Will the Judgement Come on the Day of Atonement

25 August 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Last year on the Day Of Atonement there was something that I did in a chapel, coming up to a year on, from that event, will there be a result this year on the Day Of Atonement?

Last year the Day Of Atonement was on the 26 September 2012. On that day I walked to Waikumete Cemetery. While I was there I spilled water at a number of places. The places I spilled water at were the 11 trees, Chapel 1 & 2 and the Chapel of Faith. I also sat by the eleven trees, outside the Chapel of Faith and outside Chapel 2, but not outside Chapel 1.

I wonder if the spilling of water is connected to the upcoming work at the Headwaters of the Blue Earth River which will occur on the 5 September, the Day of Trumpets. I do not know if that is the case.

Getting back to what occurred on that day at the cemetery, I walked into Chapel 1, this represents the past judgement which occurred on Christchurch, New Zealand, back on the 22 February 2011. Then I went to Chapel 2, which I take as representing an upcoming Judgement. In Chapel 2 I prayed for the people of England and the inhabitants of London, the Great City. This to me is a sign that the judgement will be fall London, the great city. You can read more about what I did on that day here: Chapel 2, Confirmation of Coming Judgement

This year the Day of Atonement falls on the 14 September. This then is a watch date for the upcoming judgement. This is close to the date that the person at Five Doves had their vision.

“In September 2006, on the 13th, I was praying with a friend and I saw a vision (I had NEVER had a vision before in 21 years of being a Christian)

What I saw that day was a very heavy steel gate, like you would see on a castle or fortress, tremendously heavy. Just observing it I could ‘feel” or ‘sense” the awesome weight it had some how. As I watched, the gate came down slowly and was suspended a short space from the ground where it hung for a time, but the immense weight of it was impressed on me. Suddenly it slammed down to the ground. I have come to call that vision “THE STEEL GATE JUDGEMENT.”

From five doves entry: ELUL 25 - WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO CHRIST'S CHURCH

Is the up coming Judgement on London the “THE STEEL GATE JUDGEMENT.” I do not know at this time.

This brings me to the signs of a service. Back on the 22 December 2012, I got the message to

“start the service.” I started the service, mentioning the city of London and that it was in front of the angels. For a few days I started and end the days of the service. At the end of day 2 I got the sign “The list of names is long.” On day three I got the sign “The list of the dead as follows..” I do not know the names of the dead. At the end of day three I said “dead of London in what is to come.” On day seven I got the sign “last week of names.” Do I take these signs as the start of the actual service or was the start still to come?

There is also the hearse signs I have got. On the 20 December, I noticed People arriving at Rossgrove Bible Chapel and a hearse. However after the start of the service I noticed a hearse at St Mary’s and people standing outside on the 17 January 2013. Later on the 15 February I got the sign “Funeral Service, not yet.” Then on 9 August mum mentioned that there was a hearse at St Matthews.

On the 10 February my mum watch the funeral of Sir Paul Holmes on the computer for half and hour. At the time I took this as a sign of a thirty day service, however could it have indicated a much longer time? Thirty is half an hour, could have indicated half a year? Going back half year it could have started on the 10 of the first Hebrew month, when the Lambs are select for Passover, if it ends on the Day of Atonement. Another possible start date would have been Passover or Wave-sheaf.

On the 31 March 2013, I went to a number of churches in Auckland city that had services on or just finished. The different churches are covered here: Church Signs, London Service, & Spain

At St Paul’s the Easter service was on, and the funeral that mum watched was Sir Paul Holmes.

It is interesting that the 30 March 2012 I take as the end of a journey that finished in St Benedict’s. A year later I am visiting churches on Easter Sunday. Is it then that the service started on the 30 March 2013.

On the 25 August 2013, I caught part of a program, the coffin was moving towards the furnace in the chapel. Does this indicate that service is near an end and that the time of the judgement is soon?

The Day of Atonement is the end of the forty days for the Time of Intercession, will this time of prayer stop the coming Judgment on St Paul’s in London and London itself? This could stop the judgement coming, but I am not saying it will stop the coming judgement.

There is a forty day Time of Intercession that began on the 6 August and goes to the Day of Atonement, the 14 September 2013. This follows the pattern in the time of Elijah, when his ministry ended with a showdown with the prophets of Baal. In that day the prophets of Baal were judged, thus will the church be judged at the end of the forty days?

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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