Up the Mount, the Knowledge and Glory

3 December 2011

By Mark Farquharson

On the 29 Nov. Dr Jones built a scale model of the Great Pyramid, but did not place the Capstone, or Headstone until the 30 Nov. The placement of the Capstone was witnessed by pastor David. The body is the David Company and Manasseh. Prophetically Manasseh has been formally crowned. Read more about that here: Coming out of Egypt and a New Birth

Jesus is the stone which the builders rejected, which has become the chief stone.

Psalms 118:22-25 The stone which the builders rejected, It came to be for the head of the corner." From Yahweh came this; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day Yahweh has made; Let us exult and rejoice in it. Oh Yahweh, do save us! Oh Yahweh, do prosper us!"{CLV}

When Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem {Matthew 21:9} the next verse in Psalms 118 was shouted:

Psalms 118:26 Blessed in the Name of Yahweh is he who is coming; We bless you from the House of Yahweh. {CLV}

Matthew 21:9 Now the throngs preceding and following Him cried, saying, "Hosanna to the Son of David! 'Blessed be He Who is coming in the name of the Lord!' Hosanna among the highest!" {CLV}

While it is true that with in the week Jesus had been crucified, it is also true that the following Sunday after riding the donkey, Jesus had been resurrected. On that day Jesus went to heaven. That would mean this coming Wednesday the 7 Dec could be a watch date. I have said that the 6 Dec is 636 days after the Dream I had with a series of numbers totalling 36. However the signs of the moon point to other dates, which I will cover below.

It is interesting to note that the 30 Nov was 222 days after the sign of barley back on 22 April 2011. What we are waiting on is the double proportion. The number 222 emphasizes the number 2, and if you have two of something that is you have double of it. Thus indicating that we are in the month of the double proportion.

My family have been going to this restaurant lately after receiving free vouchers. Each voucher is for two people to go free. With two vouchers being used each time. The dates of the first three visits were the 15, 21, & 29 Nov. With the fourth visit on the 1 Dec. The first three times the tables were numbered 207, 209, 210, and Mum said “the same table.” However it was not the exact same table. The last time the table number was 409. No not exactly double, but the first digit is double. Note the reference to the same table, thus the 200’s tables were all the same being in the 200‘s, but the last time it was in the 400’s. One of the ice cream flavours I have started to eat is “Double Cream and Cookies.”

Remember the signs of the moon, I still believe I am correct on these signs of the moon. Thus the repeated pattern is occurring, which means we are now in a repeat of the third Hebrew month, but are actually in the ninth Hebrew month that started on the 27 Nov. As I have said the provision came to the priests starting in the third Hebrew month. I still at this time then believe it will occur in this ninth Hebrew month which ends on the 26 Dec.

A type of release happened on the 30 Nov according to Dr Jones. The Israelites left Egypt in the first Hebrew month. Does the signs of the moon mean an earlier release from Egypt? Prophetically Manasseh started to reign on the 8 Oct. which was the Day of Atonement. Every 50th year this Day of Atonement was also a day of liberation. Thus there was a type of release back on the 8 Oct. in the seventh Hebrew month, that I am saying is a type of the first month. The night before 7 Oct. I was reminded about the blood on the doorposts, the Israelites paced the blood on the doorposts on the 14 and they left that night. That is not to say there was not a type of release on the 30 Nov, as Dr Jones states.

Which then means I am looking to see if there is a pattern that applies in the third Hebrew month which can apply this time. On the morning of 1 Dec I awoke and remembered Moses up the mount. In the third Hebrew month the Israelites arrived at mount Sinai. Earlier in the year I did a couple of entries on this, but time to go over it again. The day they arrived is not given in Exodus, but can be determined from Jubilees.

Jubilees 1:1. And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, on the sixteenth day of the month, that God spake to Moses, saying: "Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give thee two tables of stone of the law and of the commandment, which I have written, that thou mayst teach them." {translated by R. H. Charles 1917}

This is not the day they arrived, this is the day Moses went up the mount to get the two tables of stone, the start of the forty days. According to Exodus they arrived three days earlier, which then would have been on the 13 of the third month. When they arrived Moses went up the mount on that day and came back down. They were to be prepared for the third day {Exodus 19:10-11}. Moses goes up the mount on this third day of their arrival, then comes back down, with a lot of knowledge that he has received from Yahweh. Which he gives to the people and writes down. On the four day is when he goes up to begin the forty days and nights. However Yahweh does not call until the seventh day from the cloud {Exodus 24:16}.

What then out of these dates are the ones to watch? Remember I am converting the third Hebrew month days to the ninth Hebrew month. Well they arrived on the 13, which will be the 9 Dec. The 15 when He got the Knowledge will be the 11 Dec and He started the 40 days on the 16, which will be the 12 Dec. The ones I would then watch are the 11 and 12 Dec.

Why these two in particular? Jesus died on the 14 of the first month, and was resurrected on the 16, and this is when He went to heaven to present himself to his Father. Jesus is the firstfruit of the resurrection. The Wave Sheaf offering is also on the 16 of the first month. This is a barley offering and the ninth sign is barley.

John 20:17 which is the term for "Teacher. Jesus is saying to her, "Do not touch Me, for not as yet have I ascended to My Father. Now go to My brethren, and say to them that I said, 'Lo! I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" {CLV}

Thus like Moses going up the mount on the 16 of the third month, Jesus ascended on the 16 of the first month.

In the past I may have said otherwise based on certain information at the time, but after study it again this is what I believe about the Israelites leaving Egypt. The lambs were selected on the 10 day of the first Hebrew month. They started to leave the night of the 14 of the first Hebrew month. Remember that I believe that scriptural days start at dawn. This is the day the blood was placed on the doorposts. They camped on the 15 and started to cross the sea on the night of the 15. On the morning of the next day the 16, they were still crossing. They finished crossing and the water came back together destroying the Egyptian forces {Exodus 12-14}.

In the second month on the 15 day of the month the whole congregation of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses, because they did not have anything to eat, Exodus 16:1-3. This is when Yahweh started to provide them with food, flesh in the evening and bread in the morning. In the evening they were to know it was Yahweh and morning would came the glory, 16:6-7. When did the first lot of food come from Yahweh? My thinking is that evening, for the bread was to come in the morning. Thus if the knowledge came the night of the 15, then the glory would have come on the morning of the 16.

Back on the 13 Nov 2011 I was given the bible reference Matthew 14:16, which is to do with feeding the multitude. That day was the 16th day of the eighth Hebrew month.

However if we are indeed in the third month, then why did not the knowledge and the glory come in the second month, November? This is because the Israelites never ascend in the second month. They saw and eat the food, but never got the total fulfillment. It was Moses that ascend in the third month, when he went up the mount. Jesus ascend when he went to heaven after his resurrection. The new Jerusalem in Revelation 21-22, is on a mountain. When Jesus returns the body will be snatched away, they will ascend.

Yes Moses went up on the 13, but he did not get the knowledge until the 15 of the third month. The Israelites never ascended and thus missed out.

In NZ recently there was an election in which the National party won, with John Key staying prime minister. The Labour party lost and the leader stepped down. There is going to be a new leader. There were three going for the job of new leader, all called David. Thus the new leader will be called David. This to me is some sort of sign. The body, the faithful is the David company. Now there are only two David’s going for the job, after one pulled out. The new leader will be decided on 13 Dec. This being the day after the two dates I am favouring.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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