Truth about Death & Hell & Lake of Fire Table


When you die, you are dead

When you die, you sleep until you are resurrected.

You can not communicate with someone who is dead.

Reincarnation is not true.

Reincarnation does not happen.

Ghosts are not dead people walking around on the earth.

No dead person can appear as a ghost.

At death the spirit returns to God, until the resurrection of the person or animal

At death the spirit of the person or animal does not go down or up, the spirit returns to God.

There are no dead people walking around as ghosts

When someone dies they can not become a ghost

Mediums can not communicate with the dead

There is no way anyone can talk to the dead, for the dead are not conscious

Old testament saints have not gone to heaven, they are still dead.

When a believer dies he does not go to heaven, he sleeps until the resurrection.

The thief did not go to paradise that day, for not even Christ went to paradise that day, for Christ died that day.

There is no such thing as reincarnation

No one is reincarnated when they die. 

You can not return as a ghost

No one can return as a ghost. 

There is no such thing as previous lives

No one has had a previous life

The Dead can Not intercede for you

Dead saints can Not intercede for you

Dead Christians can Not intercede for you


Contrary to popular belief, no one will burn in Hell

There is NO HELL!

Hell does NOT Exist!

No one is in Hell!

No one will Be in Hell!

No one will be sent to Hell!

No one will be condemn to Hell!

God is NOT an evil torturer

God will NOT burn people in Hell

Believers will NOT celebrate while unbelievers burn in Hell

God did not create Hell

People don’t go to hell when they die

Unbelievers don’t go to hell when they die

No one will be tortured in Hell

Hell is a translation of four different words, none of which mean the hell that is taught today


Hell is not the end for unbelievers, because they do not even go there.

Hell is not the end for unbelievers, because it does not even exist.

Hell is NOT the place where unbelievers will be annihilated, because unbelievers will NOT be annihilated, and because Hell does not even exist.

The word “Hell” is NOT in all English bible translations

There is no choice between heaven and hell, because hell does not exist. 

There will be no one burning in hell for those in heaven to look down on, because hell does not exist. 

Those in heaven will not be looking down on anyone burning in hell, for hell does not exist.

There is no such thing as a Hellfire 

All those who believe in a burning hell for anyone, are not believers in the true living God

All those who believe in a god that would send people to burn in hell, do not believe in the true living God

All those who believe in a god that would torture anyone by burning them in hell, are not believers in the true living God. 

Lake of Fire

“The Lake of Fire is not never ending, it has a beginning and an end”

The Lake of Fire is not eternal, it does end.

The Lake of Fire is a place of Cleansing and purifying

The Lake of Fire is NOT HELL, There is NO HELL!

No one will be tortured in the lake of fire

No one will be burnt in the Lake of fire


The Lake of Fire is NOT the place where unbelievers will be annihilated, because NO ONE will be annihilated.

Unbelievers will NOT be annihilated in the Lake of Fire, because NO ONE will be annihilated.

The Lake of Fire, is ultimately for the person’s salvation, NOT for their damnation.