Creation Versus Incorrect Beliefs




Truth about Evolution

Truth about Long Ages

Truth about Big Bang Theory


“God Created”

Creation is Fact

One kind can not become another kind.

Adam was the first person on earth

Adam and Eve where the first two people on earth

Where were you when God founded the earth? {Job 38:4}

Where were you when God created the universe?

God created kinds

Where were you when God created the animals?

Where were you when God created the kinds?

Where were you when God created the plants?

Where were you when God created the stars?

The six days of creation were not each an age long, they were a day in length.

The six days of creation were not each a 1000 years long, they were a day in length.

Each day of the six days of Creation was not millions of years long, for each was a day in length.

Similarities between embryos of vertebrates at comparable stages of development provide considerable support for a common creator.

Similar structures between different kinds of animals suggests that the animals all were made by the same creator, God.

The book of Genesis provides a true account of Creation, for it is not just a story.

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The flood was worldwide

The flood was not a local flood, it covered the whole world

The Flood covered all the mountains under the entire Heavens {sky} {Genesis 7:19}

The Flood destroyed all flesh on the earth, including all the land animals and all the birds, and every human, except that which was on the ark. {Genesis 7:21}

God did set a boundary for the waters, however the boundary is the sand, if the waters never passed the boundary, then there would be no flooding what so ever. {Jeremiah 5:22}

God bid the waters to pass the boundary at the time of the Flood

The waters do the bidding of God, he is their master

There really was a worldwide Flood.

There is no biblical support that all mankind lived in the one area before the flood

All the people after the flood lived in the same city, Babel, however before the flood all the people did not live in the same city, Cain went and built his own city. {Genesis 4:16-17}

Just because everyone lived in the same city after the flood does not mean they all lived in the same area before the flood.

Noah could only see the mountains, when the flood waters receded {Genesis 8:5}

All flesh does not just included all mankind, but in the case of the Flood, also includes all land based animals and all birds.

The Flood killed all land animals, and all birds, and every human, except those which were on the ark. {Genesis 7:21}

The Flood in the book of Genesis is a true account of what actually happened, for it is not a made up story.

The book of Genesis provides a true account of the worldwide Flood, for it is not a made up story.

The worldwide Flood is not just a made up story, the Flood really did happen.

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Truth about Evolution

Evolution is NOT fact and NEVER will Be!

No Links between different kinds of animals

Missing links will always be missing

Links do not exist between different kinds of animals

The links between the kinds did not exist in the first place.

We did not come from apes

Apes are not our distant cousins

Neanderthals are human

Apes are not our cousins

No animals are primitive

Evolution is an unproven theory, that people take as fact. It is a theory that can never be proven, and is totally untrue.

Humans are Not primates

Evolution is a myth

We did not all use to live in caves. Humans did not all use to live in caves.

There were no Cavemen

Humans did NOT evolve from animals

Humans did not evolve from the ancestors of apes

There are no links between humans and animals

There was no primordial soup that was the start of evolution, because there was no evolution.

Birds did not come from dinosaurs

Birds did not evolve from dinosaurs

Birds did not evolve from land based animals.

God did not use evolution.

Dinosaurs and humans walked together

Dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago.

Land based animals did not evolve from sea creatures.

Sea creatures did not evolve into land based animals.

One kind can not evolve into another kind.

Birds came before land based animals and therefore could not have evolved from them.

No fossils are millions of years old.

Fossils are no proof of evolution.

There are no transitional animals between the kinds.

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Truth about Long Ages

The earth is not millions or billions of years old

The Universe is not billions of years old

The Sun is not billions or millions of years old.

Rock dating does not provide correct dates.

Carbon dating does not provide correct dates.

Ice core does not provide correct dates.

Dating by using tree rings does not provide correct dates.

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Truth about Big Bang Theory

There was no big bang at the start of the universe

The Big bang is a scientific impossibility

God did not start the universe with a big bang.

The Big bang is just a theory, it is not a fact, and never will be.

The Big bang can never be proven, and did not happen.

The Big bang is a Big Lie

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