
Creation-Recreation Intro

Recreation is the believe that the first heaven and earth was created in Genesis 1:1.

Genesis 1:1 Created by the Elohim {God} were the heavens and the earth. CLV

However after a period of time the first earth was destroyed.

Genesis 1:2 Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Elohim is vibrating over the surface of the water. {CLV}

After this period of time the earth became chaos and vacant. It did not start out that way, it was not created that way. Then the earth was recreated with new heavens, this being about 6000 years ago. Creationists mostly believe that there was no recreation. They believe that the earth was original created that way, thus existing in that from, before it was transformed. For it is said that it can read “was chaos and vacant,” instead of “became a chaos and vacant.” This is before the first day of the week in Genesis 1.

2Peter 3:5-6 For they want to be oblivious of this, that there were heavens of old, and an earth cohering out of water and through water, by the word of God;" through which the then world, being deluged by water, perished." {CLV}

It is believe that this is talking about the flood in Noah’s day. That did cover the whole world with water, but that is not what is being talked about here. It says here that “there were heavens of old.” The flood in Noah’s day, did not effect the heavens. For the stars were not effected, and the sky was not replaced. Thus this must be talking about another event. I will not cover all the arguments here, as this is just an intro.

This is know as Gap Theory, that is a time gap exists between Gen.1:1 and Gen. 1:2. Time gaps do not go against scripture. There are many different views with those who believe in Gap Theory.

Some use it as way of accommodating science with scripture. They believe what scientists say about evolution and the dates given to fossils and rocks. Alone with dates given for the earth and the stars. Thus they believe that all the old fossils were of animals on the first earth, and some even believe that there was a human like race before Adam was created. This is why a number of people reject the recreation view. However one should not reject a view because people use it to accommodating science. The study into the view should be based on what the scriptures tell us.

Isaiah 45:18 For thus says Yahweh, Creator of the heavens; He is the Elohim, and Former of the earth, and its Maker, and He, He established it. He did not create it a chaos. He formed it to be indwelt. "I am Yahweh, and there is none else." {CLV}

This tell us that God did not create the earth a chaos, however in Genesis 1:2 it is in a chaos state. Did he make it chaos or did he not? The above passage tell us that he did not. Thus for some reason it became that way after it was created.

A study of the scriptures will tell us that Adam was indeed the first man, and therefore there was no human like race before Adam. Even dates for mankind are incorrect, for instance the Stone Age, which started about a million years ago. Man was created only about 6000 years ago, therefore the dates for objects from the supposed “Stone Age” are completely wrong. The animals that exist today came form the kinds that were created on Genesis 1, days five and six. There is no scripture that supports that on first earth Animals actually existed.

The stars that exist today, were actually created on day four, only about 6000 years ago. This is what the scriptures actual say. They were placed in the expanse that was created on day two, therefore they could not exist before day two. They are not billions of years old. The structure of the universe is very different than what scientists have told us. There is a highly reflective surface that encase the whole universe, which means a number of stars seen are actually just reflections and the stars are a lot closer than what we are told.

With dating for things that are meant to be form the “stone age” completely wrong, how can one rely on dates that are millions & billions of years older? Of course one can not rely on any of these dates. Thus it is unknown how long ago the first earth was created. The first earth could have been created only a few thousand years before the present earth was created, but it is just not known at this time.

However these things should not be used to reject the view, these should be used to reject the science. If there is scriptural support for a recreation then that should not be rejected.

The six days were normal 24 hour days. They were not any longer. This being a true record of the events. Adam was not created as a baby, but as adult. Thus this tell us that other things could have been created looking mature, not new. There was a worldwide flood in the days of Noah, Gen.7. This did change the surface of the earth in a large way. The geological structures can be explained by the flood in Noah‘s day and things being created as mature.

Evolution and the Big Bang: I do not believe in evolution, there was no big bang. There was no evolution from a single cell organism to all the plants and animals we have today. The scriptures do not support this in any way, what so ever. Evolution has never been viewed and never will be. There have been no transitional {intermediate} fossils find. All fossils are of fully formed animals. Fossils have no detailed records with them, you can not tell what it evolved from or into. There is no test for evolution.

Evolution is NOT fact and NEVER will Be!

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2011

Creation - Recreation

Day Age Creation Belief is it Correct? V2 Update on V1, 19 July 2011

What are Kinds? 13 June 2009

Dinosaurs hidden in the bible? Revised 17 May 2009

Was there Animal Death Before the Fall? V1A Small correction 21 July 2011


The Flood {Same article as under the heading "Plan of the Eons"}

Arguments Against Flood are Wrong V2 Update on V1, 24 July 2011

Articles Against Evolution

What is wrong with Evolution? V1A Update on V1, 24 July 2011

Trying to fit Evolution with the Bible V2 Update on V1, 24 July 2011

Neanderthals Welcome

Lie 1% human/Chimp


All articles below were written when I use to believe in creation, but not recreation, thus some may need correcting. I will check over them in time. However at this time they will stay up as they do have valid points in them.

Genesis Genealogies

Links go to "Answers In Genesis" Articles

Who Begat Whom? Closing the Gap in Genesis Genealogies

Biblical chronogenealogies pdf

Do the Genesis Genealogies Contain Gaps? Long Article

Creation Studies

Creation Study Part 1


What is Creation?

Bone structures

Did Dinosaurs have feathers?


Creation Study Part 2


Foot prints

Ica Burial Stones

Dinosaurs Not millions of years old!

Jesus points out when humans where made

Ica Burial Stones

Dinosaurs Not millions of years old!

Jesus points out when humans where made

Creation Study Part 3


Rock dating

How to get 6000 years

Who did Cain marry?

The Flood

Natural phenomena which conflict with evolutionary idea that universe is billions of years old


Study on Creation Ends


Some final Comments

Evidence for a Young World

Movie called EXPELLED

Discrimination Creationists Face

Why stop now?

More Information:

Creation Links

Creation Museums Locations and Links to websites

Creation Links In Articles:

Some of the articles contain links to creation websites. These sites focus mainly on creation, and usually nothing or little else on other religious/Christian/biblical matters. None of the creation sites believe that All mankind will be Saved. For those reasons I caution you on reading any non-creation issue on these websites.

WARNING: These sites do not support the majority of the views of this website!