No Delays, No Waiting, Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

9 June 2015

By Mark Farquharson

I was having a haircut on the 6 May, and I asked the barber want time he opened, for I got there before 9 a.m., in the morning and he was open. He said that he opened at 8 a.m., and then he said "no waiting, no delays." Which is interesting, because the Time of effective Apostleship, has been delayed. Thus his comment about there being no delay or waiting, is a sign. For the haircut I usually pay $13 and I go every 13 weeks. The amount of days very depending on if I go on a Wednesday or a Thursday, but it averages at 91 days, between cuts, which is seven times 13. If I keep to 13 weeks, then the next haircut would be on the 5 or 6 August. When I got home later that day the cash I had on hand was $522.00.

The amount of cash is interesting because it could represent a date. I got an outpouring sign on May 22, 2012. Later I had a dream about buying two books for ten. Following the dream I bought two books for ten dollars each, and made a transfer on May 22, 2014. More on the transfer below. The 22 May this year has passed, however it could be the Hebrew date, being the 22 of fifth Hebrew month {Av}. This will be the August 7, 2015.

The number 91 is interesting as well, for I bought a pair of shoes last year, retail price $130, on sale for $91. I handed over hundred dollars, and the person said if you give me one dollar, I will give you ten dollars. I did not have one dollar, thus he gave me nine. About three weeks later I bought another pair of shoes, retail price $130, on sale for $78, saving $13 on what I had paid for the first pair of shoes.

This could relate to the books for I brought the books on the 22 May 2014, using a gift card that I had, which had $30 on it, thus leaving ten dollars on the card. later I using the card and cash to buy a book for $12.50. What I saved on the shoes $13, could relate to this $12.50.

On May 8, this year I got the sign, "Just the fifteen to go." I took this to mean that there was just 15 days to go on the 115 day count, which relates to a credit. Later that morning I copied a date down from email from last year, the date was 16 Nov 2015. Then I was told that it was extended to the 30 November. The 16 - 30 Nov is 15 days inclusive, and 8 May-22 May is also 15 days inclusive. What I am saying is that this is indicating a connection between the 22 of the fifth month and 30 Nov. The Stone of Destiny was returned 14 -30 Nov 1996.

The credit from the specially made ATM machine was 100, but once credited it was 115. A few years a go at the same company I got the opening gate sign, and the date of 30 Nov.

Last time I mentioned a transfer of $12740 I made on the 22 May 2014, note I incorrectly put the year as 2012, this has now been corrected. The $12,000 is the amount of money a table cost in a dream I had.

What I did not mention last time was another 12000 sign on the 29 July 2013. My Mother applied for 12000, Z energy shares, she does not know about the dream. There is 740 days between 29 July 2013 and 7 August 2015. When I made the transfer I did not know what the 740 stood for and have only just worked this out. The 29 July 2013 was Av 22, or the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month. Thus exactly two Hebrew years. One year of 13 months and one year of 12 months. Note Hebrew years can have 12 or 13 months in them.

This year on the 2 June, Z energy, announced that they where buying the New Zealand fuel business of Chevron. That is the petrol stations etc. This is subject to approval of the commerce commission, they expect an answer on the 30 Nov.

The original hundred count that I got in 2013 was 7 August -14 November 2013. I do note that I have just given a date of 7 August 2015, however I am taking this date as the end of the 115 count not the start, as explained. Dr Jones feed the hundred pastors on the 13-14 Nov 2013. If one adds 15 days you get it ending on the 29 Nov, 15-29 Nov. However the extended period is 16-30 Nov. It is like there has been an adjustment.

Then there was a second count of hundred 12 Sept-20 Dec 2013. The period between the counts was 36 days. However if one adjusts the first count and adds on the 15 day extension, then the difference between the counts is 20 days. Two books at ten is 20. Adding this on to the 7 August you get the 27 August.

Some time ago now I brought a watch at $80 reduced from $100. Earlier before I brought the watch, a person at a library said her watch stopped last night at 11:30.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

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