Signs of the Moon, Provision Coming in Ninth Hebrew month

20 November 2011

By Mark Farquharson

I have been getting revelations as you know, but the problem has been with my understanding of them. Thus lets see if I can make better understanding of them to see what they indicate.

I have gotten four signs of the moon, these being the full moon in April, May, October and November. The third and forth signs I relate back to the earlier signs. Thus Oct relates to April and Nov relates to May. Now April was the first Hebrew month and May was the second, thus a repeating patterning in Oct and Nov. What is it in the first and second month that is part of the repeating pattern? It is Passover, Wave-Sheaf and Unleavened Bread which are in the first Hebrew month, but if you did not observe these in the first month you could observe them in the second. The eighth Hebrew month started on 29 Oct. However the dates for Passover, Wave-Sheaf and Unleavened Bread if observed in the eighth Hebrew month have all passed. That does not mean I am incorrect, for one has to see if some other pattern applies.

The pattern that applies is what happened in the days of Hezekiah. I had forgotten all about this pattern until I remembered it the morning of the 19 Nov. In those days the whole nation of Israel observed the second Passover and second Unleavened Bread.

2 Chronicles 30:2-3 Yea, the king and his rulers and all the convocation in Jerusalem, had taken counsel,—to keep the passover in the second month. For they were unable to keep it at that time,—because, the priests, had not hallowed themselves in sufficient numbers, and, the people, had not gathered themselves unto Jerusalem. {Rotherham}

2 Chronicles 30:21 And so the sons of Israel who were found in Jerusalem kept the festival of unleavened cakes seven days, with great rejoicing,—and the Levites and the priests, were offering praise unto Yahweh day by day, with loud instruments, unto Yahweh. {Rotherham}

They were unable to keep the passover in the first month, thus they took counsel to keep the passover in the second month. Then they extended the Unleavened Bread feast by seven days, making it a two week feast instead of the usual one week:

2 Chronicles 30:23 Then all the convocation took counsel, to keep seven days more,—and they kept seven days, with rejoicing. {Rotherham}

Back in May I stated that this is the pattern for 2011 according to Dr Jones. Thus if one extends the feast then the end of the feast has not come yet.

Week one: 12-18 Nov. being the 15-21 of the eighth month a repeat of the second month. The end of the first week is the date that I mentioned in several previous entries.

Week two: 19-25 Nov. being the 22-28 of the eighth month a repeat of the second month.

After the extended feast back in the days of Hezekiah the provision started for the priests in the third Hebrew month.

2 Ch 31:4 And he {Hezekiah} said to the people, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priests, and of the Levites, so that they are strengthened in the law of Yahweh;" {CLV}

2Ch 31:6-7 And the sons of Israel and Judah, those dwelling in cities of Judah, they also a tithe of herd and flock, and a tithe of the holy things that are sanctified to Yahweh their Elohim {God}, have brought in, and they give--heaps, heaps;" in the third month they have begun to lay the foundation of the heaps, and in the seventh month they have finished. {CLV}

Thus following this repeat pattern, the third Hebrew month for our repeat will be the ninth Hebrew month. This is interesting as the provision we are waiting on is the ninth sign. It does not say when they starting giving the provision in the third month. This connects with the fact that the ninth sign is barley for in the week of Unleavened Bread is the Wave-Sheaf offering, which is the firstfruit of the barley.

The ninth Hebrew month starts on the 27 Nov. However one should allow for the two day new moon observance which would have been at first visible crescent. Two days is 27-28 Nov. thus earliest would be the 29 Nov.

The actual coronation of the overcomers is said to occur on the 30 Nov 2011, according to Dr Jones.

Other Signs that I have mentioned in past entries:

Delayed Birthday meal: This sign came on 27 June about two months after my birthday. I at the time did not know how to apply this sign. Given the dream, which was four 8’s and a 4, you get Jesus being the first three 8’s, which leave 8 and 4 making 12. This totals 36 or my current age which I seem to be saying a lot lately.

Jesus’ birthday was on Rosh Hoshana which this year occurred on the 29 Oct. Two months on to that gets you 29 Nov. Thus the day before the coronation.

I have mentioned that on the 27 July I got the indication that the sign had been there 6 months and a connection to motorway. The question being what sign? Thus when what sign has been there 6 months I will be at motorway? Well I have thought 6 months from when I was up the mount on the 30 March. Thus my thinking was Rosh Hoshana and that was a watch date, with the revelation of “Encounter” coming. Rosh Hoshana is 100 days from the time of the ring, 100 being the motorway speed.

But there is another way to look at it. When the sign of the moon has been there six months I will be at motorway. Thus the second sign of the moon was on the 17 May, and 6 months gets you mid Nov. Interestingly a motorway tunnel opened on the 14 Nov in NZ, thus 6 months from sign. The 14 Nov was the start of the 2-week procession for the coronation ceremony. About 100 days ago on the 7 August the name of an episode of a program I watched was “The Open Door.” There was two more episodes to go in the series after that episode.

What then of 7 and 30, well 30 indicating month, thus 7 months. I have said seven times 30, or 210 days, starting at Wave Sheaf, back on 22 April, and this did get you end of first week in the eighth month. However there is also 6:36. The 36 being my age, and 6 months from my birthday gets 28 Oct. Thus seven months would get you 28 Nov. Interestingly the Royal wedding was on the 29 April, and seven months gets you 29 Nov.

What then of Skyscraper? Well the tallest I said was the “Burj Khalifa” {Former called "Burj Dubai"} at 160 stories. Going from the time of the anniversary of the ring 21 June, 160 days is 28 Nov.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011.

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