The Revalue & the Table of the Lord

6 July 2014, Corrected 7 July 2014

By Mark Farquharson

I am sorry that I have not got back to you, my readers sooner. It seems that I was meant to wait for certain signs to pass. Four years ago the barley was cast into the river, 9-15 July, making this a watch period this year. However there are signs pointing to a slightly later date. There is the comparable period of 15-22 July, with Tabernacles which is in the seventh Hebrew month, about October this year. However my date is a couple of dates later.

Last year in July I went out to a meal with a group of about 20 others. One half of the table had beeper 21 and my half had beeper 22. I thought the beeper could represent a Hebrew date. Thus I focused on that as being the timing. However I am now thinking differently. Three of us had lamb. Jesus Christ is the lamb. This links to the body of Christ, the chosen eating the food at the Table of the Lord. What I did not realize until recently was that it is the date of the meal that could indicate the timing. The day of the meal last year was the 4 July. This has passed but the Hebrew date is still coming up, it is the 26 of the fourth Hebrew month, which this year will be the 24 July.

This could be the timing of the revalue of the Iraq dinar. Julius had a dream where he was “looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.” I also had a dream, where I was walking through a shopping mall, and came out into a car park. I meet up with my dad outside, we went into the mall, and entered a food shop, my dad said he was buying at 205. This year day 205 is the 24 July.

My thinking is that the timing of the start of the Table of the Lord could be 24 July, at the same time as the revalue, if that occurs on day 205. I say the start, for I do not view the Table of the Lord as a one time seating. I may say more on this in another entry.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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