about how many days the feast went for. The different periods of time are mostly in order of the feasts. Most just relate three of the feasts to periods of time, Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. By not relating all of the feasts you get the periods wrong. Most of the ages mentioned below are not the eons, which mostly cover different periods of time. Some eons are mentioned below, for a more detailed study of them refer to the article: God's Plan of the Eons

There is no feast that relates to the period of time before Passover. The period of time from Adam to when the Israelites left Egypt is not covered by a feast.

1) Passover: This period started on the day the Israelites left Egypt. They placed the blood of a lamb on the doorposts. That night they started to leave Egypt. This Passover age goes all the way to the Pentecost age.

2) Unleavened Bread: This feast starts at the first coming of Jesus. Leaven represents sin, unleavened represents no sin. Jesus is without sin and therefore is represent by the unleavened bread. This feast ends at the death and resurrection of Christ.

3) Firstfruit also known as Wave-Sheaf: The celebration of this feast is usually on the second day of Unleavened Bread after the special sabbath, however the period the feast covers is after the period for the Unleavened Bread. Starts when Jesus is resurrected from the dead, because he is the firstfruit. Ended when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.

4) Pentecost: Started when the Holy Spirit came on to the disciples at Pentecost. The period goes to the presence of Jesus Christ on the Day of the Lord. Usually known as the Pentecost age.

5) Trumpets: At the start of every month was the blowing of trumpets. However the start of the seventh Hebrew month was special and had it’s own feast. It is separately mentioned in Leviticus 23 apart from the usual blowing of trumpets.

This period of time starts at near the end of the Pentecost period and ends at the presence of Jesus Christ on the Day of the Lord. During this short period the faithful in Christ will be announcing his soon return. Along with this announcement they will be heralding the true evangel to all the world. This will be done with great joy and thanksgiving. What is commonly called the gospel and taught in most churches will not be heralded by the faithful as this is not the true evangel. The true evangel is covered in this article: Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel

They will be trumpeting his return for all the world to hear. This is the time of what is known as the Open Door Ministry, which is the heralding of the evangel to the world before his return. Only the true faithful will be doing this, not everyone who calls themselves Christian.

6) Day of Atonement: Occurring when Jesus returns.

7) Tabernacles: Commonly known as the Tabernacles age, is the Tabernacles Eon. While this is the millennium reign I also view it as continuing after this period on the new Earth.

At the end of the millennium, the whole universe will be destroyed, these being the heavens and earth that is destroyed on that day. This will make way for a whole new universe and a new earth. This feast continues as all the rest of mankind are brought into the kingdom. When all the rest of the dead are resurrected to face the White Throne Judgement some enter into the Kingdom, however All those not on the scroll of life go to the Lake of Fire. It is not called hell, which is a mistranslation of a number of different words. There is no place of literal physical fire that literally burns the body. No one is place back into the sleep of death, which is the first death. This is a place of literal spiritual water for cleansing and literal spiritual fire for spiritual purifying.

Some view Tabernacles as an seven day feast, but there are actually eight days of Tabernacles.

Leviticus 23:34-5 Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying:—On the fifteenth day of this seventh month, shall be the festival of booths, for seven days, unto Yahweh. On the first day, shall be a holy convocation,—no laborious work, shall ye do. {REB}

A few translations use the word “booths,” instead of “tabernacles.”

It starts the same as Unleavened Bread with the first day a sabbath, a day of rest. Like Unleavened Bread an altar-flame is to be brought, however no mention of unleavened cakes.

Lev 23:36 Seven days, shall ye bring near an altar-flame unto Yahweh: on the eighth day—a holy convocation, shall there be unto you so shall ye bring near an altar-flame unto Yahweh—the closing of the feast, it is, no laborious work, shall ye do. {REB}

However there is no rest day on the seventh day as there was with Unleavened Bread. The rest day, the holy convocation is actually on the eighth day, which is confirmed in the same chapter a bit further down.

Lev 23:39 Surely, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the yield of the land, shall ye celebrate the festival of Yahweh seven days,—on the first day, a sacred rest, and, on the eighth day, a sacred rest. {REB}

Thus the feast of Tabernacles does not have the rest day, a sabbath on the seventh day, it actually has it on the eighth day. Thus by having the rest day on the eighth day, it is revealing that in the future during the time of Tabernacles on the new Earth the rest day will actually be the eighth day.

The number eight represents new beginnings, new creation and new birth. Jesus was resurrected on the eighth day. There is a new Jerusalem and a whole new universe. Those who have access to the New Jerusalem will have new immortal bodies. The point is Tabernacles is eight days, which represents that which is new, it is not seven days, it is not the old, it is the new. While the seventh day will be a rest day the true rest will be entered on the eighth day, not the seventh day, for the rest day will have moved to the eighth day on the new Earth.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012. Version 1, March 2012; Version 2, October 2012. Version 3, 27 January 2014. Version 4 February 16 2017.

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