Earthly Treasures versus Heavenly Treasures Table

Earthly Treasures

Do not hoard up treasures on earth {Matthew 6:19-21}

Do not be in love with earthly treasures, for they do not last.

Do not worship earthly treasures.

Do not idolize earthly treasures.

Earthly treasures Suffer these problems:


Moth damage


Go Rotten



Fail to work


Go mouldy

Get broken


Might be fakes.

Get damaged

Get stolen

Get trashed

Need insurance

End up worthless

Get Destroyed

Get damaged or destroyed by natural disasters

Will be destroyed, with the total destruction of the earth when Christ returns.

Do not last forever

Benefits are Not Permanent

Have No lasting benefits

Heavenly Treasures

Hoard for yourselves treasures in heaven {Matthew 6:19-21}

The benefits of heavenly treasures are far Greater than the benefits of earthly treasures.

Heavenly Treasures Do not suffer any problems:

They do not corrode

They do not suffer moth damage

They never fade

They do not go rotten

They do not decay

They never degrade

They never fail.

They do not Breakdown

Are never fakes, they are always genuine.

They do not get damaged

They do not go mouldy

They do not get broken, they can not break.

They do not suffer cracks

They do not get stolen, they can not be stolen.

They will never be trashed.

Do not need to be insured.

Will never become worthless and will always maintain their value

They will never be destroyed.

They are not affected by natural disasters.

The destruction of the earth will not effect them.

Heavenly treasures last forever

Benefits are Permanent

Have benefits that are lasting