Alan Wood Park to Three Kings

22 January 2015, Updated 23 Oct 2015, Updated: March 3 2018

By Mark Farquharson

Sequence Starts:

Alan Wood Reserve

Mokomoko Bridge {Purple} in Alan Wood Reserve

Mt Owairaka also known as Mt Albert. The actual mount, not the suburb.

Olympus road & Marry Halberg Park

Entrance and exit for the two motorway tunnels. Note the other end of the tunnels are in the sequence: Numbers Bridge to Coyle Park or MOTAT

Olympus road & Marry Halberg Park

Tuna Roa Bridge {Blue} in Alan Wood Reserve

Te Whitinga Bridge over motorway to Kukuwai Park.

Kukuwai Park other side of Motorway

Raupo Bridge {green} in Alan Wood Reserve

Valonia Reserve next to Alan Wood Reserve

End of Allen Wood Park

Hendon Park

Underwood Park

Owairaka Park. Includes garden.

Walmsley Park

War Memorial Park. Mt Roskill.

Mt Roskill in Winstone Park. The actual mount, not the suburb.

Akarana Golf Course

Arthur Richards Memorial Park

Keith Hay Park

Big King Reserve in the suburb of Three Kings.

Three Kings Park

Three Kings Library

Hillsborough Cemetery {Not sure if part of sequence}

Sequence Ends


Olympus, refers to Mount Olympus home of the Olympians in ancient Greek religion.

Mt Owairaka, it‘s Maori name or Mt Albert. “Owairaka” should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I relate this to the Holy Spirit, which is the water of life.

Marry Halberg Park: At the end of Olympus road is a short walkway to Marry Halberg Park. On the side of the building in the park is a painting of a warrior with a sword, the message reads “Marist Saints.”

Alice Sign: The two motorway tunnels are being constructed using the tunnel boring machine named Alice, after Alice in Wonderland. Alice has finished boring both the tunnels. Alice finished the first tunnel on the 29 September 2014 and completed the second tunnel on the 19 October 2015.

In Walmsley Park is three seats next to some boulders. On a street running parallel to Walmsley Park I got the sign “don’t let the hill beat you.” On one side of Sandringham road is Walmsley Park on the other side is the War Memorial Park.

In War Memorial Park is a running track, close to Sandringham road. After the running track are the sports fields, the memorial and the memorial building are right at the other end.

Big King Reserve. Is in the suburb of Three Kings in Auckland. Big King is the tallest of the three mounts known as Three Kings. At the top is a large water reservoir, a tank for storing water. Jesus is the Kings of kings. The tank represents the holy Spirit. Right next to big king is a open cast mine.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015 & 2018

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