The Hill, the Passover, the World

1 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

The last two entries I have mentioned a hill coming up in the sequences, I thought this was a type of Mount Sinai. On this I was wrong, I had forgot about a hill in the scriptures that the Israelites come to before the mount. Before getting to the hill the Israelites complain about water {Exodus 17:1-7}. Before the signs of the hill, I got the signs of “No water.” After getting water they fought the Amalek. Moses, Aaron and Hur ascended to the summit of the hill, while Joshua fought the Amalek {Exodus 17: 8-13}. Then I got the sign “Hope he does not have to go to the bottom of the hill,” on the 25 August. On the 2 August an old man said to me “don’t let the hill beat you,” and I said “no.” The old couple went into property number 50. From the 6 July to the 25 August is 50 days. Remember the 6 July is the Wave-sheaf/firstfruit after the first Passover on the 4 July.

Most view that Pentecost is the fiftieth day after firstfruit. Moses took longer than 50 days to get to Mt Sinai, then he still had to get the tablets of stone which itself was forty days. My view is different, I view that Pentecost is a 50 day count after the seven week count, thus it is the 99th day after firstfruit. For more on that refer to this article: True Count to Feast of Weeks, Pentecost

The 99th day after the 6 July is the 12 October 2012, or the 26 of the seventh Hebrew month, in my year it is the 26 of the fourth month. I am not saying we have to wait this long for the outpouring this time. My view is that it can occur in this period of time that we are in.

On the 29 August on a walk I find myself up a hill. You see I did not realise how high I had come, going the way I did. I came out of a side street onto Don Buck rd. Then I start coming down the steep Don Buck rd. Since I cam down the hill, this would seem to then sign the end of being at the hill.

After the sign of the hill on the 2 August, I went to St Martin’s at St Chad, Anglican Church which is in Sandringham, on Sandringham rd. The Walmsley Park entrance is on the same side of the road as the church. Thus a sign of a church linked to the end of the park, which is part of a sequence that I have covered earlier. On the 30 August I again went to St Mary’s in Avondale. I have often been past St Mary’s, but only entered a few times. All the other times the service had started when I got there, this time the service had not started, it was just before 9 a.m. The other times I have briefly stood at the back before leaving, this time I went up to the first pew. I noticed the words “No signal,” on the wall, from a projector. I turned and started to leave when an old woman asked me, “you want anything, you staying for the mass,” I said “no.” Then I proceed to leave the church.

This to me is the sign that I had arrived at the St Martin’s church, which in the sequence links to the Sandringham road end of Walmsley Park. On the 30 August I walked through Walmsley Park and sat on the seat just inside the park, before exiting on to Sandringham rd, at which point I usually cross the road to the War Memorial Park, but this time I did not cross the road. I turned back into Walmsley Park and headed home. This then can also be a confirming sign that this is where I was in the sequence, of Alan Wood Park, Underwood Park, Walmsley Park and War Memorial Park. Next in the sequence is across the road and into the War Memorial Park. At that end you have the running track and the plaques of the world records. This links to the libraries in the other sequences. There is also the indication of a Passover which I would place just before the world records. The Passover I have dated as the 1 September {14 of my third month} with the Wave-Sheaf on the 3 September {16}. Unleavened bread is 15-21 of the third month, being 2-8 September. Of course nowhere in the scriptures is a third Passover, however the signs I have got indicate that a Passover will be at this time.

Twice before I have been at St Mary’s at the time of Passovers. The other two times that I recall were not Passovers, one was the end of Unleavened bread.

There was a sequence that ended on the 30 March 2012. At the end of the sequence was the front stage at St Benedict’s. The sequence involved a number of different things, before entering St Benedict’s at the back and proceeding to the front. On the 30 March was the start of the Passover Conference this year. It is usually on Easter, but they could not book the venue for that time, thus it was a week earlier. Thus the sign of the Passover connected to arrive at the front of the church.

On the 30 August {12} as I said I was right up the front, but I was at the front pew, not the stage. There is the space at the front, between the first pew and the stage. If I am thus understanding this correctly, I was there just before the Passover, which I have dated as the 1 September. Remember the count of Thomas which is after eight days being the 12 September {25}. This is when the breach in the wall will be repaired, being the 25 of the sixth Hebrew or feast month {Elul} and my third month. It is also the 12 month of the Israel civil year.

Looking at the Exodus they arrived at Mount Sinai on the 13 of the third month, 31 August, they prepared themselves for the third day the 15, 2 September. Moses started the forty days on the 16, 3 September.

I went for a walk recently and there was a house sale sign up, the realtor was Queen St, it was house number 25. This is the first sign I have seen for this realtor. In cards you have 1-10, then you have Jack, Queen, King. Thus Queen can be thought of as 12. This is the 12 month of the civil year, thus it can be a sign of the 25 of this 12 month, which is also 25 Elul, being the 12 September. There was a sign I got last year on the 6 July, which was “key west is blocking 21 Queen St.” My thinking has been that it means “the key is the west is blocking 21 Queen.” Of course what was meant by 21 Queen? In New Zealand me do day then month, thus 21 of the 12 month. This then could also relate to the month of Elul, being 21 Elul, or 8 September. If I am correct here then there is some sort of block on this date, my thinking would be that it would be by some spiritual force, which is linked to the west. Of course God can overcome any spiritual force that happens to be blocking the way.

There is a sequence that starts at a church in Corban Estate, in Henderson and goes out to Henderson Valley. The sequence started on the 30 March 2012. There are different things along the way. On the last seat before Border rd, I got the out pouring sign. I had dated this seat as the 2-4 August, being the Second Passover and Wave-sheaf. Going by distances on the map and other signs, this seemed to be the date.

However in a different, but related sequence as I understand it, an arch is dated 2-4 August and the seat dated 19 August, being the first of my third month, and the 1 Elul {6 Hebrew month}. This corresponds to the sequence of parks mentioned above, that has a set of three seats in it, that are in Walmsley Park, that I also now date as 19 August. On the 30 August I actually for the first time sat down on all three seats, indicating that this point in time has past.

Thus since the date is 19 August in these other two sequences, the date for the seat before Border rd could then be 19 August. Remember I have to combine the different sequences, because they are related. This then could mean that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will come in the third month, or the sixth Hebrew month. If the outpouring then comes in this month, we the chosen, will be revealed, and start to Herald the true evangel of the Salvation of All, to the world.

Just before Border rd is the sign of the lost keys. This is after the seat, but before the road. This sign goes to Border rd, and I think to just the other side. It is hard to remember where the woman was, but I think she was on the other side of Border rd. Of course a border is line that separates two areas, like two countries or two regions. My thinking is that this Border rd indicates some sort of barrier, like you could have between two regions or two countries on the border. Thus the date for this could be 8 September, being the time of the blocking.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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