Signs 7:11, 12000 & 144,000

10 June 2012. Edited 16 June 2012

By Mark Farquharson


I have seen this time a lot and have taken it as a sign. The question then is what does it mean? 711 days, or 7 months and 11 years, or 7 month of the 11 year or something else. For instance when people refer to 9/11, it is the ninth month and the 11 day. However in NZ we do put day then month, which can mean the seven of the 11 month.

The seventh month of the eleven year, you would think of 2011, however I am as sure as I can be that this time has not pasted. You do have think about the delay, and if that is a factor. The other point is that it could be the 11 year from 2001, thus that would get you 2012. Of course one could point out that it could be the 11 year from some other year. There is the 10 year Hezekiah cycle, a one year delay would make it 11 years. Why am I focusing on 11 years, because it is coming up on a couple of 11 year anniversaries, being the Marriage Proposal 19 June and the Ring 21 June. I have also seen the date 7/1/11, thus the 11 is indicated as being the year. In 7/1/11 then is the 7 the month or is the 1 the month? My thinking is the seven is the month, for in the sign 7:11, if the 11 is the year, I would think then the seven is the month.

The seventh month is July, thus one could think 1 July, given the 1 in the date. There is also the seventh Hebrew month to consider. There is some indication on the 1 July, but it could just be indicating the first of the seventh month in a count, not the first of July. What do I mean, the first of the seventh month in a pattern. Thus where to start our count or pattern.

In recent entries I have mentioned the lunar cycle, that is the lunar month, and it is the Hebrew month that follows a lunar cycle. Remember it is the pattern I am after, the cycle, not the actual Hebrew month. I have seen six full moons this year, which come on about the 14 of the Hebrew month. The seventh month in the pattern starts on the 21 June 2012, but that is not the seventh Hebrew month.

12000 & 144,000

Some of you would have read about this dream I had about a table. In the dream the table cost $12,000, but I could not afford the table as I only had $ 6,000. Well that’s the dream, which I had back on 24 May 2010. The number 12000 is in the book of Revelation chapter 7. Each of the 12 tribes mentioned has 12000 for a total of 144000.

Of the 12 tribes mentioned two are different to the usual list. The two tribes not mentioned are Dan and Ephraim, because of their rebellion and idolatry. Replacing them are Joseph and Levi. Joseph had two sons Ephraim and Manasseh, which were two of the tribes, but in the list in Revelation it is Joseph and Manasseh. The Levities worked in the temple and had no tribal allotment, in Revelation they are given a place.

Thus the dream links one of the tribes to the table. The table being the table of showbread or presence-bread in the temple. Presence is a better term because the bread was required to be always in the presence of Yahweh. I got the sign “it’s time for the priests to enter the temple.” Thus it is time for the priests to enter the temple and be in God’s presence. The priests are the members of the body of Christ.

Revelation 1:5-6 To Him Who is loving us and looses us from our sins by His blood" and makes us a kingdom and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and might for the eons of the eons! Amen!" {CLV}

All the twelve tribes in Revelation 7 are members of the body of Christ and are there for priests, not just the Levi tribe. The tribes do represent other items in the temple. I do not know how or which tribes relate to which items in the temple. As a whole spiritually the body is a temple, being the living stones.

Note the bread was in the temple for a week, being replaced on the Sabbath with fresh bread. Not sure if it being in the temple for a week is relevant, but it could be. Might indicate a length of time, but might not.

This year on the 28 February I had just over 12,000 in the account. Thus I could afford the table in the dream. On that day I went to a meeting were bread was on show on a table. It was actually sourdough bread, but I still take it as a sign, indicating that the 12000 table is the table of showbread or presence-bread. There at the meeting was also Paul Newman’s Dressing made with Extra virgin olive oil. A different Paul, back in the first century wrote the book of Romans. In Romans 11, some of the boughs are broken out, those being the unfaithful of Israel, and the wild olives are grafted in.

Romans 11:17-20 Now if some of the boughs are broken out, yet you, being a wild olive, are grafted among them, and became a joint participant of the root and fatness of the olive, be not vaunting, you are not bearing the root, but the root you." You will be declaring, then, "Boughs are broken out that I may be grafted in." Ideally! By unbelief are they broken out, yet you stand in faith. {CLV}

The wild olives are the faithful from the nations. For more on Romans 11 refer to this entry: God’s Cultivated Olive Tree

This sign also connects with the wise or prudent virgins in the parable of the 10 virgins {Mathew 25}, being that it was Extra virgin olive oil. The faithful being the wise virgins that go with the bridegroom, who is Jesus Christ. For a lot more on that parable refer to this article: The Wedding of Christ and His Bride

Back on the 16 February I looked at my account, which was 11,376.74 and thought it was close to 12,000 the number in the dream. I then worked out when I would hit the 12,000, a payment on the 28 February would put it just over the 12,000.

Looking back at it now, there could be another sign in the amount, for it was actually 12,021.60. I did not pick up on this before, but 21.6, could be indicating 21 June.

Connected Info From Ray Walter:


In fall 2010 I had a man named Ariel stop in to say hello. His mother had been a relative of mine named Olive. My sister and her husband had bought a 40 acre field from Olive that had been her inheritance. In spring 2011 I got a call that they had to sell the field "Olive's 40" and the price was $3600 per acre.

I then realized that 3600 X 40 was 144,000. This happened around the time Dr Bruggeman had a conference with the theme "The Inheritance Of The 5 Daughters Of Zeleophead".

I told my sister something in the spirit was going on with that field and later when they tried to sell it she got sick to her stomach and couldn't sign the papers…

Several things happened on the June 5th & 6th days of the transit of the Morning Star.

Firstly Martha Walter, the woman that was married to Solomon and a SIL to Olive (Olive's 40 acre $144000 field) died on the 6th. Her daughter Andrea's (named after her grandpa Andrew J) middle name is Joy. She married a man named Stephen Rose.

They have 4 girls that are named Grace, Faith, Hope and Victory. Hope is pregnant

and got to see Martha the day before she died. Martha was 93 and in that home quite a while now. Its almost as if when she saw Hope was going to give birth she could go home.

Some of you are familiar with the Rose signs, the rose window in the cathedral in Christchurch that was damaged in the earthquake, the rose drawn in the sand when the quake cracked the capital dome in Olympia, the tudor rose on the round table and the rose shape Venus has made in the heavens in the last 8 years.

End Quotes.

Thus one can see the connection, with the 144,000 to the tribes in Revelation 7 and the name Olive connecting to the wild olives being grafted in. Ariel is a name for Jerusalem. Ariel Sharon is the former Israeli prime minister.

The Tudor rose being the heraldic emblem of England. There is a round table top with the Tudor rose in the middle which is hanging in Winchester Castle, it has the names of various knights of Arthur's court. How the 144,000 connects to the other rose signs and the England signs I am not sure at this time. For more signs on England refer to these entries: England Signs

Other Watch Dates:

28 June: Anniversary of the 1997 Boxing Match, Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield. Field represents the world, thus “holy world.”

9 July: 2-year anniversary of the casting of barley into the headwaters of the Mississippi River.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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