Watch Date May 21-22 2017

May 9 2017

By Mark Farquharson

Lets review the history of this watch date of May 21-22, along with other related dates. Starting back in 2012 on this date I got the Pentecost sign, which I have refer to as the outpouring sign in the past. Thus indicating a upcoming Pentecost type event, of course it could occur on some other day. Get a sign on this date does not mean it will occur on this date in the future.

Going back a bit further to May 24 2010, is when I had the Table dream. In this dream I was in this shop and there was this table that cost $12000. I did not buy the table in the dream.

Then in 2013 on February 13 I got this sign of $12288.73, as one can see the 12000 relates to the table in the dream. I did not know what the 288.73 relate to at the time, I will explain this later. There was another $12000 sign on April 23 of that year.

Later that year on December 9, I had the book store dream, in the dream I was in a book store with my mother and brother. They left the store and went on ahead. I brought two books for ten, that were cheap. Was that two books that came to ten dollars or were the books ten dollars each. Anyway in the dream I meet up with my mother and my brother and the dream ended.

Then in 2014 I brought a computer on April 27, for $740 including $91 for anti-virus software. This relates because late in May of that year on May 22nd I paid for the computer along with transferring $12000, for a total of $12740. This relates the table to the computer. On that same day in May I brought two books in a book shop for $10 each. This relates to the dream and informs me that the books are 10 each. However later on July 24th of 2014 I also brought two books for $10 each.

In 2015 I got the sign of "Just the 15 to go." Being a 15 day period May 8th to May 22nd.

Then in 2016 Dr Jones went to the Apostle Islands, the Drum Ceremony occurring on May 21 and the cruise on May 22.

Now to understand my new revelation on time. The simple way to put it is that 5 minutes equals an hour and an hour equals 24 days thus 5 minutes equals 24 days. Last year on May 26th 2016 the doctor what me to have a lab-test. This I did on June 1st 2016. After the test she told me to wait 15 minutes before removal of the plaster and an hour before any heavy lifting. Now using the formula above the 15 minutes becomes 72 days and the hour becomes 288 days. Going back to the 12288.73 above you see that 288 is the hour and 73 is one more day than the 72 days for the 15 minutes. Thus you have an hour and 15 minutes, she told me to wait an hour for one thing and 15 minutes for the other, thus an hour and 15 minutes. Adding the two together you have 361 days. From the doctor visit to May 21st 2017 you have 361 days.

The sign I got from the barber was that there was no delays or waiting, he opened at 8 am. Interestingly I go every 13 weeks which is about 91 days the amount of days is the same as the cost for the anti-virus software which was $91.

When I went to the Doctor on November 15 2016, he said "waiting for the computer" as I sat outside the room. Then "who's the 8 o'clock, " followed a bit later by "almost there." Thus my thinking is that we are coming up to 8 am and we are almost there, but we are waiting on the computer. If it relates to my computer then the next date to watch for that is May 22.

I started praying my Table of the Load prayer back on September 27 2013, and counting to May 22 this year it will equal 1335 days, Daniel 12:13.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2017

Open Door Ministry
