Updates 2016

November 20: Small update to entry: Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit, Watch Dates Nov 30 & Dec 8

I left out the date for when the 12th of the fifth Hebrew month was which was back on July 18 2016, thus adding 144 days gets you Dec 8.

November 11: New Journal entry: Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit, Watch Dates Nov 30 & Dec 8

First new entry in several months.

23 April: New Journal entry: Double Fulfillment of the thirty day Period

This entry gives a different date for saving 13, and it is saved of 91, not 113, as I thought. The entry "When Is the 13 Saved" is now labelled as incorrect.

I had to wait for certain things to be revealed to me before I could write this entry.

5 April: New journal entry: Who Are The Seventy Preparing the Way For?

At this time I have not include it as part of the series on the watch date May 22, however it does connect to the series.

25 March: New journal entry: Full Moons & Passovers

This is the tenth entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016.

I got another sign this morning, got to look into first, not sure if I will mention it in an upcoming entry.

23 March: small correction, I said that there was 16 signs to go, actually there is only 8 to go, sorry

22 March: New journal entry: The Seven Year Drought and the Coming Rain

This is the ninth entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016.

There is another entry I am working on, which I may hold of on posting it until after the full moon on March 24th.

20 March: New journal entry: Starting at 8 am, why 8, why not 7?

This is the eighth entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016.

There is still a bit more I could post, not sure if I will or when.

16 March: Large update to parts 1&2 of the article: How Many Resurrections

15 March: I am doing a major edit of the Resurrections article, please do not read it until it is finished. Not sure when that will be, as it is taking long than first thought.

14 March: Added additional material to part 2 of my article: When is the Millennium. This is to note that there are those spiritually reigning with Christ and those who are actually reigning with Christ.

Please note the Resurrections article does not concur, and needs updating which I hope to do in the next day or two.

12 March: New journal entry: The Placing of the Capstone and 300, This is now the seventh entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016, after I remove one entry from the series as explain before.

There is a bit more I could post, not sure if I will put it as part of the series.

8 March: New journal entry: When Is the 13 Saved, Note this follows on from the entry "Saving 13", both entries are Not part of the series, Watch Date May 22 2016, I will not at this time be doing a entry on the March 7, watch date, yesterday, March 7 in NZ, there was a report on the News about the issue of gay marriage in Australia, government saying vote will be after the election over there, however others are calling for it to be done before.

7 March, I have removed the entry "Saving 13" from the series Watch Date May 22 2016. Please note I have not remove the actual entry from the site, just from the series, thus there are now six entries in the series. While saving 13 is connected to that watch date, the actual date of the saving is a few weeks later, which I will cover in an up coming entry.

6 March: New journal entry: Lumino and the Delta

This is the seventh entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016. There is more stuff I could post, not sure if I will post the additional stuff. Yesterday I can across the meaning of saving 13, I will get to that in an upcoming entry.

4 March: New journal entry: Still Transitioning to Elisha and the Ninth Sign

This is the sixth entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016. I am working on another entry for the series, this will include the additional revelation I got the other day.

1 March: New journal entry: Additionally on 999, 111 & 222, Along With 555, 777 & 888

This is the fifth entry in the series Watch Date May 22 2016. I am working on another entry, however I got additional revelation yesterday which could go in the entry I am working on or another entry. I am not sure how many entries I will do on this watch date.

29 February: A small edit to the recent entry: Watch Date For Outpouring & Open Door: May 22 2016

There was an indication in the entry that we would have to wait an additional eight days for the ninth sign, I now realize that was a mistake sorry about that.

In the Open Door section of the Journal you will notice I have move some entries to the Past Watch Dates and Events page. Those entries contain out of date info, hence clearing them away, other entries might also be moved.

28 February: The last four entries are now in the series Watch Date May 22 2016, you can get to the series at the moment via the links on the home page or by going into one of the series entries and the link will be at the bottom.

Please note there are two more entries I am working on for the series, one of which I may post tomorrow.

27 February: New journal entry: Saving 13, Note this entry connects to the last three journal entries, and I am working on entry that will have more on the numbers 999, 111, 222 along with the number 888, watch out for it.

26 February: Updated the "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand." Now covers all of 2015.

23 February: I changed the name of the journal entry that I just posted, it is now called: The Staircase to Heaven, 999, 111, & 222

22 February: New journal entry: The Staircase to Heaven, 999 plus 111

21 February: new journal entry: Leaving Egypt and the Door of Heaven

There is another related entry I am working on, please check back soon for that entry. This may just be the beginning of a return to write or doing other website stuff.

17 February: New Journal entry: Watch Date For Outpouring & Open Door: May 22 2016

This being the first for 2016.

24 January: I have changed or removed the word "physical" in describing the resurrections in the resurrections article, however other articles may also need changing. I still need to update the resurrections article to do with the former resurrection being an actual resurrection not just a spiritual resurrection.

17 January: Please note the word physical to describe the resurrections, was not meant to indicate the type of body a person has when they are resurrected, due to the misunderstanding this can cause this word will be remove or change in the resurrections article when I have time, some changes have already been made.

Please note links to Gerry Watts website "Purpose of Life" have been removed, I prayed about this and got the word to remove, he did a major U-turn in his beliefs and now no longer believes in the salvation of all mankind.

I do plan to do a journal entry on the new watch date of May 22, 2016 soon, you should note I am writing it American style, with month first, instead of the way I usually do it day first, this is how I have gotten the date during prayer. This may indicate that I will be soon traveling to the USA.

Updates 2015
