The Time Period Indicated by the Books for the Coming Knowledge & Glory

25 August 2014

By Mark Farquharson

Back 20 days ago on the 4th of August I write about these books I brought and the bookstore dream. You can read about those in that entry:

At the time I said that the 20 dollars I paid for the books could be 20 days. However I was looking at the period ending on the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month being the 18 August 2014. This was because I brought the books on the 22 May 2014. My thinking was that this indicated the Hebrew date. There is of cause another way to look at this, it being an additional 20 days. Why place importance on the purchase of some books, because I had a dream before about the purchase of two books. Thus if one adds 20 days to the 18 August, you get the 7 September as the last day in the count or 8 September as the day after.

Of course I am assuming that the gift card indicates time, thus it is like a time card. My other assumption is that the first purchase date refers to a Hebrew date.

Connect to the purchase of the books on the 22 May was an additional book I brought on the 4 June, using the same gift card, and cash of $2.50. The book was on Owls, which are of course birds, and one of the books I brought on the 22 May was on birds, the other on dogs. The gift card was used up, and the lady behind the counter said that it was empty.

Now at this point there are different ways to look at this second purchase. You take no notice as it was just a way of using up the gift card, there was no third book in the dream. However just because there was no third book in the dream, it does not mean it should not be taken notice off.

In addition to purchasing the two books on the 22 May, I also purchased two books in July. Thus there seems to be at least two dates. This second date I think indicates the timing of the border. However in the dream there was only one purchase of two books.

My thinking is that this additional book on owls is something that should be taken notice off. Owls are a sign of knowledge. We are waiting on the knowledge and the glory.

The full amount on the gift card when I got it was $30. In the dream I think that the cost is $30, but the two books are for ten. Did that mean two books for ten dollars altogether, or two books costing ten dollars each? Going by the purchases after the dream it meant two books for ten dollars each.

The lady said that the card was empty, thus this is part of the sign. If the card indicates time, then when the time has been used up, there is an additional two and half days to go. Thus the total time is 32 and half days.

At the time of the first purchase the time on the card is just about to start. At the end of the time on the card there is an additional two and half days. Thus the full time is 32 and half days.

Inclusive: 18 August-18 September 2014, is 32 days. A half day takes you half way through the 19 September. There are different ways to look at a half day, it does not mean it is noon, or what we would call midday. A number of people take the view of day starting at evening, thus half a day would take you to the morning of the 19 September, if you start the count the day before on the evening of the 17 August. The other view which is held by a few is that day starts at dawn, thus a half day would take you to the evening of the 19 September. The books were brought in the morning, thus starting a that point, a half day would take you to the night of the 19 September. On the other hand one could round up to the full day.

The next day the 20 September 2014 is Elul 25 in the Hebrew. Why is Elul 25 important, this was when the work was complete on repairing the breach in the wall, refer Nehemiah 6:15. It was also the date of the first Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake, which occurred on the 4 September 2010.

The person at five doves has two entries that cover this Hebrew date:



It should be noted that the glory fall on him the night of the 3 September 2010, which he took as Elul 25, as he views the day starting the evening before. If I start the count the morning of the 18 August, then I do arrive at the evening of the day before the 20 September.

Please note the views in the entries at five doves are not my views. I do not take this as indication that this is when Christ is coming. That I leave for others to workout. The import point he is that we are waiting on the glory and using the book signs you get to the date the glory fell on him, thus this could be the date for the know and glory.

What of the date for the bridge, as in the last entry I said that there were signs that it was before the bridge and this date is after the bridge date of 22 August. There is a sign of two bridges, thus it would be after the first bridge but before the second bridge.

This connects to the sign I got on the 22 May 2012, when a man point out a bird that he identified as a Tui, however it was a wood pigeon. Thus he was mistaken, and he mentioned about them getting drunk on the nectar. When the spirit came on the apostles in the bible they were thought to be drunk, but this was a mistake. The spirit will come on the apostles in our time. Then the apostles of our time will be sent out.

The two books in July were brought for cash on the 24 July 2014. Using this as a Hebrew date this would be the 18 October 2014. Twenty additional days would take you to the 7 November being the last day in the count or 8 November the day after.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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