Blocking of the 21

19 August 2011, Updated 30 August 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Back on the 6 July I got this sign:

“Key West completely blocks out 21 Queen”

What then does this mean? Well I think it means:

The “Key” is the “West completely blocks out 21 Queen.” That is the west, actually those influencing the west are completely blocking the Queen. The Queen, being a term for the bride of Christ. Thus the spiritual forces influencing the west are blocking the coming of the bride. That is blocking the work ahead that the body/bride will be doing. What then of the 21?

I took the 21 as a date and further indication leads me to think I am right. At first I thought it could be 21 June or 21 July.

The meaning of the indication if it is 21 June would be:

The “Key” is the “West completely blocks out” from the “21,” the “Queen.”

However the meaning could be:

The “Key” is the “West completely blocks out” until “21,” the “Queen.”

Of course now we are past 21 July, it was not a watch date. However another 21 is approaching 21 August.

On 17 August I got indication that the date for the completion, or end was the 21 August. That is I am taking the 21 as the last day of the blocking, so 21 is included. Thus making this a watch date.

This is interesting for it is the day before the 22-24 August, which was when the Pinehaven conference was held back in 2008 in the US. The 9th sign is to do with barley, and the tithe from a barley harvest was distributed at this conference. Since it was held in the US, I am thinking the 21 could be a US date as well.

I was as lead to pass by a Hindu Temple, also on the 17 August. This was while I was out walking, like I do about a couple of times each week. I do not always have an idea where I am going. You see I start of and just walk sometimes, so where I am lead. Walking to the end of this reserve I notice this building at the end of a street, I did not know what it was, but I wondered. Walking a different way I made it to a different street. Later as I was walking I made it back to the temple, this time coming down the road it was on. The sign outside indicated it was a Hindu Temple. It’s street number was 21, is there a connection here to the blocking? Possibly, the Hinduism gods influencing the west, that is the real spiritual forces, represented by the false Hinduism gods, influencing the west. As I walked past, the voice in my head told me not to go in.

As detailed in the earlier journal entry: “210 days from 27 Jan gets you 24/25 Aug 2011,” the 210th day, being 30 times 7, from 27 January 2011, is the 24 Aug. However counting all the days, it could mean the day after which is the 25 Aug. But the sign on the 27 Jan was NZ time. Two years ago on the 24 Aug I post the last in a series of entries, about God‘s love.

Since those are NZ times and the conference was in the US what does that mean for dates?

US watch dates 22-24 August

NZ dates 22-25 August

However if it is from 21, then it is not indicating a date at all.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011, Updated 30 August 2011

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