Alternative Articles

These links to articles on other websites are here to provide you with information about the situation in the world today. These sites do not support all saved, or the views of this website. I have no association with these websites. I do NOT know the Truth or Accuracy of these reports.

WARNING: These sites do not support the views of this website!

If you are new to this section please read the warning information at the bottom of this page.

Dates: Dates are when I have posted the link here, not when they were written.

Getting to the Truth Means Separating Fact from Fiction

Who Controls the World

Articles on this subject.


United Kingdom

Links to Articles on the UK, including the 2012 Olympics


Warning: These links take you to other sites, please note I do not necessarily agree with all the points raised in these articles. I do NOT know the Truth or Accuracy of these reports. With these reports you have to separate fact from fiction and take into account the views of the writer. Please note any religious views on doctrine matters in these articles are the views of the writers of those articles, or the views of other people they are reporting on, they are not my views. Refer to the articles on this site for my views.

Be careful of hoaxes and scams: When going to any alternative news site you may come across articles on something that they think is true, when it is actually a hoax {a deception} or worse a scam {a dishonest scheme for taking you money}. You can always search on the net to get what other people think. There you may come across reports that it is a hoax or a scam. Of course there can also be counter claims that the reports that it is a hoax or a scam are untrue. As far as I know the actual articles linked to on this page are not hoaxes or scams. If you think something is then email me. One of these is the NESARA hoax and scam: NESARA Will it Change the World or is it a Hoax

Be careful: Beware Visions and Revelations

To Use these Articles: For use of these articles please refer to the site where the article is located.

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