Pope Benedict and the Prophecy of the Popes

9 April 2012

By Mark Farquharson

If you have been reading these entries you will know the walks that represented the many day journey both ended in St Benedict church. The present Pope is Pope Benedict XVI. Thus there seems to be a connection between the two. I had linked this to a judgement against the Vatican. Pope Benedict’s birthday is on the 16 April, just two days after the watch date of the 14 April, which is two cleansing cycles from the end date of the tenth anniversary of a prayer campaign. There is speculation that the pope will retire after his birthday.

There is this prophecy about the Popes attributed to Saint Malachy, in which there are 112 popes, which ends with Rome being destroyed. In the prophecy the 111 pope is “Gloria olivae,” “Glory of the olive.” The Olive branch is the symbol of the Benedictine order. Ratzinger chose the name “Benedict” there by appearing to deliberately fulfill the prophecy.

There is a upcoming book called “Petrus Romanus” which is the name of the final pope in the prophecy, “Petrus Romanus,” “Peter the Roman.” The book itself covers a cryptic cipher published in 1951 in the book by Belgian Jesuit Rene Thibaut’s called “The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes.” According to the authors there is an average of eleven years for the papal reign. 40 popes including Benedict times 11 years is 440 added to 1572, the year according to them that the genuine portion of the prophecy begins, and you get 2012. For the prophecy to be fulfilled he can retire at any time in 2012, but if he does in April, then you would almost get exactly a 11. There are meant to be several other methods of cryptographic analysis that Thibaut used to derive the year 2012. For more on this refer here: “The Prophecy of the Popes & the 2012 Connection

I am not claiming that the prophecy is true, I am just stating the prophecy since I came across the prophecy recently and the Pope’s birthday is close to the watch date.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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