Flood Table

Local Flood

The flood was local

The flood was not worldwide, it was local

The flood destroyed all the people because they all lived in the one area

All people lived in the one area, after the flood, therefore all the people lived in the one area before the flood.

Noah could see the distant mountains.

The flood cover only the local mountains

The flood only destroyed the local animals.

 All flesh means all mankind was destroyed.

 God set boundaries for the waters, therefore it was a local flood


Worldwide Flood

The flood was worldwide

The flood was not a local flood, it covered the whole world

There is no biblical support that all mankind lived in the one area before the flood

All the people after the flood lived in the same city, Babel, however before the flood all the people did not live in the same city, Cain went and built his own city. {Genesis 4:16-17}

Just because everyone lived in the same city after the flood does not mean they all lived in the same area before the flood.

Noah could only see the mountains, when the flood waters receded {Genesis 8:5}

The Flood covered all the mountains under the entire Heavens {sky} {Genesis 7:19}

The Flood destroyed all flesh on the earth, including all the land animals and all the birds, and every human, except that which was on the ark. {Genesis 7:21}

All flesh does not just included all mankind, but in this case also includes all land based animals and all birds.

Yes God did set a boundary for the waters, however the boundary is the sand, if the waters never passed the boundary, then there would be no flooding what so ever. {Jeremiah 5:22}

At the time of the Flood God bid the waters to pass beyond the boundary {Proverbs 8:29}