Spiritual Coming of Jesus, the 99-100 day periods

8 December 2013

By Mark Farquharson

I am not sure where to start but here goes, back on the 6 August this year was the start of the 40 day time of intercession that ended on the 14 September, which was the Day of Atonement, the 10th day of the seventh Hebrew month. On the first day of the time of Intercession I had a meal of fish and chips, which may in of itself seem not much of anything. Except for the fact there was a beeper. I related this to the time at the RSA when I had fish and chips. At the RSA I had a beeper to tell me when the meal was ready. The start time of the time of intercession was the 29 of the fifth Hebrew month, the beeper number at the RSA was 29 and I went on the 29 of the second Hebrew month. Those who regular read these entries will know there was another RSA meal were I ordered lamb. This second time could also then link to the time of Intercession, more on that later.

This leads me into what happened at the Philippines. Dr Jones recently went to the Philippines were he feed hundred pastors on the 13 and 14 November. This links to the ninth sign in 2 Kings 4:43:

“And his minister saith, `What--do I give this before a hundred men?”

This connects to a count which started on the 7 August, the day after the time of Intercession started. First there was a count of fifty, 7 August-25 September, inclusive. Then on the 26 September Paul sold his TV for $30, which was the start of a thirty day period, 26 September- 25 Oct inclusive. This totalled 80 days, which equals what I paid for my watch $80. Then at the end of another 20 days, that being 100 days total, my dad brought a watch on the 15 Nov. The full price for my watch was $99.95, before the discount. The 99th day was the 13 Nov, with the hundred day 14 Nov.

The ninth sign connects with the time Jesus feed the multitude. On the 14 Nov. someone mentioned the feeding of the 5,000 on a TV program. After this Jesus withdrew to the mountain, while his disciples went across the Sea of Galilee. Then there was a contrary wind, and Jesus walks across the water toward the ship. Peter comes out to meet him on the water. When Jesus gets to the ship, it immediately comes to land, Matthew 14:22-34. Also covered in Mark 6:45-6:51 & John 6:15-6:21.

Lake Sebu the place of the conference in the Philippines is 360 hectares, a full circle is 360 degrees. Galilee means circuit or circle. Super-Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines while Dr Jones was over there. In Chinese, Haiyan means petrel the seabird.

“Petrels get their name from the Latin name for St. Peter, who was known to walk on the water. As surface feeders, the petrels fly close to the surface, their legs dangling, giving the appearance of walking on the water.” http://mcmurdoscamp.wordpress.com/trifling-monographs/stormy-petrel/

This then is a sign of Peter walking on the water to meet with Jesus. There is a type of Petrel called the Stormy Petrel or Storm Petrel. A typhoon is a tropical storm.

“A stormy petrel is a bird, a type of sea bird that has learned to seek shelter during storms on the leeward (downwind) side of ships. The stormy petrels seem to have a knack for knowing when they will need shelter, so their appearance often fortells a storm at sea.”


Thus Storm Petrel foretells the coming storm by seeking shelter. The storm itself is named after the Petrel, which gets it’s name from the Latin name for St Peter.

Jesus comes in the fourth watch of the night, Matthew 14:25. We are now in the fourth quarter of the year. In the northern Hemisphere the darkest day of the year, least hours of sunlight, is the 21 December. This is when the Sun is at its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. Interestingly the storm had gusts of 235 mph. Ron explains the connection to Genesis:

“Finally, we will briefly examine the Biblical connection to the highest wind speed of 235 mph. This number is found in Genesis 5:5-6, where we see that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. Seth then lived 105 years and bore Enos. This total of 235 years from Adam to Enos is important because of Genesis 4:26, which says that when Enos was born that men began to "call upon the name of the Lord". This is very obscure and just kind of sits there, waiting for further understanding. Because our Lord is so precise with numbers, it seems probable to this writer that the maximum recorded speed of this typhoon is connected to Genesis 4:26.”

From Dr jones Weblog: http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2013/12-2013/ron-answers-a-question-and-explains-further-abouttyphoon-haiyan/

However while those in the northern Hemisphere get the least amount of light, those of us in the southern hemisphere will be getting the most hours of sunlight as it will be our longest day.

Before Peter went out to meet with Jesus on the water. The disciples perceived Jesus as a phantom:

Matthew 14:26-27 Now the disciples, perceiving Him walking on the sea, were disturbed, saying that "It is a phantom! And from fear they cry out." Now straightway Jesus speaks to them, saying, "Courage! It is I. Fear not!"{CLV}

A phantom, or in other translations a apparition or spirit.

Will there be a spiritual appearing of Jesus in December? It has me thinking of the sign of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I received what I took as a sign of an up coming outpouring of the spirit when I was out on a walk on the 21 May 2012. Beside the walkway was two men seating on some seats. One of them pointed to a bird and said that it was a Tui. Then they mentioned how the bird can get drunk on the nectar. However the bird was bigger than a Tui, and was actually a Kereru, also know as a wood pigeon and New Zealand pigeon. As I have mentioned in the past this relates to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. For it is at Pentecost that the disciples were thought to be drunk with wine. However this was a mistake as they were not drunk, Acts 2:13-2:15.

At Pentecost the outpouring occurred on the disciples, and it was to the disciples on the boat that Jesus appeared to be a spirit. Thus this could indicate that there will be an outpouring of the spirit on us in December. What is interesting is that the 21 May last year was the 29 of the second Hebrew month. This year on the 29 of the second Hebrew month is when I went to the RSA. At the RSA I had fish and chips, at the start of the time of intercession I also had fish and chips, as explained above. The day after the start of intercession I did do a fifty day count. Some would link this to the Pentecost count as they view the count. However my total count was 99 to 100 days.

The second time I went to the RSA it was on the 4 July, Independence Day for the USA. Three of us had lamb. It was the 26 of the fourth Hebrew month, and the beeper for my half of the table was 22. Thus the beeper does not match the Hebrew date. However it could still indicate a date in the future. The 22 December at 6:11 a.m. is the Solstice date in Auckland, New Zealand where I live.

Recently on the 21 November I was having a meal when we heard a beeper go off. The first half of the table on the 4 July did have beeper 21 and were eating when beeper 22 went off. This could indicate that the time of beeper 22 is the 22 December. I have also thought that it could be double 11, being the 11 Dec. This would fit with a table indication I got last year. There is also the sign of someone in my seat, which could account for the difference, 11-22 Dec.

The count of Pentecost is from the day after wave-sheaf, which is view as being either after the special sabbath or after the weekly sabbath. If Wave-sheaf is after the special sabbath then it is on the 16 of the first Hebrew month. This year that was the 27 March, thus one would start a count on the 28 March. From the 28 March-4 July is 99 days inclusive, that is to say that the 99th day was the 4 July. That is the second RSA meal was on the 99th day from wave-sheaf. Thus the sign is a 99 day count. Noted it is not the 49 day, seven week count that Pentecost is usually thought to be. My point here is that the sign is 99 days, not 49 days.

Most take it as a 49 day count and that it is on the fiftieth day. However if one adds the 50 on as 50 days then you get 99 days, Leviticus 23:15-16.

However this is not a discussion about counting to Pentecost. I do not want to get side tracked here as to the true count to Pentecost. Here is my article on counting to Pentecost: True Count to Feast of Weeks and Pentecost

Since the first RSA meal connected to the time of Intercession does the second time do so as well?

My mother sold her TV for $30 on the 1 November 2013. The person came at 11.00 a.m. and left at 11:30 am. Thus one could see that this pointed to a thirty day count from the 1-30 Nov. I relate this to the time the person said at the counter in the library that her watch stopped at 11:30 last night.

One could think that this connects to the TV in the first count, which was after a fifty day count. The first TV was sold on the 26 Sept. Two years ago on the 27 Sept 2011, I was at a meeting for the splitting of a company into two parts. The company was Telecom NZ, and the process would be finished on the 30 Nov. 2011. Two years later this is the end date for the second TV. I remember at the end of the meeting the large gate opening as we drove out.

If one goes back fifty days from the 1 Nov, you get the 12 Sept, the time of Intercession finished on the 14 Sept. From that point of view it does not seem to work.

However on the 1 Nov when the man came, I tried to get a video recorder to work with the TV. I could not get it to work. The video use to work through channel zero. Thus an additional sign to do with the video and or channel zero. There is a company over here in New Zealand called zero, spelt “Xero.” On the 4 Nov I got the sign of $30 to do with this company. This then is the sign to do with the channel zero and connects to the $30 for the TV. A fifty day count from the end of the time of Intercession goes from the 15 Sept-3 Nov. inclusive. Then a thirty day count would go form the 4 Nov to the 3 Dec. inclusive, for a total of eighty days.

The 99th day from the end of the time of Intercession is the 22 Dec, thus matching the number for the beeper. This being the same day as the Solstice in NZ.

On the 23 December 2012, on news over here in New Zealand they reported the return of a Ciborium box, after it had be found in the rubble of a church that was damaged in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. It looked like it was in good shape having survive well all the quakes. The Ciborium box holds the Eucharist, the bread from heaven. Not actual bread from heaven. The 23 Dec 2013 is the 100th day after the Time of Intercession.

Is the 99th day or the 100th day the time of the outpouring of the Spirit, the time of Jesus returning spiritually we will have to wait and see.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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