Truly Wonderful Future for All

7 March 2011. Revised August 26 2018

By Mark Farquharson

There is a truly wonderful future install for all. This entry lists some of the wonderful items that are coming your way.

Salvation: Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross all have been saved. However here I speak of full salvation, which will come to the chosen, the overcomers in the body, first, when Jesus returns from heaven. This is when they gain immortality. The rest of the believers, those who remain on the earth for the millennium, and those who become believers during the millennium will gain immortality at the end of the millennium. The rest of mankind will have to wait until they have spend their time in the Lake of Fire. When their time is over, then they will also gain salvation and have immortally.

Salvation for your Pets: Your animal friends will be resurrected, with new immortal bodies.

Animal Salvation: When the new Universe of Light, and the new Earth are created, after the destruction of this universe, all the animals will be resurrected, in new immortal bodies, have full salvation.

Spiritual Union of Jesus and You: Upcoming for the overcomers in the body of Christ, is the wedding at the end of this eon. The overcomers in the body will be spiritually united at the wedding. Of course if you are now in Christ you have a spiritual connection, but this will be somehow a lot greater, they what you experience now. The rest of the believers in Christ and the rest of mankind will not miss out on this great union with Jesus Christ, but they will have to wait. They will miss out on the actual wedding at the end of this eon, but not the actual union, which they will get later when it is their turn. For more on the wedding refer to the article: “The Wedding of Christ and His Bride

Learning the Ways of God:

Micah 4:1-3 And it comes in the days hereafter, the mount of Yahweh's house shall be established on the summit of the mountains, and it is borne by the hills, and all the peoples stream unto it." And many nations go and say: Go, and we will ascend to the mount of Yahweh, and to the house of the Elohim {God} of Jacob, and He will direct us in His ways, and we will go in His paths. For from Zion shall fare forth the law, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem." And He judges between many peoples, and corrects staunch nations still afar, and they pound their swords into mattocks, and their spears into pruners; nation is not lifting the sword against nation, nor are they learning war any more." {CLV}

The people of the nations will stream on to and ascend the mount of Yahweh. At the summit of this mountain will be the house of the God of Jacob. This house is the Kingdom of the Heavens. It is on this mount, that the people of the nations will learn the ways of Yahweh. They will be taught by the chosen, who will come out of the house to teach the people who have ascend the mount. They can also be taught in the nations themselves. There will also be an end to war.

Glory and Honour:

1 Peter 1:7 that the testing of your faith, much more precious than gold which is perishing, yet, being tested by fire, may be found for applause and glory and honor at the unveiling of Jesus Christ, {CLV}

The chosen receive glory and honour for their faith which is tested by fire, at the unveiling of Jesus Christ, when He returns at the end of this eon.

Revelation 21:22-27 And a temple I did not perceive in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lambkin. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should be appearing in it, for the glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lambkin. And the nations shall be walking by means of its light, and the kings of the earth are carrying their glory into it. And its portals should under no circumstances be locked by day; for there shall be no night there. And they shall be carrying the glory and the honor of the nations into it, and under no circumstances may anything contaminating, or one who is making an abomination and a lie be entering into it, except those written in the Lambkin's scroll of life. {CLV}

Those of the nations also receive glory and honour. While they do not have faith to start with, they do gain faith. They are purified and tested by the fire, in the Lake of Fire. The kings carry the glory and the honor of the nations into the city. That is the kings bring in to the new Jerusalem, the people of the nations who have gained glory and honour.

All in Christ:

Colossians 1:15-17 Who is the Image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature, for in Him {Christ} is all created, that in the heavens and that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Him and for Him, and He is before all, and all has its cohesion in Him. {CLV}

All is created for Christ and all has its cohesion in Him. In the heavens and on the earth, that is all spirit beings, all mankind and all animals.

Colossians 1:18-20 And He is the Head of the body, the ecclesia, Who is Sovereign, Firstborn from among the dead, that in all He may be becoming first, for in Him the entire complement delights to dwell, and through Him to reconcile all to Him (making peace through the blood of His cross), through Him, whether those on the earth or those in the heavens. {CLV}

In Him the entire complement delights to dwell. All reconciled to Him. In the future the entire complement, that is all that is in the heavens and that on the earth will delight to dwell in Christ Jesus.

God All in all:

1 Corinthians 15:27-28 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him." Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)"{CLV}

God will be All in all at the end on the eons, when all is subjected to Christ. This includes all mankind, all animals and all spirit beings.

God’s Rest: This is not some single future millennium of a thousand years on this earth. It actually started on the seventh day of the creation week, and is on going.

Matthew 8:11 Now I am saying to you that many from the east and the west shall be arriving and reclining with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, {CLV}

The chosen will physically experience this rest in the next eon. Those in the nations will experience this rest when they enter into the kingdom of the heavens.


John 14:2-3 In My Father's house are many abodes; yet if not I would have told you, for I am going to make ready a place for you." And if I should be going and making ready a place for you, I am coming again and I will be taking you along to Myself, that where I am, you also may be." {CLV}

While a number of people take this as spiritual, that is the kingdom is inside of you, Jesus did actually leave the earth and will actually return. I do believe He has actually gone to prepare an actual place. This place is not just for his body, the chosen, it is actually for all mankind, for there are many abodes, not just a few.

Everyone has an abode waiting for them in the new Jerusalem, the Kingdom of the Heavens. You will actually have an abode in the ENORMOUSLY VAST structure that is the new Jerusalem that will be on the new Earth. It is 12000 stadia, or about 1500 miles or 2400 kilometres in length, breadth and height. The new Earth will be largely greater in size than this old earth. It needs to be to have such a enormous structure on it, and to house all the nations that will be outside in the coming eon. The nations will be outside, but the people of the nations will move inside overtime.

Those chosen of the body will get to experience their abodes first, but everyone has abodes. Each abode will be large inside, the enormous structure allows for large abodes, where you can entertain a large number of guests.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 10 September 2011. Revised August 26 2018

Illustration: Wonderful Future for All

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