One Evangel, Part 3

Keeping The Law of Moses

Before getting into this there is something you should understand, the Law of Moses was given many centuries earlier. This Law over all those centuries had been taught to them. It was not something that they would easily put aside. For it was ingrained in them. They no longer had to do the sacrifices of the animals, to cover their sins. For Jesus himself was the sacrifice that covered all sins of all mankind. If he was not the ultimate sacrifice, then his death was of no effect. If they had to continue doing sacrifices then Christ’s death and resurrection would not have saved them.

Hebrews 7:26-28 For such a Chief Priest also became us, benign, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and coming to be higher than those of the heavens, Who has no necessity daily, even as the chief priests, to be offering up sacrifices previously for their own sins, thereupon for those of the people, for this He does once for all time, offering up Himself." For the law is appointing men chief priests who have infirmity, yet the word sworn in the oath which is after the law, appoints the Son, perfected, for the eon." {CLV}

The chief priests had to daily be offering up sacrifices for their own sins, thereupon for those of the people. However the Chief Priest, Our Lord Christ Jesus has no necessity to be offer up such sacrifices. For Christ offered himself up once for all time. That is when he offered himself up, this was for all time, past and future, and covered all sins of all mankind, thus it was finished. Thus there was no need to be offering up sacrifices anymore once Christ had offered himself up on the cross.

To have a view point that somehow Christ death was enough for all those of the nations, but not for the Jews, is foolishness. Recall that by works of the law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight,” Romans 3:19-20. Are we to assume that this somehow excludes the Jews. Of course not, for it is all flesh, including the Jews. Remember perfection was not through the Levitical priesthood and the law, Hebrews 7:11. This system of the Levitical priesthood was weak and without benefit and the “law perfects nothing,” Hebrews 7:18-19. If the Law perfects nothing, then how can the Jews be save by it? It is through the saving work of Christ that they are perfected, not through the law.

However convincing someone that they no longer had to do sacrifices would be a hard task. For this practice of sacrifices had been going on for hundreds of years ever since the days of Moses. Similar the practice of circumcision did not have to be kept. However this had been done for hundreds of years, thus trying to break from the practice would be hard.

Acts 15:1 And some, coming down from Judea, taught the brethren that, "If you should not be circumcised after the custom of Moses, you can not be saved." Now as Paul and Barnabas come to have no slight commotion and questioning with them, they prescribe that Paul and Barnabas and some others from among them are to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem concerning this question." {CLV}

These ones had come from Judea and taught the brethren that you had to be circumcised, to be saved after the custom of Moses. We are not told who these some are. It does not say they were brethren. What we are told is what they are teaching, which is the practice of circumcision. Just because they are teaching circumcision to the brethren, it does not mean they are correct in their teaching. Paul and Barnabas questioned them on this matter. They want Paul and some others to go up to Jerusalem concerning this question of circumcision.

Acts 15:4-6 Now coming along into Jerusalem, they were received by the ecclesia and the apostles and the elders. Besides, they inform them of whatever God does with them." Yet some from the sect of the Pharisees who have believed rise up, saying that they must be circumcised, besides charging them to keep the law of Moses." Now the apostles and the elders were gathered to see about this matter. {CLV}

These Pharisees who have believed rose up, saying that they must be circumcised, besides charging them to keep the law of Moses. Just because some Pharisees thought that you had to keep the law of Moses it does not mean they were correct on the matter. There are many views in the body of Christ today, it does not mean they are all correct. It is Peter that rises to address the matter.

Acts 15:7 Now, there coming to be much questioning, rising, Peter said to them, "Men! Brethren! You are versed in the fact that from the days at the beginning God chooses among you, that through my mouth the nations are to hear the word of the evangel and believe." {CLV}

I thought it was Paul that was for the nations, however here it is Peter that states that he was for the nations.

Act 15:8-9 And God, the Knower of hearts, testifies to them, giving the holy spirit according as to us also, and in nothing discriminates between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith." {CLV}

God testifies to the nations, giving them the holy spirit and God gives the Holy Spirit to the Jews as well. In nothing does God discriminate between the Jews and the nations. There is no discrimination, no difference between the Jews and the nations in the eyes of God. For God does not discern any difference whatsoever.

Acts 15:10 Why, then, are you now trying God, by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we are strong enough to bear? {CLV}

The Pharisees who rose up and stated that they had be circumcised and keeping the law of Moses, were trying God. They were doing this by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples. The yoke was the practice of circumcision and the law of Moses. These practices the fathers of the Jews and the believing Jews of the day were not strong enough to bear. How could these Pharisees expect the nations to bear the yoke, if they themselves were not able to bear the yoke.

Acts 15:11 But through the grace of the Lord Jesus we are believing, to be saved in a manner even as they." {CLV}

It is through the grace of the Lord Jesus that the Jews were believing, to be saved. It is was not though these practices that no one could bear. The Jews were believing in the same manner as the nations.

Acts 15:21 For Moses, from ancient generations, city by city, has those who are heralding him, being read on every sabbath in the synagogues." {CLV}

The problem was that there were those that were heralding Moses. It does not say they were heralding the evangel. Moses was being read on every sabbath in the synagogues. Hence this continue reading of Moses, and the heralding of him made people think that you had to still keep the laws of Moses, and be circumcised to be saved.

James decided that an epistle should be written to the brethren in the nations. There were a few things that they should abstain from covered in Acts 15:20. It was not that they should be circumcised or follow the law of Moses, these were to much of a burden even for the believing Jews. It should be noted that it was James, not Paul that decide on this epistle.

Act 15:23-25 writing through their hand as follows: "The apostles and the elders and the brethren, to the brethren at Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, out of the nations: Rejoice!" Since, in fact, we hear that some coming out from us disturb you with words, dismantling your souls, whom we gave no assignment, it seems good to us, in coming to be of one accord, choosing men, to send them to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, {CLV}

The apostles and elders in Jerusalem, had heard that some coming from them had disturb the brethren in the nations with there words. That is the ones teaching circumcision, and the keeping of the law of Moses had disturb the brethren in the nations. The apostles and elders in Jerusalem had not given these ones that disturb the brethren an assignment. That is the apostles and elders had not sent them. It is the apostles and the elders who would be choosing men to send to the brethren in the nations. Should it not be Paul who was choosing men, to go with him, if he was for the nations?

Do these Scriptures Support the Circumcision Evangel?

Some people use the following scriptures to back up their claim that there is a circumcision evangel. They say that James is talking to the Israelites, because in James 1:1 he is writing to the twelve tribes. Thus it is claim that what he was saying in James was just for them.

James 1:1 James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion. Rejoice!" {CLV}

These are the scattered tribes that are among the nations. These are the same ones that would have heard from Paul who spoke in the synagogues in the nations, Acts 9:20-22 & Acts 18:4-5. If Paul was teaching them, and James write them a later are we to assume that they are in conflict, hence the letter. If Paul was coursing a conflict why was he then teaching in the synagogues in the first place?

It is in Acts 9:15-16, we are told that Paul is an instrument for the nations, for Kings and for Israel, hence there was no problem with him teaching the Jews in their synagogues. His message was for the Jews as well as the nations. Paul was not mistaken to be teaching in the synagogues. Since his message was for both Jews and nations, the evangel he was giving was for all mankind. Thus there did not need to be another evangel that Peter had.

While this was written to the Jews among the nations, there should be no conflict between what James is saying and what Paul is saying. Recall the fact that there is no distinction between Jew and Greek {Romans 10:12-13}. Since there is no distinction, then what James says to the twelve tribes also applies to the believers of the nations. In Christ there is no Greek and Jew, Circumcision and Uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but all and in all is Christ, Colossians 3:9-11.

Recall that both Jews and nations are saved in the same manner, “through the grace of the Lord Jesus we are believing, to be saved in a manner even as they’” Acts 15:11. Through the grace of the Lord Jesus the Jews are believing, even as the nations. Thus if they are both saved by grace, then there should be no conflict. If what James is saying is in conflict with the teaching of grace, then he was mistaken. Since he is divinely inspired, then what James says can not be in conflict with this teaching of grace.

James 2:9-11 Yet if you are showing partiality, you are working sin, being exposed by the law as transgressors." For anyone who should be keeping the whole law, yet should be tripping in one thing, has become liable for all." For He Who is saying, You should not be committing adultery, said, You should not be murdering, also. Now if you are not committing adultery, yet are murdering, you have become a transgressor of law." {CLV}

If someone is keeping the whole law, but is tripping in one thing, has become liable for all and has become a transgressor of the Law. Thus not to become a transgressor of the law you had to keep the whole law. However the law was a yoke, a burden that no one could bear, not the fathers of the Jews or the believing Jews of the day in Jerusalem, Acts 15:10.

How then could a Jew among the nations keep the whole law? Clearly there was no way a Jew among the nations could keep the whole law. However if they did not keep the whole law then they were transgressors of the law.

James 2:12 Thus be speaking and thus be doing, as those about to be judged by a law of freedom. " {CLV}

Those Jews in the nations were to be doing as those about to be judged by a law of freedom. Who were these that were about to be judged by this law of freedom? These were not Jews, for that is the people he was writing too. They were to do as the believing ones from the nations. The believing ones from the nations did not have to keep to the law of Moses. The law of freedom is not the law of Moses which was a burden, yoke around the neck and offered no freedom.

James 2:14 What is the benefit, my brethren, if anyone should be saying he has faith, yet may have no works? That faith can not save him." {CLV}

It seems that he is saying that if someone has faith, but no works, he is not saved. It is assumed that these are works of the law, however it does not say that. If it was works of the law, then it would be in conflict with the teaching of grace, and James would be mistaken. For the Jews are saved in the same manner, through grace {Acts 15:11}, not works of the law. As we just read they were to be doing as the brethren from the nations, thus these can not be works of the law.

The principal that place the nation of Israel under the law, was weak and without benefit. In fact the law perfects nothing, Hebrews 7:18-19. How then can works of the law save him? They can not save him, for they perfect nothing. Thus these are not works of the Law.

James says that, if someone is saying he has faith. That means that the person is saying he has faith, when he may not actually have faith, in Christ. It is not saying he does have faith in Christ. If that person does not have works, then the faith that he has can not save him. That is because he does not have faith in Christ, he has faith in something else. This faith he has can not save him, because it is not in Christ. This applies equally to the Jews and those of the nations. Thus if someone from the nations says he has faith, but does not have works, then the faith he has can not save him, because it is not faith in Christ. These are NOT works of the Law. It does not say “no works of the Law”, it says “no works.” For it does not mean works of the law.

It is not saying that these works can save him, it is saying his faith can not save him, if he does not have works. Thus this faith he has can not save him, it is not the works that can save him. It is only the faith in Christ that saves, not works.

Now you way wonder how I know that the person does not have faith in Christ. This is because the person who has faith in Christ, has works, but this person does not have works, therefore he does not have faith in Christ, he has faith in something else.

Now I am NOT saying that works can save you, I am saving that if you already have faith in Christ, THEN you have works. When you have faith in Christ, then you get works. The works you have are not works of the law.

Ephesians 2:10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them. {CLV}

Believers are being created in Christ FOR GOOD WORKS. Those who have faith in Christ, have been created for good works. Anyone can say that they have done good works, or that they are doing good works, but if they do not have faith, then these works are not the good works that God made ready beforehand. Any work that people label as good, is not going to save them, they need faith in Christ. A person can do a lot of works that people would label good works, but these works will not save them. The faith comes first, then the good works, not the other way round. These are NOT works of the law. All these who believe in Christ have good works. No believer in Christ has to do works of the law.

Romans 2:6-7 Who will be paying each one in accord with his acts: to those, indeed, who by endurance in good acts are seeking glory and honor and incorruption, life eonian;" {CLV}

Those enduring in good acts, are all those in Christ, who are seeking glory and honor and incorruption, life eonian. Thus all those in Christ get life eonian, or for an eon, an age. Of course those in Christ will be immortal, I am not saying that they will only live for an eon, an age. In Romans 2 it is talking about a specific benefit that those in Christ get, as opposed to those who are not in Christ. Thus life for the age, but not only life for that age, but life for all eternity, for those in Christ will be immortal.

Romans 2:10 yet glory and honor and peace to every worker of good, both to the Jew first, and to the Greek." {CLV}

Every worker of good, that is those doing the good works, will get glory and honor. These workers of good are both Jew and Greek. Thus the works that James speaks off are these good acts, that those who have faith in Christ do. If you have faith, but not these good works, then your faith is not in Christ, and it will not save you.

James 2:17 Thus, also, is faith, if it should not have works: it is dead by itself." {CLV}

It is not saying that you are saved by works. If you where saved by works, then faith would be another work. Once you have faith you have works, but you can not do works to get faith. It does not mean works of the law. If a believer does not have works, then their faith is dead. If you have faith but not works then you faith is dead. This is true of all believers wether they are circumcised or uncircumcised. It does not apply to only those of the circumcised, it applies to all those who have faith. Thus if you have faith in something other than Christ, then you do not have works, and your faith is dead. Thus if you believe in something other than Christ then your faith is dead. If you have faith in Christ then you have works, but these works are not works of the law.

James 2:18 But someone will be declaring, "You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from the works and I shall be showing you my faith by my works." {CLV}

Now this is what some are declaring, it is not James who is declaring it, he is saying what they are declaring. They can show their faith by their works, but it does not mean they are save by works. It does not say these are works of the law or that they are declaring that the works they have saved or justified them. They are showing their faith by the works they have, they are not claiming that these works saved or justified them. If you have faith you have good works.

It does not mean that their works can save them. Faith in your works can not save you, it can not save anyone. No matter how many works you show to someone, those works will not save you, only faith can do that.

James 2:19-22 You are believing that God is one. Ideally are you doing. The demons also are believing and are shuddering. Now are you wanting to know, O empty man, that faith apart from works is dead? Abraham, our father, was he not justified by works when offering up his son Isaac on the altar? You are observing that faith worked together with his works, and by works was faith perfected." {CLV}

Note here Abraham already had faith. His faith that he already had worked together with his works, and by works was faith perfected. Faith is perfected by works, but you need faith first, then you will get the works that will perfect you faith. You can not be saved by works, but if you truly have faith, then you will have works, and be Justified by them working together with your faith.

This applies for all believers in Christ. If you are of the circumcision or not of the circumcision this still applies, remember there is no distinction. Thus all believers in Christ have works, which work together with their faith, for perfecting faith.

Now I said that works cannot save you, but this is saying that you are justified by works, is this a contradiction? No it is not, works alone can NOT save you. You are not Justified by works alone, you are Justified by the works working together with your faith, that you can not get by works at all. No works will get you faith.

You can not be justified by works of the law. Works of the law do not work together with faith and they are not the works that perfect your faith. The circumcision are not justified by works of the law. Works of the law can not work together with faith for anyone, even if they are of the circumcision. These works are not works of the law, if they where then you could not be justified.

Romans 3:20 By works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight. {CLV}

This tells us that these are not works of the law. The Jews of the day thought they could be saved by works of the law. However this tells us you can not be Justified by those works that they where doing. These works will not get you faith, and with out faith, works will not get you saved.

If you already have faith in Christ, you can not be justified by works of the law. It does not matter if you are of the circumcision or not, no matter what, works of the law will not justify anyone. No flesh at all, no matter what, shall be justified by works of the law. This rules out both views of the evangel of the circumcision {gospel of the circumcision}.

James 2:23-4 And fulfilled was the scripture which is saying, Now "Abraham believes God, and it is reckoned to him for righteousness, and he was called "the friend of God." You see that by works a man is being justified, and not by faith only." {CLV}

James 2:25-6 Now likewise, was not Rahab the prostitute also justified by works when entertaining the messengers and ejecting them by a different way? For even as the body apart from spirit is dead, thus also faith apart from works is dead." {CLV}

Both Abraham and Rahab were justified by works, not by faith only. All believers in Christ are being justified by works, and not by faith only. This applies to all believers, not just those of the circumcision. As I have already stated a number of times, these are NOT works of the law.

Faith apart from works is dead. It is not saying that works save you, it is saying faith apart form works is dead. It is NOT say faith apart form works of the law is dead. If you have faith but no works, then that faith that you have is dead. She was justified by works, but she already had faith.

Romans 4:1-3 What, then, shall we declare that Abraham, our forefather, according to flesh, has found? For if Abraham was justified by acts, he has something to boast in, but not toward God." For what is the scripture saying? Now "Abraham believes God, and it is reckoned to him for righteousness." {CLV}

Abraham has nothing to boast in, because he was not justified by acts. However He was justified by works, as it tell us in James 2:19-24. This should not be confusing as I have already explained the works, are not works of the law, the works are the result of faith. Works of the law are separate from faith. You can’t do anything separate from faith to gain justification.

Titus 3:4-6 Yet when the kindness and fondness for humanity of our Saviour, God, made its advent, not for works which are wrought in righteousness which we do, but according to His mercy, He saves us, through the bath of renascence and renewal of holy spirit, which He pours out on us richly through Jesus Christ, our Saviour, {CLV}

According to His mercy he saves us, not for works which are wrought in righteousness which we do. He does not save us because of any works we do. This could sound like a contradiction to James. Does not one have to have faith and works. No he saves us, apart from any works we do. It is once we have faith, that we get the good works. If we have faith, but no works then that faith can not save you. However if you have faith and works then you are already saved. For if you have faith in Christ then you are meant to be walking in the good works, Ephesians 2:10.

Titus 3:7-8 that, being justified in that One's grace, we may be becoming enjoyers, in expectation, of the allotment of life eonian." Faithful is the saying, and I am intending you to be insistent concerning these things, that those who have believed God may be concerned to preside for ideal acts. These things are ideal and beneficial for humanity." {CLV}

Those that believe God are to be concerned to preside for ideal acts, that is the Good Works. These ideal acts are beneficial for humanity. These works are also mentioned in Titus 2:14 & Hebrews 10:24.

Was Paul’s evangel the “evangel of the Uncircumcision” and Peter’s the “evangel of the Circumcision?”

A number of believers are taught and believe that Paul’s evangel was only for those of the Uncircumcision, or for the nations. Paul’s evangel was not for the Jews who had their own evangel. Paul’s evangel was the evangel {gospel} of the Uncircumcision. Peter’s evangel was only for the Jews or those of the Circumcision and not for the nations. It was the evangel {gospel} of the Circumcision. For the nations had Paul’s evangel. That is there is one evangel for the people of Israel and there is one for the nations. The evangel for the nations is often called “Paul’s Evangel” or “Paul‘s Gospel.”

Some believe that Paul got an evangel that was different to the one that the apostles had at the time. They believe the evangel that went to the nations was different to the one that went to the Jews at the time. Clearly Paul was chosen by God, and called by Christ, and it is believed that Christ give him a different evangel.

However this can not be true, because there is only one evangel, any other evangel is not another evangel, because it is not an evangel at all. Paul was NOT given a different evangel, there was no need, there only needed to be one evangel and there was only one. This means that both Paul’s evangel and Peter’s evangel where the same evangel. There was no difference in the two evangels, because they where actually the same evangel. If one of them had been bringing a different evangel then he would have been anathema. That means Christ did not give Paul a different evangel.

That means there is no circumcision evangel and there is no uncircumcision evangel. There is no evangel that is just for the circumcision, that is just for the Jews. Like wise there is no evangel that is just for the nations, or those of the uncircumcision.

Yes Paul had an evangel that he refer to as “my evangel”, but it was the same one that the others had. It was no different, his evangel was the same as the one that had gone before. It was the same as the one that had already gone to the Jews. Paul’s role is covered later in the article.

In Galatians 2, Paul goes up to Jerusalem to submitted to them the evangel which he is heralding in the nations. It is point out that the elders in Jerusalem would have had their gospel and that Paul explained to them “that gospel” which he preached among the Gentiles. Like somehow it was different to their gospel because he called it “that” gospel. Did he go up to communicate unto them “that gospel” or submitted to them the gospel {evangel}. The issue arises out of the King James Version:

Galatians 2:2 And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain. (KJV)

Thus in the KJV it reads that he went and communicated unto them “that” gospel, which he was preaching. Thus implying that it is a different gospel, for it is “that” gospel, which he was preaching. However the Concordant Version reads differently:

Galatians 2:2 Now I went up in accord with a revelation, and submitted to them the evangel which I am heralding among the nations, yet privately to those of repute, lest somehow I should be racing or ran for naught." {CLV}

You should notice the word “that” is not in the text. It is “the evangel which I am heralding.” Since the word “that” is not in this translation, one can not claim it as a point that shows the two are different. Thus what he was going to submitted to them was the evangel.

Galatians 2:4-5 Yet, it was because of the false brethren who were smuggled in, who came in by the way to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, that they shall be enslaving us- " to whom, not even for an hour do we simulate by subjection, that the truth of the evangel should be continuing with you." {CLV}

Even in the days of Paul there were already false brethren, that were smuggled in. These false brethren came in to spy out our freedom. The true brethren did not simulate, what the false brethren were doing.

Some use Galatians 2:7-9 to claim that Paul’s evangel and Peter’s evangel were different and that one was for the nations and the other for the circumcision. However they misunderstand what is being explained in Galatians.

In Galatians 2:6-15 we are told that there are not two evangels, and in fact there is only one. Lets now go through this to explain it.

Galatians 2:6 Now from those reputed to be somewhat-what kind they once were is of no consequence to me (God is not taking up the human aspect)-for to me those of repute submitted nothing. {CLV}

Now Paul is talking about those who repute, that is those who are of reputation, it does not matter to him what kind they once where, that is what once they use to do. Those people submitted nothing.

Galatians 2:7-8 But, on the contrary, preceiving that I have been entrusted with the evangel of the Uncircumcision, according as Peter of the Circumcision (for He Who operates in Peter for the apostleship of the Circumcision operates in me also for the nations), {CLV}

Some use this passage to support their argument that there are two evangels. For they say that there is an evangel or gospel of the Uncircumcision and a evangel or gospel of the circumcision. However nowhere else in the scriptures is there support for two different evangels, one being for the nations and the other for the Jews. Since this is not the case anywhere else in the scriptures, then that interpretation of this passage is incorrect. In fact as I have covered elsewhere in this write up, there was only one evangel, which was for both the Jews and the nations. In fact in the body of Christ, there is no difference between the Jews and the nations, for as covered earlier all are one in Christ. Thus there is no need for separate evangels. What it is tell us is that Paul was for the nations and Peter for the Jews, circumcision. For this is what it tell us in the next part:

Galatians 2:9-10 and, knowing the grace which is being given to me, James and Cephas and John, who are supposed to be pillars, give to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we, indeed, are to be for the nations, yet they for the Circumcision-" only that we may be remembering the poor, which same thing I endeavor also to do." {CLV}

Recall that in Acts 13:46-48, Paul and Barnabas state that it was first to go to the Jews. In fact as covered earlier Paul taught in the synagogues, the Jewish places of worship. However the Jews were thrusting it away, thus they turned to the nations. When they turned to the nations they still had the same evangel.

Galatians 2:11-13 Now when Cephas came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, for he was self-censured." For, before the coming of some from James, he ate together with those of the nations. Yet when they came, he shrank back, and severed himself, fearing those of the Circumcision." And the rest of the Jews also play the hypocrite with him, so that Barnabas also was led away with their hypocrisy." {CLV}

Cephas ate together with those of the nations. Now when some came form James, Cephas shrank back, and severed himself, fearing those of the Circumcision. Cephas was a hypocrite, and so were the rest of the Jews. Now the people thought that Cephas was a pillar, and that he was given to Paul, however he was a hypocrite. And Barnabas who was meant to be the right hand of fellowship was lead a away with their hypocrisy.

Galatians 2:14-16 But when I perceived that they are not correct in their attitude toward the truth of the evangel, I said to Cephas in front of all, "If you, being inherently a Jew, are living as the nations, and not as the Jews, how are you compelling the nations to be judaizing? We, who by nature are Jews, and not sinners of the nations, having perceived that a man is not being justified by works of law, except alone through the faith of Christ Jesus, we also believe in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by the faith of Christ and not by works of law, seeing that by works of law shall no flesh at all be justified." {CLV}

Paul perceived that they where not correct about the truth of the evangel. Cephas was living as the nations, not as a Jew, then how was he compelling the nations to be adopting the Jewish character. Those who were mistaken were thinking that to be justified you had to do works of the law. Thus to be saved you had to adopt the Jewish laws. However Cephas was not compelling anyone to be living as a Jew.

These people who thought that you had to do works of the law were mistaken. That is why he says they are mistaken, he is not saying that they had a different evangel, he is saying that they are mistaken, that is they are incorrect. If indeed they had a gospel that was correct, then they would not have been mistaken.

Those who by nature were Jews perceived that a man was not being justified by works of law, except alone through the faith of Christ Jesus. That is the Jews believed that you are not justified by works of the law. Those who are not Jews, also believe in the same thing, that you are not justified by works of the law. This shows that there are not two evangels, for they were both believing the same thing. By works of the law shall no flesh at all be justified.

Paul and Peter were not giving different evangels, they both had the same evangel. There is only one evangel, not two evangels. Those who teach that Paul’s evangel was different to Peter’s evangel are wrong. If one of they was giving a different evangel then he would have been anathema. He would have been distorting the evangel of Christ.

Galatians 2:17-21 Now if, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves also were found sinners, is Christ, consequently, a dispenser of sin? May it not be coming to that!" For if I am building again these things which I demolish, I am commending myself as a transgressor." For I, through law, died to law, that I should be living to God." With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; no longer I, but living in me is Christ. Now that which I am now living in flesh, I am living in faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives Himself up for me." I am not repudiating the grace of God, for if righteousness is through law, consequently Christ died gratuitously." {CLV}

Gratuitously means unnecessary. If righteousness is obtained through law, Christ’s death was not necessary. If the Jews can be Justified by works of the law, then Christ did not need to die for the Jews.

The Secrets of the Evangel

The evangel was not delivered all at once, but actually in instalments. Jesus started with the part of the evangel that was to do with the kingdom. Later come instalments to do with His death and resurrection. Which brings us to what Paul said about the evangel. Paul delivered a number of mysteries or secrets about the evangel, in instalments. A secret is some information that has been hidden from other people. They do not know, because it has been hidden from them. He knew the secrets about the evangel that others did not know, information that had been kept hidden from them about the evangel. This information did not mean what he had was a new evangel. It was still the same evangel, but this information had been kept hidden. Paul delivered these secrets, another instalments of the same evangel, not a new evangel. If there had been a new evangel, then that would have been a different evangel, a evangel that had been just recently created, but Paul had the same evangel, and he knew the secrets of the evangel. No were in the New Testament does Paul say that he had a new evangel or a different evangel or another evangel. As for the secrets themselves, they will not be covered in this article. Please refer to my article: “Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel

One may question what is the use of Paul’s writings if Peter, James and John were writing the same things to the same people. The use of Paul’s writings is that he expands on what the others have written. He is give us more information about the evangel. The evangel is not just some small little bit of good news. He expands on it, give us more of the good news.

Using this sort of argument one could say what is the use of Mark, Luke and John, for we have Matthew. Indeed they cover a lot of the same events. Having said that, each one does not cover all the same events. When they do cover the same event, one can have more or different information on the event than another one. Thus each one helps us better understand what occurred, and the parables, and the prophecies.

Teachings of Jesus Christ & the Disciples & Paul apply equally to all Believers

There being only one evangel means that what Jesus said in his first coming and the disciples said in their letters about believers in Christ applies to all believers in Christ, those in Israel and those in the nations. If you are from Israel, it does apply & if you are from the nations it does apply. This means that if you are a believer today the things Jesus said about believers and the things the other disciples said in their letters about believers does apply to you.

It also means that what Paul said in his letters about believers in Christ applies to all believers in Christ. Paul’s words apply equally to those believers from the nations, and to those in Israel.

Paul said some stuff that no other disciple said, but that does not mean it does not apply to believers in Israel. Yes he was to deliver the evangel to the nations, but that does not mean what he said only applied to those in the nations. It equal applies to those in Israel as well as those in the nations.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009 Additions 3 & 6 September 2009. Edited 29 December 2009. Updated 6 March 2010. Version 4, 27 August 2010, update on version 3 with additional text. Version 5 an update on version 4, 9 November 2010. Version 5A a small update on version 5, 9 August 2011. Version 5B a small update on version 5A, 28 December 2013. Version 5C a small update on version 5B, 29 December 2013. Version 6 is a large update on the previous version, 1 January 2014. Version 6A is a small update on the previous version, 6 January 2014. Version 6B is a small update on the previous version, 18 January 2014. Version 6B1 is a small update on the previous version, 18 August 2018.