Take Your Seats & Ninth Sign

19 May 2012

By Mark Farquharson

The pattern that has been going on is the Elijah-Elisha pattern. It started on 12 April 2009, by prophetic decree at the first Manassas conference. After which the first 8 signs of Elijah accrued quickly one after another, according to Dr Jones, at God’s Kingdom Ministries. I do recall reading about the eighth sign, and at the time Dr Jones expected the ninth sign to come quickly, which would be the first sign of Elisha. The barley was placed in the headwaters of the Mississippi River on 9 July 2010, this being to do with the eighth sign. However the ninth sign has still not come, which we are still waiting for.

When we enter the time of Elisha, the double portion will come. At the time of the ninth sign being the revalue of the dinar, the knowledge and glory will come, and the Open Door ministry will start. The dinar is connected with the number 999, and the Opening of the Door of Heaven. This will be the time of heralding of the true Evangel to the world.

One of the revelations I have got is “Time is short, things will happen quickly, at great speed, be ready.” This to me means that when the ninth sign does occur the next signs will follow quickly one after another.

In earlier 2010 I started to get signs regularly, but at the time I did not know about the signs were about. A number of the signs are to do with the Open Door Ministry and some do connect with the signs of Elijah-Elisha. Other signs are to do with other events. Some signs are dates, and from other signs I try to calculate dates. A number of the calculated dates have been wrong. Some dates have been important, but they were not the date of the ninth sign. Recently I thought the ninth sign would came at second Passover as it is a barley sign, however this was also incorrect.

There is this sequence of parks in Auckland that represent a sequence of events. The parks in order of events are: Alan Wood Park, Underwood Park, Walmsley Park and the War Memorial Park. Next to Underwood Park is Owairaka Park and next to that is Mount Owairaka.

At the top of the mount at the lookout is a sign with some history. Which explains that “Owairaka” should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I related this to the “River of Living Water” in Revelation 22:1-2. The top of the mount represents a important point in time. I first went on the 30 March 2011, going right to the top. Later I went up, but I did not go to the top as it was blocked, thus indicating a delay.

Later I started to get signs of a many day journey represent by a walk from a Cathedral to a Church in central Auckland. I got a number of sings about it, and thought that when the time came of arrive at the altar in the church the ninth sign would came. The end of that many day journey did not represent the ninth sign, however it was still important. As I understand it from my signs and revelation, that journey ended on the 30 March 2012, it was also the time represent by the mount. Thus the delay in getting to the mount was a year.

Earlier this year in February I got two signs. Both involved sitting in a seat up the front of the church on the stage. Thus the sign being the taking of our seats, which I have thought could relate to our heavenly seats, thrones.

Ephesians 2:4-6 yet God, being rich in mercy, because of His vast love with which He loves us" (we also being dead to the offenses and the lusts), vivifies us together in Christ (in grace are you saved!)" and rouses us together and seats us together among the celestials, in Christ Jesus, {CLV}

Here these seats are in the celestials or the heavens. Spiritual we are already sit there in the heavens in Christ, but this would be a greater fulfillment of this.

I thought these could relate to the second Passover and second Unleavened Bread which come in the second Hebrew month. However that was not the cast. The signs are important, but the date they occurred in this case did not indicate when this would occur. I did not think it would take long to take my seat. No time was indicated by the two signs in February. However the sequence of parks indicates a period of time. Not one that you can actually work out from the parks themselves. The time period is indicated by seats in Walmsley Park. There are three seats that look like they were made out of stone. In front of them is several large boulders. Remember the faithful are the living stones.

1 Peter 2:4-5 Whom approaching, a living Stone, having been rejected indeed by men, yet chosen by God, held in honor, you, also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, into a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, most acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " {CLV}

Out on Te Atatu Peninsular, there are three small park like areas. In each one there are seats that are underneath a roof, that is held up by poles. There is no signage for these areas. I sat in each one of theses three parks in the sits under the roof on the same day. Thus they symbolise something, my thinking is they indicate the same sign, the take of our seats. Then I walked into the library, and then to the gun emplacements. The library represents travel, as in other libraries I have looked at travel books and the gun emplacements represent the coming war. If this represents the true order then a number of us will start traveling before the war. For me to start travelling I would have thought the ninth sign would have come by that time.

On another walk I started in Henderson and went out to Henderson Valley. Along the way I crossed over Border rd. On the way back I pasted a rock with 999 on it. This number connects with the revaluation of the dinar. Border rd could represent the time of travel, since I would be crossing the border. I got the sign “too far,” which I took to mean that the Valley was to far. The event would occur before the valley. Later I got the sign Valley Forge, which was the Winter camp the American Revolutionary Army {1777-78}.Thus the valley represents the upcoming war that American will enter, most likely with Iran. Thus the event, will happen before the war.

On another day I past a Manna Transport truck before going to Border rd. Thus the manna will come before border rd and before the valley. The manna is the bread that rained from heaven when the Israelites were in the wilderness and represents the glory of Yahweh. We are waiting on the coming of the knowledge and the glory, which will come before the war as I understand it.

Later I went out to the beach and the mud flats, there was this raised part out of the water with some shrubbery on it and I thought “Apostle Islands.” Clear not the actual Apostle Islands in Lake Superior, but I did have that thought. My thinking then is that the time of taking our seats and the ninth sign could be the anniversary of went Dr Jones went to the Apostle Islands, 20 June-22 June 2011.

When Dr Jones went to the Islands he got the sign of a delay as the Lord cancelled the tour of the Islands. The starting time of Effective Apostleship was delayed. My thinking now is that the delay could be a year, as the delay to getting to the top of the mount was a year. If Effective Apostleship is connected to the ninth sign then this may in deed be the time of the ninth sign. Have to wait and see if it is a year. Here is Dr Jones Weblog at the time: A Delay in sending out the Apostles

These dates correspond closely to the dates for the Anniversary of Marriage Proposal 19 June 2001 and the Anniversary of Ring 21 June 2001. Recently I got the sign “is that a ring or something.” It was a ring shape thing imbedded in the floor. On Thursday the 17 May this year my family and I went to the wrong floor. There it was all set up for a wedding. Note this could be the time for the seats and the ninth sign, I am not saying it is for sure, but it does look like it could be an important date.

Watch Dates:

19 June: Anniversary of Marriage Proposal

21 June: Anniversary of Ring

28 June: Anniversary of Boxing Match, Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield. Field represents the world, thus “holy world.”

9 July: 2-year anniversary of the casting of barley into the headwaters of the Mississippi River.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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