12000 Table & Stairway to Heaven

16 November 2013

By Mark Farquharson


Those who read regularly will know that I had let my hair grow. Well I finally got my haircut on the 7 November 2013. The last time I had a cut was on the 23 May 2013. That is 24 weeks, that I had let it grow. Both times I went to the same place and paid $13. Back on the 23 May there was a fire drill, and we left via a green door. The 23 May was the 14 of the third Hebrew month and it was the time of the full moon. I have got signs of a sixth month period. For it to be six Hebrew months it would go until the 17 November which would be the 14 of the ninth Hebrew month and also a full moon.

12000 Table:

Back on the 24 May 2010, I had a dream that I was in a shop, that had this table for $12,000, but I could only buy it if it was $6,000, and therefore could not buy the table. Then on the 28 February 2012, I had just $12,000 in my account. Thus I thought it was the time for the table. I went to a meeting on that day and at the meeting there was this bread on a table for show. This confirmed for me the thought that the table in the dream was the table of shewbread, in the Tabernacle. However it was not time for the table. After that date my funds in my account dropped under $12,000.

In the Tabernacle the Table of shewbread held 12 loaves of bread which represented the 12 tribes. Also refer to the table of the presence. The bread remained on the table for a week. The priests would remove the bread and replaced it with fresh bread on the sabbath. It could only be eaten by the priests in the Holy Place, Leviticus 24:5-9.

Just recently on the 27 September 2013, I got the sign that it was time for us to take our seats at the Table of the Lord. This sign included eating the food of the Table of the Lord. Does the table in the dream relate to the Table of the Lord? It is a possibility, I relate the table in the dream to the table of showbread in the Tabernacle. On the table in the tabernacle was the showbread. However there where no seats in the Tabernacle.

Later the tabernacle in the wilderness was replace by the Temple in the Jerusalem. In 1 Kings 7:48, it refers to the table in the temple on which is the bread of presence or showbread, made of gold. However in 2 Chronicles 4:8, it mentions ten tables, five on the right and five on the left. No seats by the tables in the temple either.

We the priests will enter the temple soon, which is the sign I got on the 11 December 2012. Thus when we enter the temple is it then that we will eat the food at the Table of the Lord. If the Lords Table is in the Temple then the sign is that there will be seats this time.

On the 7 November I got a large deposit in to my account which boosted it back up to over the $12,000.


27 September: 23 Tishrei: Take thee seat at the Table of the Lord

8 October: 4 Cheshvan: Entering

25 October: 21 Cheshvan: At the Chair, Dr Jones Commissioned

6 November: 3 Kislev: Seating in the Chair

I did have down the 14 November for the lectern, from last year, however no sign of this on this date this year. Looking at my notes again from last year I did sit in the front pew before I took the lectern. This could indicate that the lectern was not that day, but that there was a couple of days to go.

Called John Again:

On the 12 November I was called John, the person had been on the computer to John. This was the second time I had been called John, the first time was back on the 10 March 2011. Not sure at this time how these two connect.


Last year I brought a watch for $80, reduced from $100. This year there was an eighty day period and a hundred day period. The hundred day period being an extension of he eighty day period. At the end of the 100 day period my day brought a watch for $370 dollars, I at this time do not know how to connect these.

A Staircase to Heaven, 999 steps, 999 days?

On the 14 November on TV someone mentioned that it was 1000 days since the Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquake on the 22 February 2011. Had it really be 1000 days. Well actually no it was not 1000 days, but it was close.

Day 999, 16 November; Day 1000, 17 November

999 days, 17 November; 1000 days, 18 November

From Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquake

How does this connect to the Staircase to Heaven, because there are 999 steps. How do I get there are 999 steps, because in Zhangjiajie City, China there is “Heaven's Gate Mountain.” There are 999 steps to a more than 400 foot tall hole in the mountains. This opening is considered to be the door to heaven. Also according to Vincent ‘999 means a staircase to heaven.' For more refer below.

Of course it being 999 days from the earthquake does not mean that these two are related. The steps and the days may not relate at all. It is interesting that someone mentioned it was a 1000 days, but it does not have to mean the two are related.

Other watch days coming up are the 30 November, and the 12 December.

Vinnie and the number 999:

Some of you may have read of Vinnie and the number 999 before, here it is again:

Vinnie is talking to his kids about the number 999, when his 6 year old son prophesized. Here is what happened quoted from a weblog at GKM:

"Then I'm telling my kids about the 999 safety deposit box, the 999-1 odds for the St. Louis Cards fan who won, the Herman Cain 999 plan. Then this past week I believe I told you both about a link I was sent that has an astrologer state that the stars are going to be aligned in 999 pattern between 3/14 and 3/15.

"When I finished talking, my 6-year-old son, Vincent prophesies this at the table (as best in his own words). 'We live in the earth and we're flesh. God lives in heaven. The planets are closer to heaven. So 999 means a staircase to heaven'.

"Tonight we were watching "One Night with the King," the story of Esther. We took a little ice cream break. I went to the computer. As soon as I put up the Yahoo page, I freaked out."

What he saw was the Chinese interpretation of the number 999 at the following link:


From God‘s Kingdom Ministries weblog: A Prophecy of the gate of heaven

Vinnie's 999 Dream

In a dream that Vinnie had, he and his wife run up to what looked like a pinball machine. He won, before he started playing. The words DINAR, DINAR, DINAR flashed up four times. He knew each Dinar represent 9, thus each set represent 999. Here is the dream at God‘s Kingdom Ministries: “ Brother Vinnie's 999 dream

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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