London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

30 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

"The Spirit of Zionism," the statue of a thirty foot spider, was unveiled in London on the 3 October 2007. This spider is meant to convey the feeling of fear that the Palestinian families feel on a daily basis. Picture of statue here:

Lord Mayor of London John Stuttard said that the sculpture was "in keeping with the ZION theme that we presented in our 2012 Games LOGO". Thus those who say that the letters can be rearranged to spell the word Zion, are right in this case. The sculpture is then keeping with the theme of the Olympic games, thus the theme of the games is "The Spirit of Zionism." If the games have a Zion theme, then one would think that these games are pro-Israeli, for the ones controlling Israel are Zionist and therefore against Palestine.

From the unveiling of the spider to the opening ceremony of the games {27/7/12} is 1760 days inclusively or 40 X 44 days. 40 is the number for trails, probation and testing, 44 is the number for "Chosen People," and double 22 the number for “Sons of light, sonship.” 43 is the number for "Contention" or time of contention, after which God will issue judgement, unveiling the true "Chosen People." More on these numbers is covered at GKM: The Spirit of Zionism, the statue at the Olympics

Thus during these games the truly chosen ones of God will be revealed. Will God also render his verdict in regards to Zionism. But who will he judge, Jerusalem or the place of the games, London.

Who are holding the games, London. Who his the Spirit of Zionism, Jerusalem yes, but London has the spirit of Zionism as well, for that is the spirit of these Olympic games. As I have covered in previous entries there is a coming London judgement.

The ninth day from the opening ceremony is the 4 August. Nine is the number for judgment and as 3 X 3 it signifies the fruits and gifts of the spirit, the fruitfulness. It is the time that the chosen will get the fruits and gifts of the spirit, including the knowledge, glory, the outpouring of the holy spirit and the authority. The 2 August is the Greatest Passover, followed by the firstfruit, Wave-Sheaf on the 4 August. As covered in this journal entry: Greatest Passover

Just two days before the spider statue was unveiled, the 25 foot replica, golden Anubis was floated up the Thames from the O2 Dome and positioned in Trafalgar Square on the 1 October, 2007. Anubis was known as the God of the dead in ancient Egypt. This was to advertise O2 Dome’s first exhibition, “Tutankhamun And The Golden Age of The Pharaohs,” which run from 15 November 2007 to 30 August 2008, 290 days. A Pharaoh was an ancient Egyptian ruler.

In Jeremiah 19:11, the city, Jerusalem, is broken in such away that it can not be repaired:

Jeremiah 19:11 and have said unto them: Thus said Yahweh of Hosts, Thus do I break this people and this city, as one breaks the potter's vessel, that is not able to be repaired again, and in Tophet they bury--without place to bury;" {CLV}

Will London be broken in such away that it can not be repaired, for they have the spirit of Zionism, the spirit of Jerusalem. Of course this does not rule out it happening to Jerusalem as well, for I do believe it will also be broken beyond repair, but not at this time.

The Sign of the Overgrown Garden:

I got the sign of an overgrown garden. Ancient Israel was a vineyard that Yahweh let overgrow.

Isaiah 5:5-7 And now, pray, I shall make known to you what I will do to My vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it comes to be consumed. I breach its stone dike, and it comes to be tramped." And I am making My vineyard into a chaos, and it is not being pruned. And not being hoed, and up come buckthorn and spines. And I am instructing the thick clouds over it to keep from raining rain on it." For the vineyard of Yahweh of hosts is the house of Israel, and each man of Judah His plant delectable. And He is expecting judgment, and behold! Transgression {Bloodshed}! Righteousness, and behold! A cry!" {CLV}

Jesus covers this in a parable in Matthew 21:33-45. In the parable a householder has a vineyard that he leases to farmers, he then dispatches his slaves to get the fruit. The farmers lash one, yet kill one, yet pelt one with stones. When his son is sent the farmers kill the son. In this parable the householder is God, and his son is Jesus. Then Jesus asks: “Whenever, then, the lord of the vineyard may be coming, what will he be doing to those farmers?” (Matthew 21:40).

The chief priests and the elders answered:

Matthew 21:41 They are saying to Him, "Evil men! Evilly will he be destroying them, and the vineyard will he be leasing to other farmers, who will be rendering the fruits to him in their seasons." {CLV}

They did not realise or know that they were actually pronouncing God’s future Judgement on them, fulfilled in the war with the Romans in 66-70 AD. Romans brought Jerusalem and the temple to ruins. London was once part of the Roman empire.

However they were wrong about the vineyard. For God did not take the vineyard from them, he took the kingdom from them. The vineyard, the house of Israel was turned into chaos as it prophesies in Isaiah 5. God had no need of that vineyard, for he had another vineyard, another nation. That vineyard is the chosen, the body of Christ. More on the overgrown vineyard of Israel is covered in the article: The Coming Kingdom

The overgrown garden is in Owairaka Park. Owairaka should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I relate the “Sacred drinking waters,” to the “River of Living Water” in Revelation 22:1-2. The Holy Spirit is the river of living water. Thus at the time of the coming outpouring of the holy spirit, there will be an overgrown garden. Owairaka Park is in the suburb of Mount Albert, Auckland. Mount Albert was the name given to the extinct volcano. However it is now largely known by it’s Maori name Mt Owairaka. Albert named after Prince Albert who was married to Queen Victoria. Thus there is a connection between Owairaka and Prince Albert. This means that the overgrown garden is London. Thus the indication is that London will be bought to ruins, but will a temple in London also be brought to ruins?

St Benedictine’s church in Auckland connects to the coming authority that the body will get. Pope Benedictine is the present pope, but it also connect to Westminster Abbey which was originally a Benedictine abbey. Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church used for British coronations. The crowning of the body of Christ was on the 30 November 2011. That is not to say it will be this church, for there is another temple that is linked.

St Paul’s church in Auckland was linked by a sign to St Benedictine’s church. I link the sign of St Paul’s church in Auckland to another sign, that of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

Currently in Christchurch NZ, the Christchurch Cathedral is being pulled down after suffering extensive damage in the Earthquakes. There are those opposed to it being pulled down. One of them on the news said “If the same thing happened to St Paul’s,” meaning if the same thing happened to St Paul’s in London. He said that there would be outrage if it was decided to pull down St Paul’s.

On the 14 July, Dr Jones, Chad and Brad, were lead to go to the “downtown area of St. Paul, Minnesota to issue some decrees from the Divine Court.” What they did and the meaning of it are covered here: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul. While in St. Paul, Minnesota they drove to St. Paul's Cathedral. I link this to my sign of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Thus the signs seem to indicate that St Paul’s in London will be brought to ruins. However in a large natural disaster both St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey could be severely damaged along with numerous other church buildings.

On Thursday the 26 July the Olympic torch did a tour of central London stopping at St. Paul's Cathedral, 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace. I do not know if this is indicating anything about 10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace.

Like a Dream:

The movie “Inception,” is about a group of people that can enter your dreams. This movie is a sign that links to the coming Greatest Passover and Wave-Sheaf. The Passover will be on the 2 August 2012, with the Wave-Sheaf, on the 4 August 2012. This is when the outpouring of the holy spirit will occur on the body of Christ. This is to enable us to herald the evangel to the world before Our Lord Jesus Christ returns. At this time the knowledge and the glory will come to the body. I cover this Passover in this entry: Greatest Passover

I linked it to dreams I and others have had. I also link it to the morning star, who is Jesus Christ. The dreams and the morning star sign are covered in the journal entries:

Upcoming Exodus and Morning Star

Upcoming Exodus and Morning Star Part 2

The Greatest Passover and Wave-Sheaf, link to London and the Olympics. I watched the movie “Inception” at St Lukes mall in Auckland. This mall is owned by “Westfield,” who are the owners of the mega mall that has just be built in the Olympic Park in London. The morning star sign is the “Morning Star St Lukes Garden Apartments” that are across the road from the St Lukes mall. In Olympic Park in London the mall is separated from the Athletes’ Village by the railway tracks. This is the 30th Olympiad, 30 is the number for the Blood of Christ, spiritual maturity and dedication. Jesus Christ was crucified at first Passover, and the 2 August will be the Greatest Passover, all though it will be the second Passover, the first was the 4 July.

Christopher Nolan was the director of “Inception,” and the recent Batman trilogy, including “The Dark Knight Rises.” Batman, known as the Dark Knight, in the movies is a superhero who fights crime and evil. His superhero outfit is all black, hence the name the Dark Knight. However one should not be in the dark, one should be in the light. Everyone who is not part of the body is in darkness, those who are truly part of the body are in the light, having come from the darkness.

Ephesians 5:7-9 Do not, then, become joint partakers with them, for you were once darkness, yet now you are light in the Lord." As children of light be walking (for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth) {CLV}

By have a superhero called the Dark Knight, it gives the darkness that appearance of good, not evil. The Lord appeared to Paul:

Acts 26:17-18 extricating you from the people and from the nations, to whom I am commissioning you, to open their eyes, to turn them about from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, for them to get a pardon of sins and an allotment among those who have been hallowed by faith that is in Me.'" {CLV}

The darkness is the authority of Satan. Thus the darkness is not good, but evil. “The Dark Knight Rises” is a sign that the darkness will rise, and thus Satan himself will rise up. Do not fear the rising of Satan, for the Lord is the true light, in whom we stand.

Get back to the subject at hand dreams, there are a few dreams in the scriptures. Most of these dreams do not apply in this case. However I was shown that the sign of the dream also links to a prophecy in the scriptures. This prophecy is Isaiah 29, and is about Ariel, which is a name for Jerusalem.

Isaiah 29:1 Woe! Ariel! Ariel! The town of the camp of David. Your progeny gather year after year. Celebrations are they compassing. {CLV}

Isaiah 29:3-6 and I camp as David against you, and I besiege you with siege works, and I raise against you towers, and abased, from the earth are you speaking, and from the soil, prostrated is your saying, and your voice comes, as a medium, from the earth, and your saying is chirping from the soil." And, as thin powder, comes the throng of your foes, and, as passing trash, the throng of the terrifiers. And it comes for an instant, suddenly from Yahweh of hosts, you are visited with thunder, and with a quaking and a great sound, a sweeping whirlwind and tempest, and a blaze of fire devouring." {CLV}

While the prophecy itself applies to Jerusalem, all those who have help Israel will be judged, this includes England. The next verses likes Jerusalem to a dream:

Isaiah 29:7-8 And it comes to be as a dream, a vision of the night, the throng of all the nations, the hosts against Ariel, and all her host and her constriction, and that which is constraining her." And it comes to be as when one who is famishing is dreaming, and, behold! Eating is he! Yet he awakes and empty is his soul. And as when one who is thirsty is dreaming, and, behold! Drinking is he! And he awakes, and behold! Faint is he, and his soul is prowling. So is becoming the throng of all the nations, the hosts against mount Zion." {CLV}

In this case those trying to get hold of Jerusalem will not be able to do so. For it will be like a dream, they dream they have Jerusalem, but when they wake up, they do not have Jerusalem.

London 2012 Olympics official logo, letters can rearranged to from the word Zion. London could also be a dream city if the judgment is severe enough. The judgment on London is linked to Jerusalem, will London also be a dream city?

In this case those trying to get hold of London will not be able to do so. For it will be like a dream, they dream they have London, but when they wake up, they do not have London. This of course implies that something will happen to London to make it unobtainable. A large nuclear fission bomb could cover London in radiation for decades.

However as covered in the entry, “Will London be Demolished to Make Way for the New Jerusalem,” I have got the volcano sign and the geyser sign. Geysers are located near active volcanic areas. Britain regular experiences small earthquakes as there is a network of minor fault lines. A crack under the surface could bring magma closer to the surface to make London a geyser field, or lava itself could come to the surface. An active volcano in the middle London would make it unobtainable. However I do not know that this is how it will be made unobtainable.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012. Updated 27 October 2012. Edited 24 November 2012

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