Watch Dates 22-24 April 2011

20 April 2011. Edited 16 September 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Well the night of the 18th of April passed and the ministry did not begin. Does that mean a wait until the Second Passover 18/19 May. Actual maybe not, for the next dates to watch is 22-24 of April 2011 US Time, or Israel Time maybe.

The 22 April is Good Friday, the day for remembering what happened on the Cross, but not the actual day of the crucifixion.

The 22 April is also the end of the second 76 day cycle for this year. At the beginning of the cycle Dr Jones, of God’s Kingdom Ministries got a prayer. Back on February 7, 2011, Dr Jones write an entry about the prayer. Here is part of it:

"Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that the Son may glorify Thee. As You gave Christ authority, so that He could impart the revelation of the Father to all men, so also give the same authority to the New Creation Man, the body of Sons

We have glorified You on the earth and have accomplished the preparation work that You gave us to do. Now, glorify us together with our Head, Jesus Christ.

……Manifest Your presence in us, that the world may believe that You have sent us. Unify the New Creation Man as one body…..”

The whole Prayer is here: “Prayer of the New Creation Man

It mentions authority to impart the revelation, that is the evangel. In the same prayer it mentions the glory, that is the glory is to come at the same time. It also mentions unify, I take that to mean the coming of the knowledge, for we at this time do not all believe the same, but when we are unified then we will all believe the same. For instance, if there is to be a Great Tribulation, or is Revelation a prophecy of certain events, most of which have now already happened, is there going to be a millennium reign or not. Thus the authority, glory and knowledge could come at the end of the cycle on the 22 or the day after 23.

There is also the Passover Conference which is 22-24 April, in Manassas, Virginia. They will have the “Christ’s our Passover” Lord’s Supper on Good Friday evening.

Dr Jones reports that the time to watch for the ninth sign is Sunday 24 April, being an equivalent day of barley first fruits. Or second possibility, first Sunday after second Passover 22 of May. The report is here: “Watch Dates

Of course if nothing happens on 22-24 of April, then we wait until second Passover.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 16 September 2011

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