God is STILL on Plan A!

By Mark Farquharson

If you listen to what some churches say, God is has hand to change his plans, and he is some where down, the list now on plan F or something it seems….

The story goes: After God made a perfect world, Satan came and destroyed God’s plan, and after that, God has been forever running after the horse {world}, that bolted. God has been trying his best to save as many as he can, throughout history..

This paints the picture, that Satan is stronger than God, even thou God made Satan….Satan disrupted God’s plan, there for he is stronger… And God does not know all, he does not know what will happen in the future… he is not all powerful….

WRONG…. Wrong…. wrong…

Other say he is on Plan B, don’t get carried away, he only had to go to plan B. It does not matter what other plan you believe he is on, if it is not plain A then you are WRONG.

Hold on you may say, God knows what will happen in the future, he just didn’t know what Satan would do. Well how can he know what Satan will do in the future if he didn’t know what Satan would do in the garden of Eden, you can’t have it both ways.

It is not just that God has seen the future, that he know what will happen, he KNOWS, because HE PLAINED the FUTURE ALL along from the BEGINNING, before time began.

Remember who put the Tree of Knowledge in the garden?


Who made Satan? God… God know what Satan would do, in fact it was part of God’s plan all along… Satan is not stronger than God, Satan can not disrupted the plan of God..

If there had been no sin then there would be no need for a saviour, however the bible tells us that the death of Christ was planned before time.

And though the history of the bible, God has been in control all along, and still is today…

God has not taken his hands of the world… ever… It may seem that he has take his hands off a lot of the time, but that is not the case…

God has a plan, it is the same plan he has always had…. From before the ages {Eons} began…

The Flooding of the world was part of God’s plan all along…He did not suddenly come up with a new plan, because man was evil, and he had not see this coming…. No he knew man would become like this…

And so was the crucifixion of Christ on the cross….

Christ was not murdered to save the few, but to save everybody…

This is how I can be sure that everyone will be saved… This is part of God’s plan..

God’s plan will work…. God is all powerful… all knowing….

The earliest mention of the Saviour is actually right back in Genesis 3:

14 Then said Yahweh God unto the serpent—Because thou hast done this, Accursed, art thou above every tame-beast, and above every wild-beast of the field,—on thy belly, shall thou go, and dust, shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. 15 And enmity, will I put between thee, and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,—He shall crush thy head, but, thou, shalt crush his heel. REB

The plan covers several periods of time called Eons {Ages}…. I do not understand all these Eons fully at this time… However one Eon was from Adam to the Flood…

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2008

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