Part 7 Being tormented in the Lake of Fire/Gehenna forever Part 3

More Problems…..

9: If believers are meant to love there enemies, then surely they should love all unbelievers, then all in the lake of fire are loved ones. Then why should anyone be happy in heaven if even one unbeliever is being tortured forever. Imagine if you can your loved one being continually burned for all of eternity and you being in a state of bliss in heaven. You enjoying yourself, while your loved one burns.

10: Fire. Most Christians teach and believe that this is a real fire, but is it? In the bible we learn that believes will also get judged, by FIRE. A what? believes judge by fire?. Yes believes are judged, by fire. So if believers are not actually burnt by real fire, why do Most Christians believe and teach that the fire in Revelation is a real fire?

A Believers work is judged by fire {1 Corinthians 3:12-15}, all the wood, hay, stubble (rebellion of the flesh, the carnal mind) is burnt up. All the gold, silver, precious stones, are made better. Note the fire does not burn up or destroy the gold, silver and precious stones. As I covered earlier real gold and silver are not destroyed by fire.

Everyone will be salted with fire:

Mark 9:49 For everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt. {CLV}

Salt is used for seasoning and preserving food. Everyone that is believers and unbelievers will be “salted with fire.” Thus believers and unbelievers are salted, preserved by fire.

11: Brimstone: What is this evil thing, that no one ever hears about. That’s right if you are taught the most popular teaching you almost never hear of this stuff. But surely it must make the fire hotter, or something, right…..???? WRONG Dead wrong…..

Revelation 19:20 ………These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,

Revelation 21:8 ……. shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone

Brimstone is there, so it must be there for a reason, what is it?

“Brimstone: Brimstone-sulfur-used in fumigation to get rid of pests and bugs. Sulfur is used in medicine for healing. (Sulfur and molasses-blood purifier) (sulfur salves and sulfur drugs) Sulfur was used in ancient times for bleaching cloth Isa. 1:18 ) Taken from Encyclopedia Britannica. Smith's Bible Dictionary: Fuller is one who bleaches cloth. (Isa. 7:3; 36:2; Mal. 3:2; Mark 9:3.)”

A? What? That’s right!, HEALING! Hello, what is going on here? Maybe it has something to do with purifying? If someone gets….there mind cleaned out…????

12: Forever" and "Eternal,” are Not the correct translations of the word aionios or aion for that matter…..

The correct translation should have been age. Which means a period of time with a definite beginning and end.

“There is much confusion in the New Testament because the Greek word “Aion” (or Eon) meaning “age” has been translated by eight different English words, as follows: ‘Ages’ twice; ‘Ever’ 30 times ; ‘Ever and Ever’ 21 times; World’ 35 times; ‘Worlds’ twice; ‘Course’ once; ‘Eternal’ twice; and ‘End’ once. When the word “age” is substituted for the above, it will be seen that not our material world is meant, but a period of time. Take the following for illustration. Matt. 12:32; 13:39-40; Mark 10:30; Luke 20:34-35; Gal. 1:4; 2 Tim. 4:l0; Heb. 6:5; Rev. 20:l0. In the Greek it will be seen that we have the singular “Aion” (or Eon) Matt. 24:3; the plural “Aions” (or Eons) in Eph. 2:7; in Rev. 20:10 “Aions of the Aions,” and in Eph. 3:21 “Aion of the Aions.” (end of quotation.)

In the above quotation Mr. Larkin proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the inconsistency the revisers who gave us the King James or Authorized Version in dealing with the Greek word “Aion” or Eon.”


So we learn that people will be in this lake for a period of time, not forever. So what happens after that?

Once someone serves their sentence, their time in jail, they get released. It is no different with unbelievers in the Lake of Fire, they get released. God is not then going to annihilate them, or something, that would be silly. Why sentence them to the lake of fire if He is going to annihilate them anyway.

13: “It's amazing to think, as some Christians teach and believe, that we're supposed to forgive people even if they don't ask, but that God Almighty wouldn't or couldn't do the same. The good news is that God's forgiveness for all of our sin--past, present, and future has been deposited into His "sea of forgetfulness" and is a far away as is the "east from the west". Hallelujah!” From

14: “If our God can’t overcome evil with good, how can He expect us to do the same? When we are faced with adversity, why should we respond in love, when our God, in the end, fails to do the same? Why should we forgive seventy times seven when there will come a time when God will not forgive most of those He created for ever and ever? Why should we turn the other cheek and not render evil for evil, when God, who is supposed to be good, renders evil with evil?”


15: “The doctrine of “eternal” torment misrepresents the character of God who is pure love and forgiveness. “Eternal” punishment says that God’s love will fail for most of His creatures, His forgiveness has an expiration date, and He either can’t or won’t show mercy beyond the grave. Even if someone in “hell” were to cry out for God to show mercy and beg Him to give them another chance, this hard and calloused god will simply turn away, ignoring their cries as if he’d never heard them.”


16: Which brings us to the problem, is God evil. Most Christians would say no, but most Christians believe that God is going to torture all unbelievers in the lake of Fire forever. This is afar greater torture, than any human has done to another human. More to the point when the person doing the torturing is usually said to be evil. Surely this kind of torture is most evil, more evil than any human has ever done. This teaching actually teaches that God is EVIL. Which is a major problem, God is not evil, therefore this is not the right teaching.

“My first appeal shall be to that primary revelation of Himself which God has implanted in the heart and conscience of man. I am merely expressing the deepest and most mature, though often unspoken, convictions of millions of earnest Christian men and women, when I assert, that to reconcile the popular creed, or any similar belief in endless evil and pain, with the most elementary ideas of justice, equity, and goodness (not even to mention mercy), is wholly and absolutely impossible. Thus this belief destroys the only ground on which it is possible to erect any religion at all, for it sets aside the primary convictions of the moral sense; and thus paralyses that by which alone we are capable of religion. If human reason be incompetent to decide positively that certain acts assigned to God are evil and cruel, then it is equally incompetent to decide that certain acts of His are just and merciful. Therefore if God be not good, just, and true, in the human acceptation of these terms, then the whole basis of revelation vanishes.”

From “Christ Triumphant”, by Thomas Allin

In the next part, we WILL look at more problems!!!!! and hopefully finish up the sub-topic "Being tormented in the Lake of Fire/Gehenna Forever"......

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 & 2020

Part 8 Being tormented in the Lake of Fire/Gehenna forever Part 4

All Will Be Saved