Outpouring, Dreams, Books, & a Table

10 May 2015

By Mark Farquharson

Let me start by saying that when you get a revelation or sign, on a certain date, it does not mean that it will occur on that date in the future. Thus when I got the original sign back in 2012, on a date in May, I did not think it was going to happen in some future year on that date. The date you get a sign may indicate something else, for instance the numbers of the date, or it could be the Hebrew date. Thus the sign on the 22 May 2012, could mean 22 of the fifth Hebrew or to do with the numbers 22 and 5.

The outpouring sign on the 22 May 2012 occurred when I was out on a walk, and came upon two men who said that the bid in the tree was a Tui, and they mentioned it getting drunk on the nectar. However the bird was to large to be a Tui, I later identified it as a wood pigeon. When the spirit came on the apostles in the scriptures, the people were mistaken thinking the apostles were drunk. The two men were mistaken on the type of bird and they mentioned it getting drunk on the nectar. I thought of this as a sign of a coming outpouring n the apostles, the overcomers. However to say that it would occur on the 22 May of some future year, is not something I did. The number five is grace and 22 is the Sons of Light.

On the 9 Dec 2013 I had what I have named the Book Store Dream. In the dream I was in a bookstore with my Mother and brother. I got the feeling that we were released, however we were not tied up. After the release my Mother and Brother went on ahead. I stayed behind and picked out two books for ten. I comment that they were a good price. Then I meet up with them at the America broader, the dream ended. In the dream it was not clear if the two books cost $10 total, or $10 each. The dream indicates that my mother, brother and me will be going to America.

Near the end of 2013, after the dream, I received a $30 gift card. I did not straight away connected it to the dream as it could be used in any mall own by Westfield, that is any shop in a Westfield mall. It was not until 22 May 2014 that I actually used the card. I was in a book shop in the St Lukes Westfield mall and they had a sale on, I brought two books for $10 each, that is $20 total, leaving $10 on the card. I brought a book on European birds, and a book on dog breads. You will note that I brought the books two years after the sign on the same day. Thus the two are connected, however the dream itself was in December. I do note that the book was on European birds, not America birds.

I brought another book from the same shop on the 4 June 2014 for $12.50, using the $10 remaining on the card and cash of $2.50. This was not in the dream, but it connects, because I used the card. The book was on Owls.

To complicated things further, on the 24 July 2014 I brought two books that were on sale for $10 each paying cash of $20. The person behind the counter comment that they were cheap. One of the books is on the top 100 Bird breading sites around the world, the other is on horses.

As we now approach the 22 May 2015, this could be the date of the outpouring, however the dream was in Dec and I brought books in June and July.

The Table Dream occurred on the 24 May 2010, in the dream there is a table that costs $12,000, however I have only $6000, and can not afford the Table. Later on the 23 April 2013 I transfer $12000 at a bank in New Lynn. A year later on the day I buy the two books with the gift card I do another transfer. On the 22 May 2014 I transfer $12,740. This then seems to connect the $12000 table to the books and the outpouring. No I have not brought a $12,000 table, I will not say what the transfers were for. 12000 is the number in each of the 12 tribes in the book of Revelation, for a total of 144,000. I do not know what the 740 stands for, is it a certain number of days or does it mean something else.

Last year my mother got hundred credit on her phone account from a specially made ATM machine. When it was finally credited it hand become 115 credit. This is the same company that a got the Opening Gate Sign from, a few years before, on the 27 September 2011. Linked to the Opening Gate sign was the date 30 Nov 2011. This date is the anniversary of the return of the Coronation Stone to Scotland 14-30 Nov 1996.

Just recently on the morning of the 8 May 2015 I got the sign "Just the fifteen to go." Fifteen days would be 8-22 May inclusive. Later that morning I copied a date down from email from last year, the date was 16 Nov 2015. Then I was told that it was extended to the 30 November. The 16 - 30 Nov is 15 days inclusive. This sign indicates that the hundred has already occurred and there was just 15 days to go. The next morning he sign was "Only 14 days to go." This morning the sign was "13 days to go my son."

Will the Gate open, and the outpouring occur on the 22 May 2015? Does the ATM sign indicate the ninth sign?

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

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