Two Totally Made up Movies about Jesus

By Mark Farquharson

Jesus’ Missing Years to be Depict in Movie

In November 2007 I read a news item that stated that Hollywood producers would film a movie, that would cover Jesus’ missing years, between the ages of 13 and 30 which are not covered in the bible. How were they going to fill in the gap, when there is no information in the bible?

In the film Jesus will be a holy man travelling as a mystic across India and staying in Buddhist monasteries battling injustice as he goes. Eastern religions in India will inspire him as a teacher. With him on the adventure will be the three wise men. The movie in Aramaic, will follow Jesus from the Middle East to India.

"The Aquarian Gospel," takes its title from a book which examined Christianity's eastern roots that is a century-old. Casting had begun in India’s Bollywood and in Hollywood.

"The Bible devotes just seven words to the most formative years of Yeshua's life saying: 'The boy grew in wisdom and stature'. The [film] will follow Christ's journey to the east were he encounters other traditions, and discovers the principles that are the bedrock of all the world's great religions," said the film's director, Drew Heriot.

The action adventure fantasy is due out in 2009, and will have a "young and beautiful" princess, that could be Jesus’ Love interest.

Is the film based on the bible? No…. how do these people know what happened?, answer: they don’t. Which means they are totally making it up. I don’t want to watch a movie about my Lord and saviour that is total fiction. People should leave this alone, but no they like to do guess work. Why is it that they have to make out he did something really important and exciting. All the important stuff he did is in the great book the BIBLE.

He didn’t need to get his wisdom and stature by travelling from the Middle East to India. There is no evidence that he did any such thing, in fact he could have stayed home and been a carpenter all those years… And in fact that is what he probably did…

Matthew 13:54 He taught them in their synagogue, so that they are astonished, and are saying, "Whence has this one this wisdom and powerful deeds?

55 Is not this the son of the artisan? Is not his mother said to be Miriam, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?

56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence, then, has this one all these?" CLV

There is no hint here that these people knew anything about him travelling, and in fact it seems to suggest that he didn’t travel all around the place, they knew him as “the son of the artisan” {Other translations “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son} not some well travelled mystic.

Artisan: skilled workman, craftsman

He did not have to find out about other traditions, or discover the principles that are the bedrock of all the world's great religions. Also there is no mention that he is still travelling around with the wise men, did he leave them in India? In fact the wise men are only early on in the bible, there is no hint that after seeing him as a baby, that they stayed with him or that they ever meet up latter with him….

And: John 14:6 Jesus is saying to him, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one is coming to the Father except through Me. CLV

If he learn about the other religions he certainly is not telling you to follow them, he doesn’t even mention them…. In fact he says he is the only way!

Producing a film that is totally a fantasy is going to move Christ more into the realm of myth, fairy tale, comic book hero, cartoon character, or fantasy.

Next they will be making a film were he was take by space aliens and learn all their religions ideas as he travelled the galaxy…..or they used mind control devices to program him as the Messiah.

Now that is the movie I want to see!

And on top of that comes another totally made up movie….about you guessed it Jesus, well actually his evil twin brother…a what?!, Jesus had a evil twin brother?

Christ’s evil twin brother to make debut in film

Also in November of 2007 I read about another movie that would not be base on the bible which was in the planning stages, but that was to do with Christ. Even thou there is no mention of Christ having a evil twin brother this movie will have this person. This fantasy is also set in India, but this time is set in the present is called The 13th Disciple.

In the film two German twins who are archaeologists are in India searching for evidence of Jesus. Even thou the Bible never mentions that he when to India, they are there search for evidence of this. What they find is that surprise not only did Christ have a evil twin brother, but the brother is in the present after being reincarnated as the scheming head of a religious sect.

"It's a fantasy-adventure film and takes place completely in present-day India," Stefan said the film’s producer Mario Stefan. He also did not expect any controversy, as Christ will not be a character. "It will be made clear from the beginning of our film that it's fiction," he said. "Even the Da Vinci Code was fiction but there was a lot based on real ideas."

"If you deal with religious themes, you have to be prepared and also (careful) that you do not hurt any feelings," said Stefan. "Our film is not based on true events nor is it giving any religious message."

Filming was to start in the second half of 2008. It is to take place mostly in the southern state of Kerala and the northern Indian Hindu holy city of Varanasi.

He didn’t expect any controversy?, what planet does he live on, well I expect some controversy, it may not be major controversy, but to expect none well….

I don’t know why these people have to come up with this stuff, evil twin brother…what next evil twin sister… or alien half brother?

It adds to all the other made up stuff…. People will read all this stuff about a twin brother, and even thou it is fantasy, some will believe, or at least think it is possible….add that to the mix of made up stuff and people won’t know what to believe……

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2007 Revised 2009
