Greatest Passover & Outpouring to Come Early

9 January 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Today I will present the case for an early Passover, the case being for the Greatest Passover, not the regular Passovers. Not that it will actually come early, but that it would come earlier than some might think it will come. For it can not come earlier than the God appointed time for it to come. It is for you as you look at the case to decide if you agree or not. Please feel free to consult a higher power on this, if you want to do so.

I got the sign that there would be the Greatest Passover, when I was at the sign for the St Lukes Morning Star Garden Apartments. Morning Star being one of the names of Jesus Christ. Since then I have been trying to work out when it would occur. Many dates have passed along the way, and each time we are a step closer to the appointed time.

I relate this sign to the 210 sign I got in the St Lukes mall which is across the road from the apartments. The 210 I connect with the coming exodus, and the taking of the gold.

Recently I again went to St Lukes, on the 27 December 2012, where I got the sign 20, this was on the eightieth day from buying the Olympic watch. Which I brought at a shopping mall, but not St Lukes. Both malls however owned by the same company Westfield, the one that owns the mall that was the gateway to the recent London Olympic venues. The watch was full price 100 with 20% off, thus I paid 80. The sign of 20 could be 20 days, for I got it on the eightieth day from buying the Olympic watch and the full price was 100. Thus it would come then on 20 days, or after 20 days. I believe it to the exodus because the woman mentioned Israel. This would indicate the 16 or the 17 January 2013. Of course one could view it differently because the discount was 50% not 20%. If you apply the full price then that would be 40, which would be about the 5-6 February. However 20 does fit with the hundred, not 40. You can read more of the signs I got at my recent visit here: St Lukes Signs

The sign of 20 I got in the same mall at a counter close to where I got the 210 sign which I relate to a coming exodus. This exodus I believe will be at the time of the Greatest Passover. Recall that the Israelites put the blood on the door posts at Passover and left that night. If I am getting this right. Thus my thinking is 16 or the 17 January 2013, of course time zone dependent.

The woman on the 27 December called me “Jacob,” which is a sign of Jacob’s ladder and the Stairway to Heaven, this connects to the 999 and the provision. I mentioned the provision in the last entry as possibly coming on this date as it fitted with the sign of 11:30 if you count from 22 February 2012. Assuming I am right about the 11:15 of course. Last entry: Western Springs & Food Counter in Library

Before we get to the case for a later time I should bring in at this point the coming outpouring of the Holy Sprit. This outpouring I believe will be like the outpouring that occurred on the Apostles in the New Testament. It only occurred on certain people at the time. The coming outpouring will be similar, it will only be on the body of Christ, the Sons of God, the Apostles of our time. It will not be on all of Christianity, for they are not all of the body, the conquerors, it is only the few that will receive the spirit to do the work ahead in this final time before the return of Jesus Christ our Lord.

These ones will go out throughout the whole world to herald the true evangel, for the world has not heard the true evangel. Like the apostles of old we will be able to do miracles. My view is that this outpouring will occur at the same time as the exodus of course I could be wrong on that. The true evangel is covered in-depth in this article: Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel

The case for a later time than this is the experiences by Dr Jones which points to a slightly later date of the 27 January 2013. As you can see it is a difference of only ten days, which is a point in this I will get to later. Here is his view which you may have read before:

“My introduction came in 1981 with the first warfare of the Net of Prayer, which lasted from November 12, 1981 to January 27, 1982.…”

“Likewise, I was able to predict that Pastor Thomas would receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit on January 27, 1986, because that date in 1982 had marked the end of the prayer battle….”

“The main difference between him and me was that my death spiral took a full year to accomplish, because I did not experience resurrection until the same dates a year later. Pastor Thomas’ experience crunched death and resurrection into a single cycle, for he “died” in late December 1985 and was “resurrected” by the Holy Spirit a month later on January 27, 1986.

In 1994 we had a prayer campaign called “His Fulness” on January 27-30, 1994. It was a prayer to receive the fulness of the Holy Spirit, according to the pattern seen with Pastor Thomas on the same date in 1986.…”

From Dr Jones Weblog: Cosmic Warfare, Part 2

Thus the case is that the outpouring will occur on the 27 January or sometime between 27-30 January, however I am presenting the case that it could be 17 January.

This brings us to the early Passover of 2012. The Passover Conference is always the weekend of Good Friday, Easter. However the Passover Conference was a week earlier than Easter, thus the conference was early. It was a week early, I am saying that the outpouring will be ten days early. Not form the appointed time, for God keeps his appointments on time, but form the time indicated by Dr Jones.

This date for the conference coincided with a count I was doing and the end of a sequence of events. The count involved three lots of 18 which I connected to the prophecy of 3:18 for the time of the provision. This time around I did not work out a count of three lots of 18. It occurred to me that there could be a count of 18 this time around as well. However it does not seem to be fitting the dates, the same as last time. You could say that this itself indicates that I am incorrect, however using 18 as you will read below does not get you the 27 January.

What I do have is similarities to that time. The sign of being in the entranceway came on the 2 January 2013. Last time the indication was of entering on the 11 March 2012 and being in the entranceway on the 12 March. On the 3 January 2013 I went to St Mary’s, walking in the entranceway I observed two priests standing at the doors to the auditorium. I heard the music start and them going in, then I left the building. This is the only part I was meant to see, this being a sign. Last time the sign of being in the last pew, that is inside the auditorium came on the 14 March 2012.

The week before on the 27 December 2012, I observe one of the priests leaving their house. Thus one can see a sequence here, with him taking about a week to get to these doors. Not that he actually took a week, but that in the sequence it is a week. The service then starting when he gets to the lectern.

There was 16 days inclusive last time between 14 March and 29 March, with 30 March then indicate as the day for the service. Using this count this time you would get the 19 January if I start the count on the 3 January, of course it also takes time getting to the last pew from the doors. Thus an addition of one day gets you the 20 January. This does not clearly fit with the indicate date of the 17 January, but is a week before the 27 January. Unless one has to wait for the weekly sabbath 19 or the day after 20 January.

I know in the dream I did not take of the food when I got to the count, for I was offered the food twice but did not eat of it, then I was offered a third time but that is when the dream ended. Of course this does not have to mean two days, it could indicate that at the time of the dream it was not time to eat of the food. I would think if the food is there one would eat of the food. There is no way one can stop the outpouring if it is occurring or not eat of the food of heaven when it comes.

In the table dream I did not buy the table because I did not have the money for the table. Thus at the time of the dream it was not time for the table. Why is a dream about a table a sign, because as I have said in the past it was $12,000, and 12,000 is one of the tribes in Revelation.

Of course this could just indicate that the 17 January is a important watch date, but not the date for the outpouring or exodus. On the other hand it could indeed be the date for it to occur.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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