Sequence of Events and the Colour Pink

17 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

As I have said before some walks represent sequences of events, I will cover some of these in this entry.

On the 5 July I told you that I went to “Henderson mall,” in the previous entry “The Greatest Passover to Come.” However I left out what I did before that, which I will now cover.

Earlier in the morning on the 5 July, I walked to Millbrook Esplanade which is the start of a sequence. Going through the esplanade I stopped at some seats and sat down. This point has already past in time, my thinking is that it was the 30 March 2012. Then I walked on to Hindmarsh Green, and into Corban reserve. In Corban reserve is a seat that is “in honor of all working women.” I will get to why that is a sign later. This reserve represents the coming of the glory and the knowledge, as I will explain later. I walked to Border rd, which I take as the time of travel. Then I walked to Henderson Valley Park. Henderson Valley I take as the point of the war, for it connects to the Valley Forge sign, which is the sign of the USA entering another war.

In Henderson Valley Park is the Henderson Valley Pony Club, which means only some of the park is actually open to the public. You can walk through the Pony Club by following the yellow markers. The pony club separates two sequences that join together. On one side you have a sequence and on the other side you have a sequence. If you go further along the road that the pony club is on, then turn down another road you can connect up to the walkway on the other side of the Pony club. This walkway is another sequence. You can also go through the pony club to Tabitha Crescent and then back to Border rd, then go up the road a bit and your at the walkway.

I did go through the pony club to Tabitha Crescent, then to Border rd and up to the walkway. If you go one way you go behind the pony club and out to Henderson Valley itself, the park of the same name being before Henderson Valley. Going the other way you get to the beginning of the sequence at a church in Corban Estate which is in Henderson.

I headed to Henderson along the walkway, which means I am doing this part in reverse order. Along the way I sat down in these seats. These are the same seats I have mentioned earlier where I got the sign of a coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the chosen, the body of Christ. This outpouring is only coming to the alive members of the body, not all Christians are part of the body, who a few in number are part of the body.

Just to briefly cover that again, it occurred on the 21 May 2012 when I sat down on the seats, and there were these two young men. One pointed at a bird which he called a Tui, but it was actually a Kereru, also know as the Wood Pigeon. He also commented on it getting dunk on the nectar. I connect this with what happened to the Apostles when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. One accused the apostles of getting drunk, but he was mistaken Acts 2:13-15. Thus the sign is there will be a filling of the holy spirit to come, however only on those of use who are actually apostles, actual members of the body.

As I sat on the seat on the 5 July a child dressed in pink went passed on her bike, followed by her dad on foot. I got up and follow them down the walkway. Then I pasted them as they started to come back from Keeling rd. Then as I continued along the walkway, just past Keeling rd I saw the sign Thomsons. It was at the back of a place that was off Keeling rd. Thomas is a sign that has been connected to Passovers in the past. Thus Thomsons, I take as a sign of Thomas and thus a Passover. As I said in the previous entry “ The Greatest Passover to Come,” the 4 July was a Passover. The girl in pink indicates where in the sequence at that time I was. For I was at Keeling rd and the Passover. Remember I am doing the sequence here in reverse order, thus the next point in the sequence is the seats and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Followed by Border rd, the travel and Henderson Valley Park, the war.

Then I went to Henderson mall, which itself does not form part of this sequence, thus I have to be careful when working out what is or is not part of a sequence. In the past I have gone to a church in Corban Estate which is in Henderson. This church is part of the sequence representing the date of the 30 March 2012. On the 5 July I do not go to Corban Estate, thus only doing part of the sequence.

The 4 July 2012 was first Passover and second Passover, the Greatest Passover is the 2 August 2012, with the Wave-Sheaf on the 4 August 2012. This will be the time of the outpouring of the spirit, not Pentecost. While it came at Pentecost for the Apostles in the New Testament, for us it is the Wave-Sheaf after second Passover. The knowledge and glory came to the Israelites in the wilderness on the 15 and 16 of the second month, the second Passover is on the 14 of the second month. It is the lunar cycle of the month I am following with the year starting on the 21 June 2012 at first visible crescent. The second month starts on the 20 July, thus Passover is the 2 August and the Wave-Sheaf on the 4 August 2012, being the day after the special Sabbath of Unleavened Bread.

Lets now look at another sequence. On the 12 July I had the thought of spiritual barriers blocking my path, but I proceeded on my walk, through these barriers. I walked along the Oakley Creek walkway and then left the walkway going up to the Unitec, which to me would represent the coming knowledge. In the grounds of the Unitec I came across this garden, there was this plaque that read “Women’s Suffrage 1893-93.” I mentioned earlier the seat in Corban reserve that is in honor of working women. Thus Corban reserve represents the same point in time in the other sequence. In the Unitec grounds I walked to the sports field, which would represent the world. The Heralding to the world will start at this point. Then I walked out to the road and proceed across the bridge over the motorway. Close by is the library which I entered and proceed to look at some travel books, thus the library represents travel. After the library I start walking home. I went back through the Unitec grounds. In Oakley Creek walkway I noticed a small child in pink that was picked up by an adult, not long after I had left the Unitec. It reminded me of the older girl on the bike who was in pink back on the 5 July. I proceeded home.

There is another connecting sequence that also involves Oakley Creek walkway. On the 26 April 2012, I walked along Oakley Creek walkway past the Unitec exit and proceed to the end of the walkway. Then I went up to the motorway overbridge and went across. I pasted the library and went to Western Springs, which is a large park with a lake in it. Going though one part I come out at the Auckland Zoo, then proceeded to Seddon Fields which is next to the Aviation Display Hall which is part of MOTAT. On the way back I re-entered Western Springs and circled the lake. I do not know what Western Springs represents, or Seddon Fields at this point in time. Next to Western Springs is the other bigger part of MOTAT, which is the Museum of Transport and Technology. I went there on the 17 May 2012, I not sure want MOTAT represents, but it is something to do with the past. Thus some event from the past will happen again, not sure what that is, could be the great depression give that the world economic is about to crash.

On TV recently I saw a advert for some cleaning product, at the end they had part of a slot machine, the advert was mainly in pink. Remember the girl on the bike in pink, thus to me it connects. In the past I have covered “Vinnie's 999 Dream.” In the dream that Vinnie had, he and his wife run up to what looked like a pinball machine. He won, before he started playing. The words DINAR, DINAR, DINAR flashed up four times. He knew each Dinar represent 9, thus each set represent 999. The ninth sign of Elijah, which is the first sign of Elisha is the revalue of the dinar. Thus the indication is that this revalue will occur at the time the knowledge and glory comes. This connects to the provision, that the body will get to do the work ahead. Why the colour pink? That I do not know at this time.

Looking at the distances on the maps, of these areas it looks like the travel will be in late August or September and the war that the USA will enter, will be in late September or October, just before the US elections in November. Of course it can be hard looking at the distances to try to work these things out, which means that I am not saying this is the actually timings of these events.

Michael Salman was hosting a home bible study in Phoenix, Arizona, however he was found guilty of 67 "code violations." This was to do with the structure he built on his section to host the bible studies. He was sentenced to 60 days in prison and fined $12,180. I do not know if Michael Salman, is part of the body or not, for I do not know his beliefs. As to if he did anything wrong, I am not getting into that either. Why I am mentioning this is because God could be using him as a sign. Anyone can be used as a sign, they do not have to be part of the body. Remember the tenth sign is the phoenix, this man is from Phoenix, Arizona. The number 60 is the number for pride. 12,000 is the number of one of the tribes from chapter 7 of Revelation, it is also the cost of the table in my dream. There is 360 degrees for the globe, 180 is half of that, 180 is also a sign I got connected to rainbow and travel. It is reported that Michael started his jail sentence on the 9 July , adding 60 days gets you Friday, 7 September 2012. I am not saying that the sign of the phoenix will definitely come on that day.

Watch Dates: Some dates are based on the fact that a year started on the 21 June 2012.

20 July: Start of the second month of the Manna year.

22 July-12 September: Repairing the breach in the wall. This is cover by Dr Jones in these two entries: Dallas Conference Revelation Report & The number 1224 and repairing breaches

27 July: 1 year anniversary of the Dr Jones revelation that “Elijah had ascended.”

28-29 July: Minnesota Conference at Pinehaven Farm

29 July: Selecting the lambs for the Second Passover.

2 August: Second Passover on the 14 of the second month.

4 August: Second Wave-Sheaf, date of the third seat. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the coming of the Knowledge and the glory. Also the coming of the provision, and the release from spiritual Egypt. This is the date that has been indicated to me for the London Judgement as well.

9 August: The end of the feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month of my year.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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