Correction to Recent Signs

14 January 2013

By Mark Farquharson

This correction below is a correction to some of the information given in the entry: Western Springs & Food Counter in Library

Recently I mention the sign of the tram, and that it was going to come at 11:15. However I have now remember more about what happen. While the tram was going to come at 11:15, I was there at 11:00. I did not wait for the tram. Thus the time in the sequence is not 11:15, but actually 11. My thinking would be that it is the start of the eleven month.

Thus when I observed the tram on the 3 January 2013, it may or may not have been pasted 11:15, but if it was a sign that I was past the stop where I had got the earlier sign, then it was pasted 11. This confirmed by the sign of the zoo on the 6 January 2013.

I said incorrectly before that the eleven did not have to refer to November. My thinking now is that it does not refer to the time of November in the year. That is the 11 did not start at the start of November. However it can be likened onto November, which I will get to later. As I said before the eleven did not refer to the eleventh Hebrew feast month or the eleventh Jewish civil month. I did incorrectly liken it to a prophetic year of 360 days, it does not have to be a prophetic year.

When then was the start of the eleven month? There are two time indications that I can go by. These are to do with Halloween which is on the 31 October, which is the day before the start of November the eleventh month. The first time indication is 21 December 2012 and the second is 25 December 2012. There was a sign to do with Halloween on both those days. The question is which one should I go by for the start of eleven? The tram sign on the 3 January does not help as it is past both these dates.

Unusually on the 21 December my mum got this Halloween plastic pumpkin given to her that had sweets inside. This is the date it was given to her, and on Halloween is when you get the treats. However the sweets were given out on Christmas Day. Thus should one go by this date instead. With Christmas you can get the present before or on the day, but you open it on the day. However with Halloween you the kids get the sweets on the day, mum got them on the 21 December, they were redistributed on the 25. You could debate this endlessly, lets go to the numbers instead.

The other number I mentioned in the Western Springs entry was the 11:30, which occurred at the library counter. At the counter of course you can ask for directions to where a section of books is located in the library. I take the sign as indicating where something is located, it is located at 11:30. The woman did say last night, and I have thought that could mean 12:00 instead, however I do think it is 11:30. I think this could be the location of the food counter in the library dream. The food representing the provision.

There are two dates then one can come up with for the 11:30. The first is starting the eleventh month on the 22, and the second is starting it on the 26 December. Starting on the 22 December you get the 30 of the month as the 20 January 2013. If I start on the 26 December, the 30 of the month is the 24 January 2013.

Recently I have covered two possible dates for the coming service, the first one is the 20 January 2013 which matches the first date above, and the 27 January, which does not match the second date above. The first date does fit with the 16 day count that I have mentioned in recent entries, being the time between the back pew and the stage at the front. The 20 January is a month after the last service. This of course does not discount the possibility that something could occur that means that we will have to wait until the 27 January.

Why I say it is likened on to November is because of the events in November. There was the return of the Coronation Stone, The Stone of Destiny, which arrived in Edinborough, Scotland on the 30 November, 1996. Thus the time of the Coronation of the Overcomers could be the 20 January, then again this could be the time of transition on to the 27 January. On the 29 November 2011, Dr Jones built a scale model of the Great Pyramid, finishing it on the 30 November by placing the Capstone, or Headstone. You can read about the building of the Pyramid here: Coming out of Egypt and a New Birth

Last time I mentioned the Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens, London. In the sequences there is the Kensington Gardens in Auckland, New Zealand. He is the latest dates for the sequence, update for the sign I got on the 8 January, if I have them correct.

Sequence Dates: Starts in 2012

St Michael & All Angels Church in Corban Estate: 30 March

Henderson Park: Covers a period of time already past

Number 999 on rock: 21 June

Keeling rd: 4 July

Plumber Domain: Period of time started 4 July, this period now finished.

Seats near Garelja rd {Holy Spirit sign} & seats in Millbrook Esplanade: 9 August

Corban Park: 8 September

Hindmarsh Green: Pasted

Dalmatia Green: 17 September

Border rd: 9 October

Henderson Valley Park and the Pony Club inside the park, covers a period of time that started about 30 October, and is still going.

Bruce Mclaren Memorial Park: 30 October

Xena Park: Pasted

San Bernadino Reserve: 6 November

Lake Panorama {360}: From 6 November

Landow Reserve: 8 November

San Lorenzo: 29 November

Start of Virginia Street: 9 December

Starforth Park Tables: 19 December

Misty Valley Dr:

Henderson Valley Green {goes to name sign}: 8 January 2013

End of Virginia Street: 8 January 2013

Kensington Gardens: Started 8 January 2013

Start of South Kensington: Upcoming event

Henderson Valley name sign: Upcoming event

End of South Kensington: Upcoming event

Kiwi Valley Farm: Not sure if this is part of the sequence.

One should see that in the sequence we are now in the time of Kensington Gardens.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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