Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel Part 1

Version 1D

By Mark Farquharson

Before getting into what the evangel, also know as the gospel contains, there are a few points that need to be cleared up. How many evangels are there? Did Paul have a new, different evangel that he got from Jesus Christ to the one the disciples had got from Jesus before he left? Is there more than one group of believers in Christ. I will just go over these briefly, as they are covered in over articles already.

There is the view that Paul got a new, different evangel from Christ Jesus, that was just for the nations. The one the disciples had being just for the Jews. However Jesus himself said that the one the disciples had was for the entire creation.

Mark 16:14-15 Now subsequently, at their lying back at table, He was manifested to the eleven, and He reproaches their unbelief and hardheartedness, seeing that they do not believe those who gaze on Him having been roused from among the dead." And He said to them, "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation. {CLV}

Jesus had just been resurrected from the dead, and He appeared to the eleven remaining disciples. After reproaching them for their unbelief and hardheartedness, Jesus told them to "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation.” That is the evangel that they had at the time was to go to the entire creation, that is the entire world, not just the Jews. They were to go into all the world, with the evangel they had. He did not tell them to wait until another person came along, with a new or different evangel. This was before Paul had been visited by Christ Jesus, for Jesus had not gone to heaven yet.

This rules out Paul having a different, new evangel that was for the nations alone. Because there was already an evangel for the nations. It is correct that Paul was for the nations, but that does not mean he got a new evangel or a different evangel to the one the disciples already had.

Colossians 1:21-23 And you, being once estranged and enemies in comprehension, by wicked acts, yet now He reconciles" by His body of flesh, through His death, to present you holy and flawless and unimpeachable in His sight, since surely you are persisting in the faith, grounded and settled and are not being removed from the expectation of the evangel which you hear which is being heralded in the entire creation which is under heaven of which I, Paul, became the dispenser." {CLV}

Jesus Christ is the one who reconciles through His death, to present the chosen, the body of Christ, holy and flawless and unimpeachable in His sight. The Colossians were persisting in the faith, and were not being removed from the expectation of the evangel.

The evangel the Colossians heard is being heralded in the entire creation. Which is the one Jesus told the disciples to Herald throughout all the world, just before He left. Paul had become the dispenser of this evangel, not of some other evangel. That is Paul had become a dispenser of the evangel that the disciples had, which they had got form Jesus Christ, that was to go to the entire creation. Paul was dispensing the same evangel as the disciples were told to herald, that was to go to the entire creation.

Galatians 1:6-9 I am marveling that thus, swiftly, you are transferred from that which calls you in the grace of Christ, to a different evangel, which is not another, except it be that some who are disturbing you want also to distort the evangel of Christ." But if ever we also, or a messenger out of heaven, should be bringing an evangel to you beside that which we bring to you, let him be anathema!" As we have declared before and at present I am saying again, if anyone is bringing you an evangel beside that which you accepted, let him be anathema!" {CLV}

Some were being transfer to a different evangel, which was not another evangel. This different evangel, was not another evangel, for it was not an evangel at all. Anyone can claim they have an evangel, but unless it is the evangel of Christ, it is not an evangel. Some what to distort the evangel of Christ. If anyone was to bring a different evangel then they were to let him be anathema, an object of loathing or somebody cursed or denounced. There is only one evangel, if someone brought a different one, then he would be anathema.

Colossians 3:9-11 Do no lie to one another, stripping off the old humanity together with its practices, and putting on the young, which is being renewed into recognition, to accord with the Image of the One Who creates it, wherein there is no Greek and Jew, Circumcision and Uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but all and in all is Christ." {CLV}

There is “NO Greek and Jew, Circumcision and Uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but all and in all is Christ.” That is there is no distinction between these people in the body of Christ. There are not two groups of believers, two bodies, there is only one, and only the need of one evangel.

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision is availing anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith, operating through love." {CLV}

Circumcision is NOT availing anything & uncircumcision is NOT availing anything. That is there is no advantage in being circumcised, or uncircumcised. The circumcised do not get some advantage in the future that the uncircumcised do not get. Both the circumcised and the uncircumcised have the same roles in the future, they do not have different roles in the future. For there is no distinction between the two.

Philippians 1:27 Only be citizens walking worthily of the evangel of Christ, that, whether coming and making your acquaintance, or being absent, I should be hearing of your concerns, that you are standing firm in one spirit, one soul, competing together in the faith of the evangel, " {CLV}

All who have faith are of one spirit, one soul. You should not be dividing the flock in to different groups, all who have faith are of one spirit, one soul. For more on there only being one group refer to my article: “One Body

For more on there only being one evangel refer to my article: “One Evangel

All The Same Evangel

The bible refers to “evangel of the kingdom,” “evangel of God,” “evangel of Christ,” “evangel of peace,” “evangel of the glory of the happy God” and the “eonian evangel.” These are not different evangels, these are all the same evangel. The one evangel is all of these. Paul called the evangel, “my evangel,” that does not mean it was a different evangel, it was still the same evangel.

The scriptures also refer to the “evangel of the Uncircumcision” and the “evangel of the Circumcision” {Galatians 2:6-15}. It is important to note that there is no “evangel of the Uncircumcision” or “evangel of the Circumcision.” The bible refers to these, because people at the time believed that there were two different evangels, however they were wrong. People today misunderstand what is being explained in the text, and think that there are these two evangels, but that is not the case. For it is explaining that those reporting that there were two were incorrect. Covered more fully in the article: “One Evangel

When Did the Evangel Come

Luke 16:16-17 The law and the prophets are unto John; thenceforth, the evangel of the kingdom of God is being brought, and everyone is violently forcing into it, and the violent are snatching it." Yet it is easier for heaven and earth to pass by than for one serif of the law to fall. {CLV}

That is the law and the prophets when unto John the baptist. From that time on the evangel of the kingdom of God is being brought. That does not mean the law or the prophets had no relevance any more, that is not the case. For Jesus himself said it was “easier for heaven and earth to pass by than for one serif of the law to fall.” A serif, is decorative line or letter, which can be at the start or end of a stroke in a letter. That is not even that little part would fail of the law. Thus the law was and is still relevant. As for the prophets, a number of their prophesies had yet to be fulfilled at that time, and some have still not be fulfilled even now. However the focus changed to the evangel, from the law and the prophets. From that time on the main focus would be the evangel.

Jesus was baptized by John {Matthew 3:13-17}, and then He was in the wilderness for forty days and nights {Matthew 4:1-11}. After this period He begin His ministry. It was at this time that the evangel of the kingdom begin to be brought.

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus led them about in the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and heralding the evangel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every debility among the people. {CLV}

Thus the evangel start before Jesus’ death and resurrection. Does this mean it does not include believing in his death and resurrection, surely that is the evangel? Believing in His death and resurrection is a part of the evangel, but it is not the only part. The evangel encompass a lot more than just that. The evangel was not delivered all at once, but actually in instalments. Jesus started with the part of the evangel that was to do with the kingdom. The term “evangel” means good message. There are a lot of good things about the kingdom that Jesus mentioned. Jesus started with information about the kingdom, which was the evangel {good message} of the kingdom. However this evangel of the kingdom is not a separate evangel, it is part of the evangel.

The Secrets of the Evangel

As I have said Jesus start with the part of the evangel that was to do with the kingdom. Later come a lot more instalments. All the instalments are connected, and all form part of the evangel. Which brings us to what Paul said about the evangel. Paul delivered a number of mysteries or secrets about the evangel, in instalments. A secret is some information that has been hidden from other people. They do not know, because it has been hidden from them. He knew the secrets about the evangel that others did not know, information that had been kept hidden from them about the evangel. This information did not mean what he had was a new evangel. It was still the same evangel, but this information had been kept hidden. Paul delivered these secrets, another instalments of the same evangel, not a new evangel. If there had been a new evangel, then that would have been a different evangel, a evangel that had been just recently created, but Paul had the same evangel, and he knew the secrets of the evangel. No where in the New Testament does Paul say that he had a new evangel or a different evangel or another evangel.

The Four Secrets that I will be Covering

There are a number of secrets which are all closely liked together, of which the four most important ones I will be covering in this article.

1: Conciliation of the world

2: The Reconciliation of All to Jesus Christ

3: The Secret of the Resurrection

4: The Administration of Grace


The evangel started to be delivered in instalments first by Jesus, when He started to talk about the evangel of the Kingdom. Jesus said a lot about the kingdom of the heavens, which is all part of the evangel of the kingdom, and forms part of the overall evangel. All that He said about the evangel, about the kingdom is important stuff and is relevant for the faithful believer today. However if I was to cover all He said about the kingdom, then that would be a very lengthy study. Instead I will cover some points briefly.

Jesus said a few different things about entering the kingdom. All of these things are correct and still apply. That said it is only the chosen, those who are predestined who enter the kingdom at the Great White Throne Judgement. These people have the kingdom inside of them spiritually. That does not mean no one else enters the kingdom. There are many verses that prove that predestination is true {Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:11-12, John 15:16, John 15:19 and many more}, refer to my article: “Predestination

The evangel of the kingdom of the heavens connects up to the other parts of the evangel, because this is the place that the faithful go to at the Judgement. Paul tell us a secret to do with entering the kingdom, which I will cover more in-depth later. This is the transformation into immortality, which happens when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. The only way to enter the kingdom, is having faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the evangel of Christ. Thus the evangel of the kingdom is part of the evangel, for the kingdom is were believers will spend the rest of there immortal lives.

There are three parables that cover the upcoming spiritual union of the bride and the bridegroom, The Wedding Festivities {Matthew 22:1-14}, the Great Dinner {Luke 14:15-24}, and the Ten Virgins {Matthew 25:1-13}. The bridegroom is Jesus who comes back for his bride. These are covered in great detail in my article: “The Wedding of Christ and His Bride.” I will just cover this very briefly. There is the faithful bride, and the unfaithful bride. The faithful bride is the chosen, the body of Christ.

In the first parable there are wedding festivities, these are made in the Father’s house, that is the wedding is in heaven. The king, the Father, dispatches his slaves, the prophets, wise men, and scribes to call those invited to the wedding. Those who are invited, the Jews, do not care and carry on with what they are doing, yet other Jews take hold of the salves, and kill them. The king sends his troops and destroys the city. Jesus who is telling the parable of course prophesying the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 66-70 AD. The wedding being ready others are invited, these are the faithful, the chosen, from Israel and the nations. Those invited are actual the bride, and they will be clothed in wedding apparel. However there is one who does not have wedding apparel, he has gatecrashed the wedding, and is thrown into the outer darkness, the Lake of Fire. The Great Dinner is very similar to the wedding festivities parable however it does not mention a wedding, but it is still about the same thing.

The Ten Virgins parable, briefly there are five stupid virgins and five prudent virgins. This is because the five prudent ones have extra oil in crocks, clay pots, but the stupid ones do not. All the virgins fall asleep, and are awoke by the clamour in the night, for the bridegroom is coming. They all are roused and adorn their torches. However the stupid ones torches are going out, that is their light is going out, and want the extra oil. The prudent refuse and tell them to get oil elsewhere. While the stupid ones are gone, getting more oil, the bridegroom comes and takes the prudent virgins with him. The stupid virgins miss out. Now who are these virgins? The five prudent virgins are the bride, they are the chosen, they are the faithful. Who then are the five stupid virgins? These are ones who are called, but are then lead away from the faith. Believers are the light of the world, but their light can go out, and they can be lead back into the darkness. Having said that, those who are chosen, who are predestined, are the prudent ones, and will not be lead back into the darkness, their light will not go out.

I briefly go over the minas and the talents parables later in the article these being covered in my “Judgement series,” in the parables part and also in my article: “The Coming Kingdom”

The Salvation of All Mankind through the Death and Resurrection of Christ

Believing in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, for salvation.

People seem to believe the evangel is only, believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for salvation. Believing in His death and resurrection is part of it, but it is not the only part. You do not need to believe in, or know all the parts of the evangel for salvation.

Romans 1:16 For not ashamed am I of the evangel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing - to the Jew first, and to the Greek as well." {CLV}

1Corinthians 15:1-4 Now I am making known to you, brethren, the evangel which I bring to you, which also you accepted, in which also you stand, through which also you are saved, if you are retaining what I said in bringing the evangel to you, outside and except you believe feignedly." For I give over to you among the first what also I accepted, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that He was entombed, and that He has been roused the third day according to the scriptures, {CLV}

The brethren were saved through the evangel, unless they pretended to believe, in which case they were not saved. The evangel that they accepted, was that Christ died for their sins according to the scriptures, and that He was entombed, and that He has been roused the third day according to the scriptures. Those who were dead, were refer to by Jesus as being asleep. On the third day Christ was roused, awakened by God. He was actually dead, and was actually resurrected. Jesus did not go on any trips to any places while He was dead, for He was dead and could not do anything. For a lot more on death refer to my article: “What is Death

If you truly believe that Christ died for your sins and was resurrected then you are saved. However you have to believe that it is through Christ alone that you are saved, and through no part of your own. That is you contributed nothing, there is no choice, you can not choice to be saved or choice Christ. It is not a choice, there is no freewill, you can not choose. Many verses cover the fact that people do not have freewill {Romans 9:18-21, Job 23:12-14}. Also refer to my article: “Freewill

Can the Jews be saved by works, or works and faith?

Romans 3:19-20 Now we are aware that, whatever the law is saying, it is speaking to those under the law, that every mouth may be barred, and the entire world may become subject to the just verdict of God, because, by works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight, for through law is the recognition of sin." {CLV}

Romans 3:27-8 Where, then, is boasting? It is debarred! Through what law? Of works? No! But through faith's law. For we are reckoning a man to be justified by faith apart from works of law. {CLV}

“By works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight”. Maybe I should repeat that, it is saying that NO FLESH, that is NO ONE, not even a Jew can be justified, by WORKS of Law, in His sight, that is God‘s sight. You are justified by faith apart from woks of the law. A person is justified, though the blood of Christ, which takes away your sins. In this way you have salvation. This rules out saving by works, no one can be saved by doing works of the law, it is impossible. You can not work for your salvation, even if you’re a Jew. What of faith and works, no you can not be justified by faith and works of the law, for it is not of works, but through faith.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present, not of works, lest anyone should be boasting." {CLV}

It is not of works, but through faith, for it is not out of you, and works are out of you.

Ephesians 2:10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them. {CLV}

All believers in Christ Jesus have good works, if you do not have these good works, then the faith you have can not save you, because you do not have faith in Christ Jesus. The faith comes first, and then you get the good works, which God made ready beforehand.

James 2:14 What is the benefit, my brethren, if anyone should be saying he has faith, yet may have no works? That faith can not save him." {CLV}

Surely this is saying that you need to have works, does this apply to the Jews only? Lets break this down so that we can better understand it. First James says that, if someone is saying he has faith. That means that the person is saying he has faith, it is not saying he does have faith in Christ, that is the difference. Next: If that person does not have works, that is the good works, not works of the law, then the faith that he has can not save him. That is because he does not have faith in Christ, he has faith in something else. This faith he has can not save him, because it is not in Christ.

These points above covered in more detail in my article: “One Evangel

Those who have already been chosen beforehand by God and by Christ, are the ones that are saved before Jesus Christ returns. There are many verses that cover the fact that there are a group of people who are predestined, that have been chosen already, these are the ones that will be saved {Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:11-12, John 15:16, John 15:19 and many more}. However that does not mean no one else will be saved, however these ones are saved first, being the firstfruit. Also refer to my article: “Predestination

The Lake of Fire, a Process of Salvation

This does not mean a terrible end for all the rest of mankind. No one is going to go to Hell or be annihilated. Hell does not exist, the word is a mistranslation of a few different words, which have different meanings. Many bibles do not have the word hell.

The Hebrew “Sheol,” and the Greek words “Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna” have all been translated as the word “Hell” in the King James version of the bible and other versions. Some bibles do not translated these words. Hades {Greek}, and Sheol {Hebrew} both mean the unseen. This is where the soul, your sensations, goes, not the spirit, because when someone dies the soul does not exist, thus it is unseen.

Tartarus is a jail where some sinning angels were sent {2 Peter 2:4-5 & 1 Peter 3:18-20}. It is not a place for humans. Gehenna is the Lake of Fire, which is not hell.

Those that are dead are not in heaven or hell, for they are dead, they do not exist in another place. More on death is covered in my article: “What is Death

All the rest of mankind who are not part of the body of Christ, will be physically resurrected just before the great White Throne Judgement. That does not mean the rest of mankind goes straight to heaven at the great Throne Judgement. It is those who are predestine that are on the scroll of life.

The rest of mankind will go to the Lake of Fire, the Second Death. However this is not a physical death, like the first death was. They will not be dead physically, but they will still be dead spiritually, that is they will be in a state of death. This is not the evil torture chamber, that is described as hell.

The rest of mankind at the Great White Throne Judgement will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Not an actual lake of fire, these are symbols, lake, water for cleansing and fire for purifying. At the start of there time in the lake of fire, they will be an a state of figurative death. Then they will go to cities on the new Earth, but still be experiencing the lake of fire. However as the river of living water goes from the throne which is in the holy city, Jerusalem on the new Earth, then they will come to spiritual life. At that point they will still be outside, until they are deemed worthy to enter into the city. For more on what happens in the Lake of Fire and the Judgement refer to my: “Judgement Series

Some of the Scriptural verses that prove all mankind will have salvation are:

1 Timothy 2:1-7 {covered below}, 1 Timothy 4:9-11 {covered below}, Romans 5:18-19, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 {covered below}, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 {covered below}, 1 John 4:14-16, Colossians 1:15-20 {covered below}, 2 Timothy 1:8-14.

A number of these verses are covered in this article and in the article: “All Mankind Saved

Salvation for All Mankind Through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

1 Timothy 2:1-7 I am entreating, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, pleadings, thanksgiving be made for all mankind, for kings and all those being in a superior station, that we may be leading a mild and quiet life in all devoutness and gravity, for this is ideal and welcome in the sight of our Saviour, God, Who wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus, Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all (the testimony in its own eras),for which I was appointed a herald and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the nations in knowledge and truth."{CLV}

Paul entreated that petitions, prayers, pleadings, thanksgiving be made for all mankind. God wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth. No one can resisted the will of God. What God wills will happen and no one can stop it from happening. There is no freewill choice here, no choice is mention here. Thus all mankind will be saved and come into a realization of the truth.

The realization of the truth, is realizing God’s will, which is the reconciliation of all to Christ, and God being All in All. All here being all that is in the heavens and on the earth. This being done through the blood of the cross. A lot more on this later.

Christ Jesus is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all mankind. That is for all mankind, Christ Jesus is the correspondent Ransom. Jesus Christ paid the ransom for all mankind, when He died on the cross. That is He paid the price, for all mankind’s sins. He is not just the ransom for believers, but for all mankind.

Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of the whole world at the cross, though his death. His death and resurrection brought salvation for all mankind. This is the truly Good News that has been hidden from the world, by the churches that are in darkness. Paul was appointed a herald of this message, a teacher of the nations in knowledge and truth. This is also know as the conciliation of the world, a most important secret of the evangel, more on this in the next part. Yes truly the Salvation of All Mankind is part of the Evangel.

1 Timothy 4:9-11 Faithful is the saying and worthy of all welcome (for this are we toiling and being reproached), that we rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers. These things be charging and teaching. {CLV}

The faithful are to be charging and teaching that they “rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers.” This is not something most churches teach, which proves they are the unfaithful.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010-2011, 2017

Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel Part 2

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