The Salvation of ALL Mankind is depended on God alone


By Mark Farquharson

In this entry I explain why most people have it wrong, when it comes to the salvation of mankind. Most people are taught that their salvation depends on them, it depends on their choice. If they chose to believe in Christ, or not. This is what most churches teach, but the bible does not back up their claims that it is depended on a choice that the person has to make. Churches claim that people have freewill to chose if they will be saved or not, it is their choice. They claim that God is leaving it up to them to chose themselves.

God, Who wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth.

{1 Timothy 2: 3-4 CLV}

It does not mention freewill or that man has some decision to make. That man has apart to play in his salvation. In fact it is down to God alone. God is the one that will save All Mankind. It is depended on God alone. For if it was depended on man, then no one would be saved. The bible tells us that no one seeks after God, not one.

Romans 3:11 Not one is understanding. Not one is seeking out God. CLV

God is the one who wills that all mankind be saved. To accomplish his goal he is not going to have man make a choice. There is no choice to make, no one is going to be left to make a choice. This business about a choice came from the churches, not from the bible. The bible does not mention a choice of any kind in the decision. In fact the bible does not mention freewill ether, and that is because people do not have freewill. I don’t know how someone can have freewill, when you have God in control of everything. Thus no one has freewill to chose their fate, not one. It is God’s will that all will be saved, and he will save everyone, no matter what any one else says.

1 Timothy 4: 9-11 Faithful is the saying and worthy of all welcome (for this are we toiling and being reproached), that we rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers. These things be charging and teaching. CLV

Believers are to rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers. The living God is the Saviour of ALL Mankind, this is a fact. He is not the saviour some of mankind. It does not say he is a saviour of only those who chose him. There is no choice here, he is the saviour of all mankind.

Of note here is the fact that it states “especially of believers”. It does not say only of believers. For if it was only of believers then it should not say that he is the saviour of all mankind. Just to make it clear it also does not say “Exclusively of believers” ether.

It is interesting that it states that believers are to be teaching that God is the Saviour of All mankind. Churches seem to have missed the point here. Most churches are definitely not teaching that God is the saviour of all mankind. Let alone the bible states that, they are meant to teach this very fact. They tech that only believers will be saved, which is wrong. They are meant to teach that all mankind is saved, this is a fact, wether they like it or not.

1 John 4 14 And we have gazed upon Him, and are testifying that the Father has dispatched the Son, the Saviour of the world.

The Son is the Saviour of the world, he is not the saviour of some of the world. He is not the saviour of believers only. He is not the saviour of those who have made a choice or not made a choice. He is the saviour of the world, this is a fact. This includes everyone in the world, and all the animals as well. There is no freewill choice to make, for no one has freewill at all.

To save the world, to save all mankind, to save the world, God despatched the Son. This was God’s will all along, and no one will prevent God from doing his will not even the churches.

The bible does not mention a choice at all. There is no choice to make. If it was left to man, no one would be saved. However it is not left to man, it is left to God. It is all depended on God alone, not on man.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009

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