Using Site Resources

Articles & Journal entries: These are all free to use and distribute however you wish. They are free to download or copy. You can if you want email them to friends or post them in forums, or on websites. This is grant as long as the articles are not altered in any form and the copyright owner is credited as the author.

If you do use them on a website or blog please provide a link back to this website somewhere on your site, or in you blog.

Alternative Articles: For use of these articles please refer to the site where the article is located.

Illustrations: Please feel free to use and distribute these illustrations however you wish. They are free to download or copy. You can if you want email them to friends or post them in forums, or on websites. They are NOT copyrighted. You can make changes to the images to make them better, or more useable.

If you do use them on a website or blog please provide a link back to this website somewhere on your site, or in you blog.

Spiritual Songs: Please feel free to download or copy. You can if you want email them to friends or post them in forums, or on websites. Feel free to sing them to friends or family or who ever you like as, long as you do it freely that is. Please do not change the songs. Be sure to credited me as the author.

If you do use them on a website or blog please provide a link back to this website somewhere on your site, or in you blog.

Short messages, tables: Please feel free to copy and use these however you wish, they are free for use and not copyrighted. Make any changes you want to the wording. A number of these are scripture from the bible. Don’t worry about providing a link.

Clipart: These images are free for use, feel free to download them, and use them however you wish. They are NOT copyrighted. If you do use them on a website or blog please provide a link back to this website somewhere on your site, or in you blog.

Feel free to make any changes you want. Just copy them to you PC and use a paint program. An easy to use free paint program is Paint.NET. Get Paint.NET

If you would like your changes post up on this website you can email them to me & I will consider it.

Link Back: ; or back to the section in which the item is posted in, or where the item is directly posted on this site.