Believers SM





One Body

Barriers Christ Removed



Once saved always saved

All believers get into the kingdom at the same time

You don’t have to go to any priest, you can go direct to God

True Believers are ambassador’s of Christ. {2 Corinthians 5:20}

We are ambassador’s of Christ. {2 Corinthians 5:20}

Be Rejoicing in God’s Salvation

As a believer you should desire that all mankind be saved and come into a realisation of the truth. {1 Timothy 2:4}

As a believer you should desire that all created be saved

Be rejoicing that all will be saved

Be rejoicing that all creation will be saved

Be rejoicing that all mankind will be saved

Be rejoicing that all animals will be saved

Christ is standing with you at all times.

Not all Christians are Believers in Christ

Everyone who is believing that Jesus is the Christ is begotten of God {1 John 5:1}

Jesus Christ makes us a kingdom and priests to His God and Father {Revelation 1:6}

All Sons of God are Priests of God and Christ

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Believers are the light of the world {Matthew 5:14}

Do not hide away your light, but let it shine forth.

“Let shine your light in front of men, so that they may perceive your ideal acts and should glorify your Father Who is in the heavens.” {Matthew 5:14-16}

You were once darkness, yet now you are light in the Lord {Ephesians 5:8}

As children of light be walking, for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. {Ephesians 5:9}

As children of light be walking, testing what is well pleasing to the Lord. {Ephesians 5:9-10}

If we should be walking in the light as God is in the light, we are having fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, is cleansing us from every sin. {1John 1:5-7}

Believers should not hide away their light, but should let their light shine in front of everyone.

Not everyone who is saying they are in the light, are actually in the light, they maybe a liar and still be in the darkness.

“He who is saying that he is in the light and is hating his brother is a liar and is in darkness hitherto. He who is loving his brother is remaining in the light, and there is no snare in him." {1John 2:9-11}

Let shine your light, do not hide it away

Shine your light in front of your family.

Shine your light in front of your friends.

Shine your light in front of people.

Shine your light in front of everyone.

Let Shine your light for all to see.

Shine your light in this world of darkness.

Shine your light in the darkness of this world.

Shine your light, do not hide your light away for no one to see.

Shine your light, Do not put your light out.

Shine your light, Do not let your light fade away.

Let Shine your light in front of those around you.

Shine your light wherever you go.

Let Shine your light in front of enemies.

Let Shine your light in front of strangers.

Let Shine your light in front of people in the street.

Let Shine your light in front of everybody.

Let Shine your light in front of All

Let Shine your light in front of One & All

Let Shine your light in front of guests

Let Shine your light in front of visitors

Let your Light Grow

Let your Light Show

Let your Light Flow

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Predestination is True

Believers are predestine

Believers have been chosen by God to believe

God designates beforehand those who will believe.

God makes ready beforehand, the Good Works that believers are to do. {Ephesians 2:10}

Predestination does NOT rule out all saved

Just because some are predestine, it does not mean that they are the only ones saved, all are saved.

Not all Christians are predestine

To the Chosen it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens, but not to those who are not chosen

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One Body

All Believers in Christ are overcomers

There is only one group of believers

No believers will reign {rule} over other believers

All believers are the body, and not the head, for Christ is the head.

There is no separate circumcision body of believers

There is One Body and One Head, Jesus Christ

All that is begotten of God is conquering the world {1 John 5:4}

All those begotten of God are overcomers/conquers

Everyone who is believing that Jesus is the Christ is begotten of God and a conquer/overcomer

He who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, is conquering the world

Our faith conquers the world

All believers are the sheep, not the Shepherd

There is one flock and one Shepherd {John 10:16}

All of the Body of Christ are overcomers/conquers

NOT All those who call themselves Christians are part of the Body, only those who believe that Jesus is the Christ

There is no distinction between believers and Sons of God

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Barriers Christ Removed

Christ removed the barrier between man and God

If you are building barriers that Christ removed STOP!

STOP building barriers that Christ removed!

DO NOT build barriers that Christ removed!

Christ removed the barrier between the Jews and the Nations

It is wrong to rebuild the barriers that Christ removed

It is wrong to rebuild the barrier between the Jews and the nations

It is wrong to rebuild the barrier between God & man

No one can rebuild the barriers that Christ removed

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Do not store up for yourself treasures on this earth, store up for yourself treasures in heaven.

Earthly treasures do not last, store up heavenly treasures that do last forever.

Do not hoard for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and corrosion are causing them to disappear, and where thieves are tunneling and stealing." Yet hoard for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor corrosion are causing them to disappear, and where thieves are not tunneling nor stealing;" for wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also." {Matthew 6:19-21}

Earthly treasures decay, breakdown, get broken, get stolen or get destroyed, heaven treasures do not suffer these problems.

Heavenly treasures do not decay, breakdown, get broken, get stolen or get destroyed, earthly treasures suffer all these problems.

The benefits of earthly treasures do not last, the benefits of heavenly treasures last forever.

The benefits of everlasting heavenly treasures far out weight the short term benefits of earthly treasures.

Store up everlasting heavenly treasures, do not store up temporary earthly treasures.

All earthly treasures will be destroyed, with the total destruction of the earth when Christ returns. Heavenly treasures will not be effected.

Do not hoard up earthly treasures that will all be destroyed, with the total destruction of the earth when Christ returns. Hoard up heavenly treasures that will not be effected.

Do not be in love with earthly treasures, for they do not last.

Do not worship earthly treasures.

Do not idolize earthly treasures.

Heavenly treasures last forever, earthly treasures do not last forever

The benefits of heavenly treasures are far Greater than the benefits of earthly treasures.

The Benefits of Heavenly treasures are Permanent, the benefits of earthly treasures are not permanent.

Heavenly treasures have benefits that are lasting, earthly treasures have benefits that are not lasting.

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Short Messages