The London Service & Thomas

28 April 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Back on the 31 March, Easter Sunday, I visited a number of churches. These I covered in the entry: Church Signs, London Service, & Spain

Those who have been read these entries for sometime will know that I believe there is a coming judgment on London. This is based on signs that I have covered in earlier entries. As covered before the two chapels, the first one already occurred, another one coming. The praying for London in the second chapel. There have been signs of a funeral service. My thinking is that this will be a thirty day service.

At the time of the entry above I thought the service started on the 27 March. This was based on my understanding at the time. However a recent sign has made me rethink that.

The sign of Thomas has be shown to me to be important. On Tuesday the 23 April 2013, I got the sign of Thomas, and I take this as an eight day period. This means the eighth day is the 30 April and after eight days is the 1 May. The sign of Thomas connects to the Tabernacle and the Eucharist, the bread from heaven. In the wilderness the Israelites got the bread from heaven at the time of second Wave-sheaf. Thus the view was that we would get the bread today Sunday the 28 April after the weekly Sabbath. This being viewed as the day of the wave-sheaf, if you hold the view that it occurs after the weekly sabbath that comes after the second Passover.

If one takes the start of the service as the 31 March, then the last day of the service would be on the 29 April. Thus if the service ends on the 29 April, then the judgment could occur on the 30 April. On the other hand it could occur late on the 29 April. Of course one has to take into account time issues. Being in New Zealand the time will be different in London. The time difference at the moment is 12 hours.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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