Sign of the Moon on 8 January 2012, Changes Indications

9 January 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the night of the 8 January this year I got another sign of the moon. I got the indication to look up, I moved the curtain. There was the full moon, which I could see in a gap in the cloud that was just big enough to see the full moon. The question then of this revelation is to what to make of it.

As you know if you have been reading along I take the full moon signs as indications of Passovers. The first sign coming at first passover in April 2011 and the second coming at second passover in May 2011. After each of the two Passovers I went to “Church of Our Lady of Lourdes” a couple of days later. A couple of days later is the Wave-Sheaf. This linked the Passovers to the birthday of Jesus Christ. His birthday is the Day of Trumpets {Leviticus 23:24-25}, which is the first day in the seventh Hebrew month. Thus the Passovers could not come until after his birthday which was the 29 Sept. 2011.

I did observe the full moons in October and November which would have been the Passovers, if there had not been a delay. It turns out the passovers could not come after his birthday for there was no coronation as of yet. A stone had been indicated with the first visit to Lady of Lourdes, which could have been an indication of the coronation stone. The delay had been indicated to me, and if I had understood it correctly at the time I would have realised the implications of this. The coronation occurred on the 30 Nov 2011, which hopeful meant the passovers could come, the question was when?

I did not observe the actual full moon when it came in December. Thus with the coronation having occurred when was the passover? Then I saw a full moon on a shirt on 27 Dec. This a took as a type of passover, and Dr Jones left a type of Egypt ten years ago on the 30 Dec. Was this first or second passover? The second passover is a month later hence the dates I came up with in the last two entries on the signs of the moon.

However this latest sighting has change the indications. It is a sign of passover however it is not a month after the sign on the shirt, the question is what to make of this? There are two ways to look at the sign on the shirt, either it was an actual sign of passover or it was just a revelation to watch for the sign of passover.

My thinking is it was an actual sign of passover even thou it was on a shirt and not in the actual night sky like all the others. Thus this would have been first passover after the coronation, corresponding to when Dr Jones left Egypt. All the requirements had been meet, in that it was after Jesus’ birthday and after the coronation. The delay indicated two months to the birthday, which would mean the same for the passovers. However this was after a two lunar month delay.

This latest actual full moon sighting is actually two lunar months after the one in November. Which means it corresponds to the two month delay to the birthday. The one in November was what would have been second passover. However the latest sighting is not a month after the sighting on the shirt. Is this really second passover?

The first passover should have come at the time of the actual full moon in December, for this was two lunar months after the one on October. If it had occurred at that time then this passover would be a month later. Thus there was a delay to that passover, but that does not mean the next one can not come in on time. This could have been what was indicate when I went for the walk on 27 Dec. What happened was that I was given the wrong directions, then later I was given the correct directions. The sign on the shirt lead me in the wrong direction, only to be corrected by the actual sign of the full moon. The question being is this sign of first or second passover?

My thinking is that if I had seen the actual full moon in December I could have been confused as it would have been the third sign in a row, October, November, December. There are only two passovers, not three. Thus a break was needed between the signs.

Lets now look at dates, 9 January is the 14 of the tenth Hebrew month, the 16 being the 11 January. The knowledge and glory came to the Israelites on the 15 and 16 of the second month. Unleavened bread festival ends on the 21 of the Hebrew month which would be 16 January. In the days of Hezekiah this was extended by a week which gives us 23 January. The provision came in the third month in the days of Hezekiah, which would be the 11 Hebrew month which starts on the 25 January. If the days of Hezekiah pattern applies.

Looking at numbers the date of 29 January comes up which would be the day after the first sabbath of the month eleven Hebrew month. It is 160 days from 22 August 2011, which was six months after the sign in February which could match with skyscraper revelation as the tallest is 160 stories. It is the 192 day form 22 July, being the first date on a sign with the last date 21 Aug. and 192 is 24 times 8. Also it is 222 days from the ten anniversary of the ring 21 June. The number 222 representing the double portion.

What of Moses up the mount? I have got indications on a mount however it does not have to mean Moses up the mount of Sinai as I have taken it to mean. Moses went up the mount on the 13, 15 and 16 of the third month. It is on the 16 that the 40 day count starts. In the days of Hezekiah I would think they would have start giving the provision earlier in the third month, and not waited until the middle of the third month.

After the first and second signs of the moon I did not get the third one a month later. A third sign in the third Hebrew month could have indicated Moses up mount. There was no such sign in the third month. Moses up the mount is what I have been using to extended dates but one should not use it unless it is valid to do so.

There is another time Moses was at a mount, this was some time after the second Passover but before they arrived at Mount Sinai. I happened to come across this just the other day. There is a battle in Exodus 17, when the Israelites battle the Amalek. Moses went to the summit of a hill and when he held up his hands the Israelites prevailed. After when Jethro visit’s Moses it is said to be at the Mount of God {Exodus 18:5}. My thinking is this could relate to the current spiritual warfare, which is the cause of delay. Thus when spiritually we arrive at the mount, the forces will be defeated and the delay would finally end.

What if the sign on the shirt was not a sign of actual passover? This would mean that 9 January was first passover, and that we would have to wait for second passover on 7 February being the 14 of the 11 Hebrew month, with wave-sheaf on the 9 Feb. The end of the first week of the feast would be 14 Feb. and the end of the second week would be 21 Feb. The third month would start at the begin of the 12 Hebrew month that is 24 Feb, and the first day after the sabbath is the 26 Feb. As for the numbers I do not have any that actual seem to fit.

In the last entry on signs of the moon I mentioned the revelation “to far.” An indication that something is to far, and it would be before that. Question being what is to far? My thinking was it had something to do with valley. I came across Valley Forge, which was the place of the camp of Washington and the American Revolutionary Army in 1777-8. A forge is a furnace for heating metal. If what is meant by “to far” is “Valley Forge is to far” then this to me would refer to the US army going into another war. The war that is coming up is the one with Iran. Thus the event would happen before this war. There is a prophecy that was delivered by a man to a couple that were discussing the dinar. I understand it to mean that the revaluation will not occur until after the war starts. That would mean the revaluation would not come at the time of the coming of Authority. If the provision comes at the same time as the authority then the provision would come before the revaluation. Assuming I am understanding this correctly.

The prophecy is covered in this journal entry: “Dinar Update, Overthrows and US Going to War

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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