Western Springs & Food Counter in Library

7 January 2013

By Mark Farquharson

On the 3 January 2013 I was out for a walk. On the way out of Western Springs, a park with a lake, I noticed the tram going pasted. The tram belongs to MOTAT, a museum in Auckland. You may not recall this, but I got what I took as a sign to do with the tram last year. I was pasting the tram stop, and there were these people who want to know when the tram would come. It was going to come at 11:15 am. This was the first and only time I have been past that stop. As part of a sequence this gives a time, but how to understand that time. My think is that 11 is the month and 15 is the day. However it does not have to refer to November or the eleventh Hebrew feast month or the eleventh Jewish civil month. The entrance to Western Springs from my understanding is a bit later than the tram stop. As far as I know I have not detailed this sequence, as for what ever reason I was not meant to do this.

Thus seeing the tram at the entrance, does that mean in the sequence that I am past the tram stop, that was at 11:15? Next to Western Springs and also just past this stop, is the Auckland Zoo. On the 6 January 2013, I had the thought to search for animal videos, online and came across these web videos for U-Zoo. If I take this as a further sign, that does then indicate that I am past 11:15. My thinking is that I was just past on the 3 January and a bit further past on the 6 January. Thinking about this, you can not actual see the animals at the zoo unless you enter, well at Auckland Zoo anyway. The entrance to the Zoo being just that bit further on in the sequence than the entrance to Western Springs.

When was it 11:15 then? It would have been a bit before the 3 January but how long. On the 1 January I over heard someone say it was 11 not 12. Does this then refer to the 11 in 11:15? That night I have my seeing of the moon down as 11:15. Thus my thinking is that this could have been 11:15.

While all this seems interesting, or maybe it does not to you. What you want to know I am thinking is how does this help us as this has already past. Well this could relate to the sign at the library counter and the library dream.

The sign at the library counter was 11:30 last night. I do note that is night, p.m. instead of a.m. That is a 12 hour difference. My thinking is that if I am right you do not factor that in. If one was to factor it in it would be a 12 month difference. I do not think that the provision is that far away as we are already in the time of the double proportion. Thus that being the case, then the difference if I am right is 15 days, not 12 months and 15 days. Is the time at the counter then 11:30 being the night before or 12:01 being the next day. My thinking is the 12 as the 11:30 was the night before. This would give us a date of 16 January for 11:30 and 12:01 being 17 January. If this relates to the 11:15 in this way that is.

A prophetic year is 360 days, each month being 30 days, thus 11:30 is the last day of the eleven month or the 330th day. Thus if it is the first day of the twelfth month at the counter then it will have taken 330 days to get there. Less the 330 days from and you get the date of 22 February 2012, the one year anniversary of the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake.

The counter to get to is the food counter that was in the library dream, is this then at the day after 11:30? The food on the counter in the dream relates to the provision which is money. If this is the case then it places the provision at 17 January 2013, or a sign to do with the provision on that day. That is if I am understanding this correctly.

The 17 January is the 90th anniversary of the Baywa company. Baywa is a German company which operates in the agriculture, building materials and energy sectors. They own a large part of a New Zealand company called Turners & Growers which is New Zealand's leading distributor, marketer and exporter of premium fresh produce. I have the 2013 calendar from Turners & Growers which has the 90th anniversary marked on it in a yellow square.

On the morning of the 2 January I had a dream. In the dream appliances, like refrigerators were represented as money. This could relate to the provision which is money. A sign on the 2 January was level yellow. Thus the dream could relate to the colour yellow and the 90th anniversary.

The 17 January is the 100 days from the when I brought the watch for $80 discounted from $100.

In Western Springs on the 3 January 2013 I came across this place called “Circle of Friends.” The signage in Western Springs to get to this place is not what I will call correct, as the path the signs direct you down actually goes past, but not to the circle, the path to the circle is down another path. A circle is 360 degrees. Does this mean 360 days from 22 February 2012? This would be 16 February 2013. Of course it does not have to relate in this way. It does not have to be 360 days. The circle does not have to indicate the days. It could be at the 330 days as I got it on the same day I saw the tram or some other amount of days. The meaning could be the body coming together in someway as a circle of friends.

Other watch dates are the 13 January, being the first 76 days, the 21 January being the date given for the start of a six month period. The 23 January I have down, not sure why. Finally for January the 27-30, being anniversary date for Dr Jones. Lastly the ended of the second 76 days 30 March 2013.

The sequence:

Intersection of Pt Chevalier and Great North road: Sometime after 23 August but before the 29 August 2012

Library: Library dream 29 August 2012. In the dream the library had been moved. I got signs to do with arrive at the library on the 12 & 13 September 2012. In the dream at the new location the padlocks on the doors were opened with a key, the signs involved a key.

Huia road:

Kiwi Road:

Walmer Road: 23 October 2012

Moa road: 5 November 2012

Riro street:

Premier Avenue:

Tram stop: 1 January 2013

Motions Road: 1-2 January 2013

Entrance to Western Springs: 3 January 2013

Entrance to Zoo: 6 January 2013

Circle of Friends:

Arrive at Lake:

Round Table:

End of Lake:

Entrance to MOTAT:


Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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