Library, Provision, Upcoming Feasts

14 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Well it is that time again, time to review where in the sequences I am, and what is coming next. If you recall I have been saying that next is the library, and in the library is the world section. This is correct, however I did have the dates incorrect.

I got a sign on the 12 September 2012, and a similar sign the next day, to do with the counter just inside the library. The sign was to do with a key, and Thomas the Tank Engine. If you recall the sign of Thomas was after 8 days, being the 12 September.

In the library dream, there were two sets of doors like gates, that were locked. In the dream the second door had a padlock that was unlocked with a key. Thus the key sign, indicating these doors have been unlocked. The unlocking of the second door occurring on the 12 September, after the eight days of Thomas. The key is connected to the front counter, thus indicating arrive at the front counter on the 13 September. In the dream I went past the front counter to the counter of food. This food counter representing the provision. Since the indication is that I have made it to the front counter, then it is not the time of the provision, just yet. In the dream the food counter was not too far from the front counter. The dream is covered in this entry: Library Dream, Provision and Stairway to Heaven

These indicate to me, that in the sequences I have got to the front counter in the library. However I have to get to the world section, which I relate to the time of the provision. I dated the world section as 12 September, however this was incorrect as I just arrive at the front counter on the 13 September.

There is this restaurant called the “Snapdragon,” in downtown Auckland. A snapdragon is a garden flower. Upstairs is a room that has books on the walls, thus a library, on a moveable bookcase is two paintings one of a naked man the other of a naked woman. I did not take note of what the paints were called, but I take it as a sign of Adam and Eve. Dragon I take as a sign of the dragon, Satan. Adam and Eve eat of the Tree of Knowledge after what Satan said to Eve. Thus a sign of the knowledge in the Library.

Lets now look at one of the sequences. I have mentioned a number of times the sequence that starts at Corban estate, then to Border rd, then Henderson Valley Park and finally to Henderson Valley. I said that in this sequence we were coming up to Border rd. My view is that we have crossed over Border rd and we are now in Henderson Valley Park. In Henderson Valley Park is a pony club. There are some other parks that I can added into this sequence that are nearby.

The first is Bruce Mclaren Memorial Park. Bruce Mclaren was a race car driver. In the park is a large toy car, number 4. In the 1969 Can-Am season of races Bruce Mclaren drove car number 4. Can-Am standing for Canadian-American Challenge Cup season. The season started on the 1 June and ended on the 9 November in Texas, Mclaren came first, and first overall wining the Cup. What is interesting about the last date is that if I write it like this 9/11, one would think of September 11. For 9 November would be to far away I would think date wise, thus for my sequences I date it as 11 September 2012 if I am correct. I connect the park to the pony club. At another Pony club on the 13 September I read the words “Friendship, Fun, Knowledge.” Thus the sign is the knowledge is to come at the time of the pony club, but the pony club takes up a bit of land, that is time. In a map I picked up recently the Bruce Mclaren Memorial Park is incorrectly called “Lloyd Morgan Park.” There is the Lloyd Morgan Lions Clubs Park, on Edmonton Road, Te Atatu South. There is the Lloyd Morgan Lions Clubs Charitable Trust, that was set up in his honor in 1980. Lloyd was International President of Lions Club International in 1979-80.

There is a park on San Marino road. San Marino is a republic in Italy, that was founded by stonecutter Marinus of Rab on 3 September 301. Marinus left Rab when a decree was issued for the reconstruction of the city walls of Rimini, according to legend. The constitution of San Marino, was enacted in 1600, which is the number for the fullness of love. This park then in the sequences is just after Bruce Mclaren Memorial Park. The breach in the walls of the New Jerusalem was repaired in 52 days, from the 22 July -12 September 2012.

Next is Starforth Park which has a small overgrown garden. This could then connect to the overgrown garden in Owairaka Park. Owairaka if you recall refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura,” which I relate to the Holy Spirit. There is a coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and at that time I do think there will be a judgement. Which could be fall on the overgrown garden, that is city. That city I still view as being London, England. More on the overgrown garden in this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

On the 11 September 2012 I again went to Manawa Wetlands and sat down under the cover. Mana, or manna is the food that was provided to the Israelites and represented the “glory of Yahweh” that is the glory of God. Nga Manawa in tradition was the collective name for the five sons of Mahuika and Auahituroa who were known as the Fire Children and are the names of the five fingers. Manawa was the name given to the ring finger. The Anniversary of Ring is 21 June. There were two sequences that ended at Manawa Wetlands, one finishing on the 30 December 2011 and the repeat ending on the 21 June 2012.

I came out of Manawa Wetlands and across the road I noticed the New Lynn Samoan seventh day Adventist church. This is the first time I noticed this church. In the other sequences that ended at the wetlands there is an earlier Samoan church that I link to Passovers. However it does not have to mean a Passover this time, it could mean a link to a Passover.

Then I noticed St Austell’s Church and I walked past New Lynn School. Then on to the earlier Samoan church, which is next to St Thomas church. These all being part of the earlier sequences. I did not go past any of the over parts of the earlier sequences. What then this seems to be is a part of the earlier sequences being repeated.

St Thomas and the Samoan church I take as the first and second Passovers on 4 July and 2 August respectively. New Lynn School has a stone with a plaque dated 29 November 1913. I connect this with the Coronation Stone returned to Scotland on the 30 November 1996. In the first sequence it is dated 30 November 2011, being the date Dr Jones put the capstone on his scale model of the Great Pyramid. This relates to the coronation of the chosen, the body. In the repeat it is dated 22 May the date I went across Coronation Bridge. In the latest sequence then I am looking for something involving a coronation or a pyramid or both. The closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic games was on the night of the 12 August going into the 13 August. One of the things that occurred during the closing ceremony was the construction of a pyramid. This then is a sign that seems to connect London to the coronation of the chosen.

St Austell’s Church I have connected to the Methodist in Pitt street and the spilling of red drink on 17 December 2011, which was the 21 of the ninth Hebrew month. This could then connect to the spilling of blood, the death of Christ, and therefore a Passover. I did not connect it before to a Passover. The date of the Methodist did not match a Passover date, being a 14 of the Hebrew month. In the beginning of the sequences you have only two Passovers, then a period of time involving other events, before getting to the next set of Passovers. Thus my thinking was another two matching Passovers. In the scriptures you only have first and second Passover, not a third Passover. However the date of the Methodist matches the end of the week of Unleavened Bread, which starts on the day after Passover. I did not dated it in the repeat of the sequence.

The New Lynn Samoan seventh day Adventist church, would not be indicating another Passover, going by the end date in the first two sequences. My thinking would be that it could indicate the end of Unleavened Bread, for that goes for a week, being this time the 8 September.

The first sequence ended on the 30 December 2011, which was the 4 of the 10 Hebrew month. Starting at Rosh Hashanah in 2011, you have three Hebrew months, the seventh, the eighth and the ninth. Then you are 4 days into the tenth month, the fourth in the count.

The second sequence ended on the 21 June 2012, being the first of the fourth Hebrew month. Again you have three months, being the first three months of the Hebrew year, then it is the first day.

This time the three months started on the 21 June 2012, and will end on the 16 September, with the fourth month starting on the 17 September.

Lets now look at some upcoming watch dates, 17-18 September, Rosh Hashanah, is the Jewish New Year. The 17 September is also the first of the seventh Hebrew month, which is Feast of Trumpets. 26 September is day of Atonement in the seventh month. Feast of Tabernacles is the 15-22 of the seventh month being the 1-8 October, with the Feast of Tabernacles Conference on the 5-7 October.

The period of time that is going to end soon is Pentecost, that started almost 2000 years ago when the apostles got the Holy spirit in about 33 A.D. There are those that view Tabernacles as coming next, but that is not the order of the feasts. Next in the order is Trumpets, which will go to the return of Jesus Christ. The 17 September is the date for Feast of Trumpets. This then could be the date for the coming of the Holy Spirit and the day the chosen are unveiled. For more on the feasts related to time refer to this article: The Feasts Related to Periods of Time

Remember I mentioned the “Not for six months” sign, applying this to the start of the Hebrew year, the 24 March 2012, you do get the seventh month. I was dating it earlier given the signs I was going by and how I understand the “Still four months,” that Jesus said about the harvest John 4:35.

Operation Jericho occurred last year 11-17 September 2011. Thus it is now the time of the one year anniversary, with the last day being the Feast of Trumpets. Jericho was a city in the Old Testament. The Israelites walked around the city once a day for six days, then on the seven day they walked around it seven times, that is a total of 13 times. At which point the priests blew the trumpets, the people shouted and the walls came down {Joshua 6}. Thus a sign of a coming judgement against a city that is spiritually like Jericho.

This could connect to the “Steel Gate Judgement.” The judgment of ancient Jericho occurred on the seventh day. The “Steel Gate Judgement,” is linked to the Christchurch earthquake that occurred on the 4 September 2010, which was on Elul 25. This year Elul 25 was the 12 September.

My Jesus at 12 Dream was on the 10 or 11 March 2010, being the 24-25 of the 12 Hebrew month. It is currently the 12 civil month.

On the 13 September I went to Birdwood Winery Estate Reserve. There is a BMX bike track there. Note BMX racing was included in this years Olympic games. The plaque there is to do with the union of two people, Maori and Croatian, dated 28 February 1999 and the name Michael Hardie Boys. Note the Olympia earthquake in Washington state occurred on the 28 February 2001.

You can also check out Dr Johns weblog on the upcoming dates:

Watch dates, September 9 to 22

The Rugby:

All Blacks {NZ} vs. Argentina on the 8 September, score: 21 All Blacks, 5 Argentina. Aaron Cruden replaced Carter. He is to play this weekend when the All Blacks play against the Springboks, it will be Aaron‘s 14th test. Aaron is a person from the Old Testament, Aaron’s rod budded with Almonds.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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