The 100 day Periods and the Stone of Destiny

3 January 2014

By Mark Farquharson

If you have been reading along, then you will know that there were two hundred day periods, the first one went from 7 August-14 November 2013 inclusively. After the first fifty day period of the count, there was the sale of a TV for $30, which indicate a thirty day count, for a total of 80 days. I connected this to a Olympic watch I brought for $80 reduced from $100. The full count ended at hundred days, the full price of the watch. As if to indicate that the period was connected to the watch, at the end of the hundred day period my dad brought a watch.

On the 1 Nov last year there was the sale of another TV for $30. The person came at 11:00 a.m. and left at 11:30 am. Thus the indicated period was 1-30 Nov for the thirty day count. Since it was a TV for the same price as before, this could indicate that it was part of a larger hundred day count. If this was another hundred day period then it would have started on the 12 Sept and gone until the 20 December inclusively.

However there was also an indication on a video recorder that played through the channel zero. Later there was a sign to do with a company called “Xero,” on the 4 Nov at a price of $30. Thus I thought this could indicate a 30 day period starting on the 4 Nov and going until the 3 Dec. inclusive. Using this as your bases for your hundred day count then this count would have start on the 15 Sept and gone until the 23 Dec inclusive.

Since there were two hundred day periods that included TV counts of thirty days, is there something that I should be looking for, that occurred after the first count, that could indicate a watch date after the second count.

The 14-30 November was the anniversary of the return of the Stone of Destiny, to Scotland. The 29-30 Nov is the anniversary of the building of the pyramid by Dr Jones.

In the past I have mentioned the RSA meals. For the second meal I ordered lamb, and my half of the table was on pager 22. On the 29 Nov this year was the sign of picking up the lamb from the counter, meal completed by the adding of vegetables on the 30 Nov. However that is not to say I got the sign of eating the meal. At the RSA meal was the sign of someone seating in my seat. I do have the sign of getting back to the table with the meal. However I am still waiting for the sign of eating the meal.

The 30 Nov was the 16th day after the end of the first hundred day count. The 16th day after the second count is the 5 January 2014. The sign on the 5 January 2012 was “Open the Door,” “how,” “with this key.” “I open the Door with this Key.”

The 16th day from the end of a hundred day count, that ended on the 23 Dec would be the 8 January 2014. On the 8 January 2013, I was in Chapel 1, at Waikumete Cemetery. While I was there I prayed for the Evangel to go forth, Opening the Door of Heaven and anointing of the Sons of God. One may wonder why I was lead to do this in a chapel that was in a cemetery. That chapel is connect to the crematorium, thus I view this as a sign of a coming judgement.

On the 21 Dec, the half hour program I had recorded was replaced by coverage Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Back on the 10 Feb. 2013, my mother watch the first 30 minutes of the funeral of Paul Holmes on a computer after missing it on TV. There was the Divine Visitation at St Paul’s, Minnesota, that was to issue some decrees from the Divine Court on the 14 July 2012. Then there is the signs to do with St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Thus this sign of Paul’s funeral seem to be indicating something. The fact that it was thirty minutes could indicate a connection to the hundred day counts. Then on the 23 Dec, I was watching a program that had been narrated by Paul Holmes.

Then on the 30 Dec I was watching a program. They find this coffin, in a storage unit. They had to open it to see if there was a body inside. It was empty.

Going back to February 2011, I got the sign of the cross on the 14. Then on the morning of the 16, there was a sign of an empty coffin. There was this program on and I remember saying that the coffin was empty, that was in the chapel. There was a service on, but the person I think was already buried.

Then on the 22 February 2011, was the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake. This resulted in the Christchurch Cathedral, losing it’s steeple, which was a sign that the Saul type church had lost it’s authority. The ruling had come ten years earlier that the Chosen, the Body of Christ had authority.

Over in Waikumete Cemetery there are two chapels connected to the crematorium. In chapel 1 after the earthquake on the 2 March of that year I did pray for the people of Christchurch. Later I entered Chapel 2, on the 17 March, but I did not pray. My view since then was that chapel two represents a coming second judgement against the church. On the 26 September 2012, the Day of Atonement, I prayed in Chapel 2, for the people of England and the inhabitants of London, the Great City.

Is the sign of the coffin on the 30 Dec 2013, an indication that it should be dated as the 16, and the Paul Holmes sign indication if it being the second month. Thus the month starting on the 15 Dec. The first month then starting on the 15 Nov, after the hundred day count. If that is the case then the transfer could be completed on the 22 of the second month, being the 5 January 2014.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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